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buttonsmum 28-11-2010 20:52

Re: Free grit for all!

Originally Posted by Tealeaf (Post 865262)
This is the old Leftie in me now.

Surely the distribution of this grit should have been on the basis of need, and not want? Based upon the electoral register I would have assumed that HBC is fully aware of senior citizens within the borough and also those who are disabled. These are the people who would have most difficulty in clearing their footpaths, steps and backyards and these are the people who should have had priority.

Got to agree with you Tealeaf, Whilst I would love to receive our bag of grit to clear our pathways I think all the senior citizens and those who are disabled should be given priority.

Gremlin 28-11-2010 20:52

Re: Free grit for all!

Originally Posted by Tealeaf (Post 865251)
Well, they've delivered in Ossy. But maybe the 5000 bag allocation has not yet been fully subscribed?

I phoned to order mine last week and asked how many had been already ordered, I was told that it was well over 5000 but not to worry I would still get one, (to add to the one I bought last year and is still half full). I am not greedy, just a poll tax payer who want a bit back.


Tealeaf 28-11-2010 21:09

Re: Free grit for all!

Originally Posted by Bernard Dawson (Post 865272)
I would agree with that. And I would hope that those groups you mention wont be left out. I also know quite a few people who have been ringing up for their elderly neighbours.

That all begs a number of questions, Bernard. Given that it is my understanding that the news of the Brit Grit was sprung on a council meeting only a few weeks ago, these are:

1) When and where was the funding approved for this? Presumably advance orders have had to be made for what is (I guess) already bagged stock, given the depletion of general stocks after last winter.

2) When was the formal purchase made?

3) When and who made the decision to allocate on the basis of first come, first served?

4) What is the current distribution policy regarding deliveries?

5) More specifically, I now understand that deliveries will occur any time after 7am, which means that some people who have ordered have to be up and about at that time and opening their back yard doors in order to allow access. There is no fixed delivery time, so some pensioners have been doing this for the last week, to no avail. I also note the temperature in Accy is currently -7C has I write.

cashman 28-11-2010 21:23

Re: Free grit for all!
after phone conversation wi em, there leaving ours in front garden, sod getting up every day n putting the heating on waiting fer ever. if someone nicks it, tough luck,:eek:

Bernard Dawson 28-11-2010 23:45

Re: Free grit for all!

Originally Posted by Tealeaf (Post 865283)
That all begs a number of questions, Bernard. Given that it is my understanding that the news of the Brit Grit was sprung on a council meeting only a few weeks ago, these are:

1) When and where was the funding approved for this? Presumably advance orders have had to be made for what is (I guess) already bagged stock, given the depletion of general stocks after last winter.

2) When was the formal purchase made?

3) When and who made the decision to allocate on the basis of first come, first served?

4) What is the current distribution policy regarding deliveries?

5) More specifically, I now understand that deliveries will occur any time after 7am, which means that some people who have ordered have to be up and about at that time and opening their back yard doors in order to allow access. There is no fixed delivery time, so some pensioners have been doing this for the last week, to no avail. I also note the temperature in Accy is currently -7C has I write.

As you can probably appreciate I'm not a member of the controlling group. And I'm not really able to answer any the questions you ask.Although I suspect that quite a few of the controlling group would not be able to answer the questions either. I've just been able to find bits of information out, such as how many bags of grit the contract was far.And also the original budget allocation.

Neil 29-11-2010 08:53

Re: Free grit for all!

Originally Posted by Bernard Dawson (Post 865324)
I've just been able to find bits of information out, such as how many bags of grit the contract was far.And also the original budget allocation.

You should be in politics, you answered the question without giving any answers :rolleyes::D

Neil 29-11-2010 09:00

Re: Free grit for all!
1 Attachment(s)
Last year we were all moaning about the lack of grit. Now your moaning about its distribution.
What next, "Its too smelly" oops we have had that one.
Errrmm what about "They cant give me an exact delivery time", nope we have had that one
What about "Too many people want it", nope thats been said
Errr this is getting hard, what about "Its not salty enough", yes thats a new one :rolleyes::D

I think this picture says it all.

Benipete 29-11-2010 09:16

Re: Free grit for all!
It would appear that it can't be delivered because of he snowy conditions.:hehetable

jaysay 29-11-2010 09:55

Re: Free grit for all!

Originally Posted by Tealeaf (Post 865232)
Did Pete tell you that?

Na Taleaf the Ossy Boarder patrol:D

jaysay 29-11-2010 09:55

Re: Free grit for all!

Originally Posted by Tealeaf (Post 865236)
As suspected, Ossy gets priority.


jaysay 29-11-2010 09:57

Re: Free grit for all!

Originally Posted by Bernard Dawson (Post 865248)
I wasn't aware that they'd delivered any bags yet. The original contract and funding was for 5000 bags. So if its now 7500 bags and climbing, it will be interesting to see where the extra funding is coming from.

Your tea money's been stopped:D

jaysay 29-11-2010 10:02

Re: Free grit for all!

Originally Posted by Neil (Post 865341)
Last year we were all moaning about the lack of grit. Now your moaning about its distribution.
What next, "Its too smelly" oops we have had that one.
Errrmm what about "They cant give me an exact delivery time", nope we have had that one
What about "Too many people want it", nope thats been said
Errr this is getting hard, what about "Its not salty enough", yes thats a new one :rolleyes::D

I think this picture says it all.

Things will change when Ken Moss is in charge Neil:rolleyes::rolleyes: there'll only be one door:D with the two notices on it, got save money you know:D

jaysay 29-11-2010 10:03

Re: Free grit for all!

Originally Posted by Benipete (Post 865347)
It would appear that it can't be delivered because of he snowy conditions.:hehetable

Their having trouble gritting the roads:rolleyes:

Bernard Dawson 29-11-2010 10:10

Re: Free grit for all!

Originally Posted by jaysay (Post 865363)
Your tea money's been stopped:D

Not so much that,I don't drink the stuff.But stopping some of the more lavish buffets some members of the Conservative group have been enjoying at the ratepayers expense, would be a step in the right direction

Neil 29-11-2010 10:23

Re: Free grit for all!
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by jaysay (Post 865365)
Things will change when Ken Moss is in charge Neil:rolleyes::rolleyes: there'll only be one door:D with the two notices on it, got save money you know:D

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