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bobthedj 15-08-2012 19:09

Big Fire Blackburn Road
The takeaway that was falling down now blown up and set fire to buildings on both sides. blackburn road now closed.

flashy 15-08-2012 19:24

Re: Big Fire Blackburn Road
hope no one was hurt

Neil 15-08-2012 19:41

Re: Big Fire Blackburn Road
Here is a link the incident Fire Involving 3 properties in Accrington at 18:55 | Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service

They have evacuated down to Blackburn Road medical centre

cashman 15-08-2012 21:35

Re: Big Fire Blackburn Road
This seems highly suspicious to me.

pallyman 15-08-2012 22:02

Re: Big Fire Blackburn Road

Originally Posted by cashman (Post 1009225)
This seems highly suspicious to me.

me to

Retlaw 15-08-2012 22:19

Re: Big Fire Blackburn Road

Originally Posted by cashman (Post 1009225)
This seems highly suspicious to me.

I'm with you on this cashy. We need Grisom from N.C.I; on this one.

steve2qec 15-08-2012 22:27

Re: Big Fire Blackburn Road

Originally Posted by cashman (Post 1009225)
This seems highly suspicious to me.

Jewish Stocktaking...?

cashman 15-08-2012 22:48

Re: Big Fire Blackburn Road
This is less than 2 hours after i bitched on the "Blackburn Rd Chaos" thread.:eek::D That'll teach me.!:hehetable

flashy 16-08-2012 07:07

Re: Big Fire Blackburn Road
They where all saying it was sus in the comments part on the LT website last night too

jaysay 16-08-2012 08:45

Re: Big Fire Blackburn Road
Looks like somebody wants to refurbish their premises:rolleyes:

MITZY 16-08-2012 11:16

Re: Big Fire Blackburn Road
Does anyone know if Blackburn Road is still closed, this morning buses got diverted so presume it still was then.

voiceofreason 16-08-2012 11:41

Re: Big Fire Blackburn Road

Originally Posted by steve2qec (Post 1009236)
Jewish Stocktaking...?

so cynical!!

so true...

cashman 16-08-2012 12:12

Re: Big Fire Blackburn Road

Originally Posted by MITZY (Post 1009288)
Does anyone know if Blackburn Road is still closed, this morning buses got diverted so presume it still was then.

Still closed MITZY, Buses aint coming from accy that way, driver just told us.

MITZY 16-08-2012 12:25

Re: Big Fire Blackburn Road

Originally Posted by cashman (Post 1009300)
Still closed MITZY, Buses aint coming from accy that way, driver just told us.

Thanks cashman, If any-one knows if it is opened by 5pm could you please let us know.

DaveinGermany 16-08-2012 17:13

Re: Big Fire Blackburn Road

Originally Posted by jaysay (Post 1009269)
Looks like somebody wants to refurbish their premises:rolleyes:

More likely to take the money & do one !

flashy 16-08-2012 17:22

Re: Big Fire Blackburn Road
Blackburn road was still closed at 4.30, buses to Blackburn are still going along Hyndburn road

MITZY 16-08-2012 17:31

Re: Big Fire Blackburn Road
Thanks Flashy

jaysay 16-08-2012 17:39

Re: Big Fire Blackburn Road

Originally Posted by DaveinGermany (Post 1009342)
More likely to take the money & do one !

Your so cynical Dave;)

cashman 16-08-2012 18:01

Re: Big Fire Blackburn Road
Still closed,just come home now, so forget it while at least tomoz dinner is my advice.

annesingleton 16-08-2012 18:40

Re: Big Fire Blackburn Road
I work fairly nearby, one of my colleagues was talking to someone at lunchtime who said Blackburn Road may be closed for a few weeks.

cashman 16-08-2012 18:45

Re: Big Fire Blackburn Road

Originally Posted by annesingleton (Post 1009366)
I work fairly nearby, one of my colleagues was talking to someone at lunchtime who said Blackburn Road may be closed for a few weeks.

That wouldn't shock me in the least.

Benipete 16-08-2012 19:46

Re: Big Fire Blackburn Road

Originally Posted by annesingleton (Post 1009366)
I work fairly nearby, one of my colleagues was talking to someone at lunchtime who said Blackburn Road may be closed for a few weeks.

Been closed for me for a few years.The clue Is in the name.:hidewall::hidewall::hehetable

MargaretR 16-08-2012 20:36

Re: Big Fire Blackburn Road
I suspect that the whole row will be declared unsafe and will be demolished.

flashy 16-08-2012 20:48

Re: Big Fire Blackburn Road
MORE claims then

Mancie 16-08-2012 21:01

Re: Big Fire Blackburn Road
To be honest I only know of the area back in the 70's but if there is so much destruction then surely the best option is to reconstruct the area.. should Accrington go down the Governments road of stagnation or demand funding for the future?..I reckon the latter is needed..there are those who say local and central concerns are seperate.. but when an area needs a cash injection it can only come from the government.. wake up!

Mick 16-08-2012 21:02

Re: Big Fire Blackburn Road
You can go down BLackburn road on the bus but it has to be the small red ones they go as far as dale st round the back down willows lane and back onto Blackburn road and into town

Retlaw 16-08-2012 22:03

Re: Big Fire Blackburn Road

Originally Posted by flashy (Post 1009256)
They where all saying it was sus in the comments part on the LT website last night too

Read the Telegraph article again, its supposed to be ramadan, fire call came in just before 7pm, sunset on that day didn't occur until after 8-30 pm.

