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jaysay 02-02-2012 10:23

Re: Going far too far!

Originally Posted by MargaretR (Post 967068)
The two environmental health officers who visited me a few years ago don't sit behind desks all day.

They visit problem sites too.

I supplied them with the car reg no of the woman who visited Heys field with three labradors twice a day, and the usual times she visited - they did follow up that info.

Was a prosecution forthcoming Margaret?

jaysay 02-02-2012 10:36

Re: Going far too far!

Originally Posted by Eric (Post 967152)
I've noticed, and probably you have too big guy (Canadian "term of endearment";):D), that a politician campaigning for office spouts ideas, opinions, policies, extolls his own qualities for office ... one of which is usually accessability, his willingness to keep in continual contact with his constituents etc. etc. etc. .... Yet once elected he spouts meaningless crocks of horse manure, and becomes invisible and unavailable until the next election:rolleyes:

Ya Eric we all know that happens in politics whether its in the good old homeland or Canada, I don't have a problem with that as its all part of the political scene, but one, then opposition Councillor openly stated on here that he would not dodge the issues after the election, he would always come on here and stand his corner, but as we have seen when to going got tough we didn't see Mossy for dust, now whether that's by his own volition or he's been order not to come on here (and believe me they are told what they have to do or suffer the consequences, a prime example being George Slynn) we will probably never know

MargaretR 02-02-2012 10:38

Re: Going far too far!

Originally Posted by jaysay (Post 967203)
Was a prosecution forthcoming Margaret?

I think she got a warning - they weren't allowed to tell me, but she stopped coming.

Less 02-02-2012 10:47

Well I find it sad that your first appearance and post on AccyWeb in such a long time is the one that you made. After all your promises before you were elected we now find:-


Originally Posted by Ken Moss (Post 967160)
a quick Google search brought up an Accyweb thread as one of the options.

Why is that sad? It is sad my dear Mossy because at one time AccyWeb would have been your 'home page', the first place you would have looked.

The rest of the quote too long and too many excuses, rather than apologising for your absence, (pressure of work, settling into new responsibilities, etc, etc), you chose to blame the members that ypu had let down. We stopped being 'fun'.

As Rindy has already stated your 'fun', was attacking the opposition at every chance.
You appeared to be perhaps the 'new broom', that is desperately needed, well, new certainly but it appears that almost all the bristles fell out allowing you only to make this sweeping sentence but not to fulfil your promises of keeping us informed.
AccyWeb could still be fun for you, all you have to do is start posting again, believe it or not, I suspect the reason for the flak is because we have missed you.

So, take a deep political breath, cast to one side your fear of criticism, (it will still happen it happens to all of us), get posting and prove yourself to be above the need to run off and hide from us now that you have, 'control'.

Hope you sort your homepage out see you soon.

jaysay 02-02-2012 10:49

Re: Going far too far!

Originally Posted by jaysay (Post 967208)
Ya Eric we all know that happens in politics whether its in the good old homeland or Canada, I don't have a problem with that as its all part of the political scene, but one, then opposition Councillor openly stated on here that he would not dodge the issues after the election, he would always come on here and stand his corner, but as we have seen when to going got tough we didn't see Mossy for dust, now whether that's by his own volition or he's been order not to come on here (and believe me they are told what they have to do or suffer the consequences, a prime example being George Flynn) we will probably never know

Um it seems that Councillor Moss has broken surface proving one thing that he has been monitoring this site. There was a song released called "what a difference a day makes" we can change the title to to year, because our Ken, around this time last year, building up to the May elections, found this forum fun to be part of, we were treated to a daily dose of Britcliffe bashing which our Ken though was hilarious at the time. One has to say that the treatment he and his colleges received on here was nowhere near a vicious and vindictive as the bile and hatred which poured from Kens keyboard on a daily basis, we didn't even get a rest at weekends, but yet he's decided to take his bat and ball home, sing when your winning you only sing when your winning springs to mind. As has been said prior if you can't stand the heat keep out the kitchen

cashman 02-02-2012 13:16

Re: Going far too far!
Right as yeh have decided to pop back Ken, I would like to ask a direct question. I can accept yer answer to this issue BUT. As normally theres no smoke without fire. Have the council been either discussing this issue regarding these night lenses,? or have they been pricing em up? Cos the Mail has obviously got this fairytale from somewhere. Seems to me like there coulda been some mischief-making afoot.

