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jedimaster 08-11-2011 22:39

Re: Common Law

Originally Posted by MargaretR (Post 946177)
Ridicule is not humour

funny that (pardon the pun) but i believe that all the comedians that have made a living from it would beg to differ with you on that point :tongueout

MargaretR 08-11-2011 23:03

Re: Common Law

Originally Posted by jedimaster (Post 946183)
funny that (pardon the pun) but i believe that all the comedians that have made a living from it would beg to differ with you on that point :tongueout

Laughing with people is good - laughing at people is malicous.
Not all 'comedians' are funny - you must be a Russell Brand fan:rolleyes:

Michael1954 08-11-2011 23:08

Re: Common Law

Originally Posted by MargaretR (Post 946190)
Laughing with people is good - laughing at people is malicous.
Not all 'comedians' are funny - you must be a Russell Brand fan:rolleyes:

You're not ridiculing Jedimaster, are you, Margaret?

MargaretR 08-11-2011 23:10

Re: Common Law

Originally Posted by Michael1954 (Post 946192)
You're not ridiculing Jedimaster, are you, Margaret?

Maybe;) - as you sow, so shall you reap:D

MargaretR 08-11-2011 23:20

Re: Common Law
PS - “Nothing has more retarded the advancement of learning than the disposition of vulgar minds to ridicule and vilify what they cannot comprehend”

Samuel Johnson quotes

jedimaster 08-11-2011 23:23

Re: Common Law

Originally Posted by MargaretR (Post 946190)
Laughing with people is good - laughing at people is malicous.
Not all 'comedians' are funny - you must be a Russell Brand fan:rolleyes:

actually no i'm not a russel brand fan (if you had read my post in the favourite comedy decade thread then this would be obvious) as for being malicious, i'm afraid you know me not i merely point out that the idea of a national conspiracy theory pertaining to the unlawful issuance of a parking fine is a tad extreme.

i can also name several classic comedians who have made a living from the ridicule of people (celebrities/races/class etc. or is the stereotyping of characters not a form of ridicule, you broody sirry irriot, why you not risten)

Michael1954 08-11-2011 23:26

Re: Common Law

Originally Posted by Michael1954 (Post 945688)
Kenny, do you think all restrictions on parking should be abandoned? I live in Great Harwood and the double yellow lines on Glebe Street are regularly ignored. As result, access can be difficult at times, especially when turning into this street from Queen Street. I just wish that these lines WERE policed and penalties imposed on those who think they are above the law, and you can choose whichever law you like!

Margaret, Kenny has not responded to my question so perhaps you could let me have your thoughts on it. I thought I would ask you as you do not have a vulgar mind.

MargaretR 08-11-2011 23:55

Re: Common Law

Originally Posted by Michael1954 (Post 946197)
Margaret, Kenny has not responded to my question so perhaps you could let me have your thoughts on it. I thought I would ask you as you do not have a vulgar mind.

It is clear to me that Kenny has been investigating the Freeman on the Land movement.

I have watched a few videos they have produced and read about them on the web, but I don't claim to be an expert on what they advocate.

A parking fine (and such like) is 'revenue collection for the (limited)company' and not 'law enforcement' since the principles of Common Law have not been breached.

The movement appears to challenge such revenue collection by police officers who used to be policemen/policewomen.

It is best not to ridicule something you don't understand, and the subject needs to looked at in depth.

Some of the things the movement stands for do seem to have some credibility

Michael1954 09-11-2011 00:02

Re: Common Law
But I am not ridiculing it. I am simply asking a civil question about parking on double yellow lines which causes problems on the street I mentioned. You have not answered my question, Margaret.

MargaretR 09-11-2011 00:24

Re: Common Law

Originally Posted by Michael1954 (Post 946202)
But I am not ridiculing it. I am simply asking a civil question about parking on double yellow lines which causes problems on the street I mentioned. You have not answered my question, Margaret.

I cannot comment other than to prompt you to consider -
...who decided that yellow lines were appropriate? maybe some unelected employee of the council gets permission from an unelected magistrate
...what 'crime' is prevented by the yellow lines? parking isn't a 'common law' crime if no-one suffers harm.
...who gains by them being there? the revenue is forwarded to the limited company who are employing those collecting officers.

PS I find it confusing too ;)

Michael1954 09-11-2011 00:42

Re: Common Law
The purpose of yellow lines is to allow the free movement of traffic so that everyone can go about their business. If we had a free for all about parking then there would be chaos. The street I mentioned is not policed. If it were, I suspect parking tickets would be issued. Would this be wrong? Would it not act as a deterrent to illegal parking? If the existing system is wrong then what alternatives and solutions would you suggest?

MargaretR 09-11-2011 00:59

Re: Common Law

Originally Posted by Michael1954 (Post 946205)
The purpose of yellow lines is to allow the free movement of traffic so that everyone can go about their business. If we had a free for all about parking then there would be chaos. The street I mentioned is not policed. If it were, I suspect parking tickets would be issued. Would this be wrong? Would it not act as a deterrent to illegal parking? If the existing system is wrong then what alternatives and solutions would you suggest?

I don't, and can't.

All I am trying to explain to you is that the 'Freeman on the Land' movement challenges the collection of revenue via statute, and claims that those statutes have been illegally imposed/enforced.

jedimaster 09-11-2011 01:08

Re: Common Law

Originally Posted by MargaretR (Post 946206)
I don't, and can't.

All I am trying to explain to you is that the 'Freeman on the Land' movement challenges the collection of revenue via statute, and claims that those statutes have been illegally imposed/enforced.

with this i agree, however short of overthrowing the government there is pretty much nothing we can do about it!

Michael1954 09-11-2011 01:17

Re: Common Law
Which is why I asked Kenny in the first place. It's all very well for him to try and make his point, but he should also be able to provide alternatives and solutions to ensure that illegal parking does not prevent others, including the emergency services, going about their business.

Neil 09-11-2011 01:32

Re: Common Law

Originally Posted by kenny (Post 946128)
Well, I dont know how to reply to Niel, "not just copied from some conspiracy website" ?

So, thats all the .gov sites out of the way for a start,

and what does Neil consider a conspiracy website ?

Is it that if you find a web site, and YOU disagree with what it says, its a "Conspiracy Web site?
Or, if you are too lazy to do your own research, or you havent a clue how to, thats not my problem,
Hows this for a "conspiracy" In 1999 an international investigation of Child Pornographers and Paedophiles (run by Britains National Criminal Intelligence Services) (NCIS) codenaned Operation Ore. FACT!
It resulted in 7,250 suspects in the UK alone. FACT
Some 900 individuals remained under investigation in early 2003. FACT!
British Police began to close in on some top suspects in the Operation Ore investigation Including SENIOR MEMBERS OF BLAIRS GOVERNMENT. FACT!

Now then, I am NOT a conspiracy theorist, but, maybe someone more CLEVERER than me can explain to everyone,



By the way a 'D' NOTICE is a GAG on every kind of MEDIA that UK citizens have access to, and this particular one will last 100 Years, FACT!

Rules are Rules, be they British OR French, But the poor in Britain "THINK" they are laws!

Since when did "RULES" not"LAWS" cost SO much?

Sorry but I don't understand your post, who is being lazy, you or me?

I just can't find these ltd companies you posted as being what you say they are. A couple had a similar name but was not what you said. Another was a credit union owned by LCC which I would expect to be a ltd company.

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