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cashman 01-11-2012 08:26

Re: Mitt Romney

Originally Posted by MargaretR (Post 1025426)
Romney's machines do the count - so it's a done deal

No point having n election then.

Eric 01-11-2012 13:35

Re: Mitt Romney
Always enjoyed reading Asimov's "Franchise" ... this could be the way to go.:D

Chris SUI JURIS 02-11-2012 13:03

Re: Mitt Romney
Tired of Bronco Bamma and Mitt Romney - YouTube

Restless 02-11-2012 13:43

Re: Mitt Romney
Awww and we didnt get to know what her political views are

Chris SUI JURIS 03-11-2012 13:45

Re: Mitt Romney

Originally Posted by Restless (Post 1026043)
Awww and we didnt get to know what her political views are

She also released a statement in which she said she could sense the BS. the election is just a big drama show to make US citizens believe there's a democracy, it doesn't matter who wins, the same deep rooted problems will still remain. The banks call the shots, they fund the elections, they own the oil companies and they profit from war. The last thing they want is an educated public who can think for themselves. World peace, equality, democracy, sustainability and freedom just aren't profitable enough for these criminals.

think that covers her view :eek: :D

DaveinGermany 03-11-2012 14:00

Re: Mitt Romney
So 4 year old Abi Evans, is savvy to the tricks of bolicticians eh ? Seems a tad staged to me.

Eric 04-11-2012 06:45

Re: Mitt Romney
I like this scenario:

Dowd: President Romney, Vice President Biden | The Salt Lake Tribune

gynn 07-11-2012 04:24

Re: Mitt Romney
So America has decided, and Barack Obama gets a second term.

They have without doubt made the right choice, and the world can breathe a sigh of relief.

Romney was too much of a loose cannon.

MargaretR 07-11-2012 10:26

Re: Mitt Romney
I have no political preferences, so care not who wins, and I don't vote.
(all of them are blackmailed to operate the same agenda)

For those of you who do vote, I want you to be aware that electronic voting systems are more open to corrupt practice than paper ballots are, so if they are proposed for use in UK, it would be wise to resist their introduction.

Claims increase of machines switching votes in Ohio, other battlegrounds | Fox News

Proven voting fraud! Gov't programmer testifies voting machines are rigging elections - YouTube!

Restless 07-11-2012 11:01

Re: Mitt Romney

Originally Posted by MargaretR (Post 1026869)
(all of them are blackmailed to operate the same agenda)

well lets just hypothesize that you are wrong.... Would you want someone like Romney in charge? The possibility is pretty scary. After all these people secretly crave the death of the world(fiery death of revelations) People of religion should be barred from politics.

churchfcrules 07-11-2012 11:04

Re: Mitt Romney

Originally Posted by Restless (Post 1026872)
well lets just hypothesize that you are wrong.... Would you want someone like Romney in charge? The possibility is pretty scary. After all these people secretly crave the death of the world(fiery death of revelations) People of religion should be barred from politics.

how about just ban religion full stop, and those that wish to practice, do so ,just keep it to themselves, personal between you and your diety

Margaret Pilkington 07-11-2012 11:07

Re: Mitt Romney
That is how religion should be - private...between you and your God.
Although I can stand/tolerate small tokens of religious allegiance.......anything else is an affront....especially when those wearing it are so intolerant of anyone else.(I mean the wearing of religion)

mobertol 07-11-2012 12:28

Re: Mitt Romney

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington (Post 1026875)
That is how religion should be - private...between you and your God.
Although I can stand/tolerate small tokens of religious allegiance.......anything else is an affront....especially when those wearing it are so intolerant of anyone else.(I mean the wearing of religion)

I so agree with you Margaret. As a rule people who follow a particular religion think that everyone else who doesn't have their same beliefs is somehow in the wrong. It can lead to terrible bigotry.

I recently went to a Gt-nieces baptism here in Italy - it was an occasion for celebrating the arrival of a new baby into the family. One of my husband's brothers (an Evangelist convert) didn't come as he said he doesn't believe in Baptising babies. The whole family were together last for my mother-in-laws funeral 6 years ago! I found his position to be idiotic - last week his son who is 18 was Baptised into their church, full-immersion style - his own free choice -after 18 years of indoctrination as far as I can tell! Don't see where the difference lies...just my opinion.

cashman 07-11-2012 12:33

Re: Mitt Romney
No way on this earth should religion n politics mix, its that simple.

Eric 07-11-2012 13:43

Re: Mitt Romney

Originally Posted by Restless (Post 1026872)
well lets just hypothesize that you are wrong.... Would you want someone like Romney in charge? The possibility is pretty scary. After all these people secretly crave the death of the world(fiery death of revelations) People of religion should be barred from politics.

... and barred from the missile silos in North Dakota.

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