Eric 02-02-2012 14:02

Re: Going far too far!

Originally Posted by cashman (Post 967234)
Right as yeh have decided to pop back Ken, I would like to ask a direct question. I can accept yer answer to this issue BUT. As normally theres no smoke without fire. Have the council been either discussing this issue regarding these night lenses,? or have they been pricing em up? Cos the Mail has obviously got this fairytale from somewhere. Seems to me like there coulda been some mischief-making afoot.

So it's a hoax ... and it ain't even April:rolleyes: Just took another look at the pic in the "Mail", and it does remind me of something you would have seen on "Laugh In":D Still don't see why Councillor Moss is avoiding AccyWeb ... he seems like a smart enough guy; didn't he realize that when one is elected, one becomes a target (Canadian term, though not one of endearment). And there are a few on here who take a lot of flack on a regular basis ... doesn't stop them from posting.

susie123 02-02-2012 14:26

Re: Going far too far!

Originally Posted by Eric (Post 967241)
So it's a hoax ... and it ain't even April:rolleyes: Just took another look at the pic in the "Mail", and it does remind me of something you would have seen on "Laugh In":D Still don't see why Councillor Moss is avoiding AccyWeb ... he seems like a smart enough guy; didn't he realize that when one is elected, one becomes a target (Canadian term, though not one of endearment). And there are a few on here who take a lot of flack on a regular basis ... doesn't stop them from posting.

I see the pics in the Mail are copyright Cascade News whose website says:

Cascade News provides regional newspaper publishers with an additional revenue stream.

We sell your news content to national newspapers, magazines, TV, websites, foreign publications and beyond.

So presumably this originated in the Lancs Telegraph story of 29 Jan on the net, but where did they get it from? And is that really the dog warden in those pictures which look very contrived to me.

Gordon Booth 02-02-2012 15:12

Re: Going far too far!
I'm puzzled also!
We have, supposedly, photos of Fran Gibbons dog warden lurking in the bushes with his expensive camera, looking like he's saying 'Smile please' and 'I see no ships', we have extensive quotes from him.Is it him? Are those true quotes? Was he authorized to talk to and be photographed by reporters?

We have a long quote from Ken Moss although he doesn't mention night vision goggles.
However we have a quote supposedly from Miles Parkinson,council leader in Hyndburn(Rose of Arden website??) 'It's difficult at those times because the person has to be caught in the act.However with night vision, wardens can see much further along footpaths where the problem occurs and catch offenders.We hope that if people know that night vision is available to our wardens, it will serve as a deterrent. Hyndburns new technology allows them to work at all hours in areas not illuminated by street lighting'.
We even have a quote from he whose name shall not be spoken "It's a great idea".
Is all this false and lies? If so what is HBC going to do about it as at the moment the newspapers and internet are reporting them in a very unflattering way(to put it mildly).

In post 72 susi123 attached a report-Cost for period 11/12 £79,584. Fixed penalty notices issued for 11/12-3. I know other work is involved but the report makes interesting reading.

susie123 02-02-2012 15:26

Re: Going far too far!

Originally Posted by Gordon Booth (Post 967255)
Is all this false and lies? If so what is HBC going to do about it as at the moment the newspapers and internet are reporting them in a very unflattering way(to put it mildly).

In post 72 susi123 attached a report-Cost for period 11/12 £79,584. Fixed penalty notices issued for 11/12-3. I know other work is involved but the report makes interesting reading.

