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hedman2003 24-07-2012 21:52

Ossy New Lane
I dont know if this is legit or not but its on facebook and better to be safe rather than sorry

Peter Britcliffe
A healthy dog has collapsed and died in New Lane.There are rumours that it had been out near the Nipa Site.CAN I URGE YOU NOT TO WALK DOGS IN THAT AREA!
The brook is certainly contaminated and animals will be thirsty this weather.
I am calling on the Enironment ageny to make a clear statement as to exactly what is going on.I will repeat that call on Radio Lancs at 8am Wednesday and this will be repeated throughout the day.
I have been to the site today and words like 40.000 tons of dirty waste were being bandied about.
The site is being treated regularly and further tipping has been stopped.
Please share this information with your friends.

accyman 25-07-2012 00:19

Re: Ossy New Lane
words getting around ossy that a dog died after been in the water near there and also word is getting around that it wasnt fish that was dumped but clinical waste.No idea whats true theres so many rumours .

mixed reports with some saying they buried the waste and others saying that all they have done is put sand over it to try and stop flies and poured disinfectant over it

dosnt seem to be any definate idea of whats actually going on there or much information been given out to local residents.If there is a polution problem the water in the brook and nature reserve may be effected.

i suppose rumours wouldnt be around so much if the enviromental agencey would speak up.I know theres an investigation as to who did it but it couldnt hurt to let local residents know whats going on.

MargaretR 25-07-2012 10:14

Re: Ossy New Lane
They may be keeping silent because prosecution is pending.
Any announcement might jeopardise the court proceedings.

markuze 25-07-2012 11:25

Re: Ossy New Lane

everyone who is concerned about rubbish that has been dumped in ossy people r meeting up at bottom of nook lane at 6pm this evening, show your support and BE THERE!!

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