My thoughts exactly Gordon. HBC do not exactly cover themselves with glory in this story and yet appear to have done little about it.

cashman 02-02-2012 15:49

Re: Going far too far!

Originally Posted by susie123 (Post 967257)
My thoughts exactly Gordon. HBC do not exactly cover themselves with glory in this story and yet appear to have done little about it.

True but are they not covered in crap?:confused:

Gordon Booth 02-02-2012 15:50

Re: Going far too far!
Fame at last- Miles Parkinson and his quote have made it to today's 'The Telegraph' website- as has Ken Moss!
The 'Rose of Arden' site-I wondered? But The Telegraph'!

Ken Moss 02-02-2012 16:12

Re: Going far too far!

Originally Posted by jaysay (Post 967216)
Um it seems that Councillor Moss has broken surface proving one thing that he has been monitoring this site. There was a song released called "what a difference a day makes" we can change the title to to year, because our Ken, around this time last year, building up to the May elections, found this forum fun to be part of, we were treated to a daily dose of Britcliffe bashing which our Ken though was hilarious at the time. One has to say that the treatment he and his colleges received on here was nowhere near a vicious and vindictive as the bile and hatred which poured from Kens keyboard on a daily basis, we didn't even get a rest at weekends, but yet he's decided to take his bat and ball home, sing when your winning you only sing when your winning springs to mind. As has been said prior if you can't stand the heat keep out the kitchen

Given your political background I have occasionally despaired of some of your posts, John.

Yes, I hammered Britcliffe while I was in opposition because I saw a twisted vision of how a council should be run and felt that we could do it better. I'm not saying the new Labour administration hasn't made mistakes but I stand by every one of the changes. It is a tremendously difficult time financially - within two years we have lost nearly £5m from the council budget from central government. The days of HBC being a cash cow are now just a PB dream but Britcliffe is gone, so why would I expend energy criticising a man who isn't making the decisions anymore?

Hell's teeth mate, you're still banging on about George Slynn. How long has he been dead?? Times change and so has the style of leadership in the Labour group.

Miles Parkinson has better things to do with his time than worry about his members posting on Accyweb.

Ken Moss 02-02-2012 16:21

Re: Going far too far!

Originally Posted by Gordon Booth (Post 967261)
Fame at last- Miles Parkinson and his quote have made it to today's 'The Telegraph' website- as has Ken Moss!
The 'Rose of Arden' site-I wondered? But The Telegraph'!

As I stated earlier in the thread, newspapers give you a version of the truth and I suspect that there is a little (most likely accidental) misquoting going on. The quote in the press is merely a paraphrase of what was said in a telephone interview, it is common practice and people are rarely quoted verbatim unless it is from a specially prepared press release. I certainly didn't give that exact quote, it is simply the general gist of what was said in conversation and I have no problem with it.

Occasionally, quotes are misinterpreted. Something might be floated in conversation as an example and then reported as a future intention or simply misunderstood altogether. It happens.

I look forward to eating my chips out of that paper tomorrow.

Ken Moss 02-02-2012 16:25

Re: Going far too far!

Originally Posted by cashman (Post 967234)
Right as yeh have decided to pop back Ken, I would like to ask a direct question. I can accept yer answer to this issue BUT. As normally theres no smoke without fire. Have the council been either discussing this issue regarding these night lenses,? or have they been pricing em up? Cos the Mail has obviously got this fairytale from somewhere. Seems to me like there coulda been some mischief-making afoot.

Not to my knowledge and I have spoken to the Waste Services manager this morning who doesn't know where the quote has come from either.

What I suspect has happened is that the subject of covert night operations has come up which certainly is something that is being discussed. It seems more likely to me that someone has got the impression that such operations will use night vision. I could be wrong but the first talk I heard of night vision goggles was when I read it on Saturday.

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