Claytoner40 17-08-2012 06:35


Originally Posted by Retlaw (Post 1009405)
Read the Telegraph article again, its supposed to be ramadan, fire call came in just before 7pm, sunset on that day didn't occur until after 8-30 pm.

It is Ramadan there's no supposing about it. Food can be prepared before sunset. You have to bear in mind not all of the community are devout Muslims in the same way I'm not a devout Christian

jaysay 17-08-2012 08:37

Re: Big Fire Blackburn Road

Originally Posted by Claytoner40 (Post 1009416)
It is Ramadan there's no supposing about it. Food can be prepared before sunset. You have to bear in mind not all of the community are devout Muslims in the same way I'm not a devout Christian

That's a poor comparison Claytone40, the vast majority of Muslims are devout, but not so in Christianity

Margaret Pilkington 17-08-2012 10:38

Re: Big Fire Blackburn Road
and if they are selling the food, then it is part of their work and so they can prepare and cook food for someone else.

Claytoner40 17-08-2012 10:44


Originally Posted by jaysay (Post 1009423)
That's a poor comparison Claytone40, the vast majority of Muslims are devout, but not so in Christianity

That's true Jaysay but the owners of the takeaway may not be devout. I am at work now with Muslim lads who don't fast

Retlaw 17-08-2012 11:53

Re: Big Fire Blackburn Road

Originally Posted by Claytoner40 (Post 1009416)
It is Ramadan there's no supposing about it. Food can be prepared before sunset. You have to bear in mind not all of the community are devout Muslims in the same way I'm not a devout Christian

As I said read the Article again, one of those interviewed was about to go in the shop to break the fast when it happened, so why get cooked food so early if sunset is not till 8-38pm. Properly installed ventilators don't catch fire like the old ones did, used to be able to count on one a fortnight back in the 70/80's but not any more.

MargaretR 17-08-2012 12:13

Re: Big Fire Blackburn Road
If you look at the roof line of the row on google maps,,0,-8.21

it appears that the double fronted takeaway was once two dwellings, and most all the other properties on the row appear to be dwellings.

The view of the interior of the takeaway shows the wall between (what was) two premises has been demolished. It seems likely that this demolition eventually led to the collapse of the frontage.

It would be interesting to know when this internal alteration happened, and whether planning consent was applied for and approved.

This post may well be regarded as 'stating the obvious' to people familiar with the location, but some members here are not so familiar.

Less 17-08-2012 15:29

Re: Big Fire Blackburn Road

Originally Posted by cashman (Post 1009225)
This seems highly suspicious to me.

Nope, don't agree, Think they were probably victims of having a cheap job done by cowboys, which lead to all of this.

jaysay 17-08-2012 17:37

Re: Big Fire Blackburn Road

Originally Posted by MargaretR (Post 1009450)
If you look at the roof line of the row on google maps,,0,-8.21

it appears that the double fronted takeaway was once two dwellings, and most all the other properties on the row appear to be dwellings.

The view of the interior of the takeaway shows the wall between (what was) two premises has been demolished. It seems likely that this demolition eventually led to the collapse of the frontage.

It would be interesting to know when this internal alteration happened, and whether planning consent was applied for and approved.

This post may well be regarded as 'stating the obvious' to people familiar with the location, but some members here are not so familiar.

You could well be right Margaret, if they threat planning like they do parking in that area, the laws that apply to us don't seem to apply to them:idunno:

katex 17-08-2012 17:42

Re: Big Fire Blackburn Road

Originally Posted by Mick (Post 1009398)
You can go down BLackburn road on the bus but it has to be the small red ones they go as far as dale st round the back down willows lane and back onto Blackburn road and into town

Got snarled up in it today. Thought I would be clever and go down Lonsdale Street to avoid the temporary lights at Church from Ossie. On way to Asda.

Forgot about this and lead myself a merry dance, I can tell you .. :o

To make matters worse, when I got to the bottom of Willows Lane, the blooming lights got stuck on red !!!


Originally Posted by MargaretR (Post 1009450)

It would be interesting to know when this internal alteration happened, and whether planning consent was applied for and approved.

This was when they altered the shop front and removal of internal wall ... lots of suggestions on the beams; seems very thorough :

Case File

Application for change of use only :

Case File

MargaretR 17-08-2012 18:36

Re: Big Fire Blackburn Road
Thank You Kate for taking the trouble to find that.

So it was in 1985 that an existing restaurant was given permission to extend into a house next door.

The plans clearly show that all internal walls (with the exception of a stairway on the far left and the kitchen outbuildings) were to be demolished, and that the support for the upper floor be one central column.

I can't see 'suggestions on beams' you referred to but most of the planning notes I found unreadable.

I am not a structural engineer but the wisdom in doing that is doubtful, especially in view of the age of the original buildings.

jaysay 17-08-2012 18:45

Re: Big Fire Blackburn Road

Originally Posted by MargaretR (Post 1009470)
Thank You Kate for taking the trouble to find that.

So it was in 1985 that an existing restaurant was given permission to extend into a house next door.

The plans clearly show that all internal walls (with the exception of a stairway on the far left and the kitchen outbuildings) were to be demolished, and that the support for the upper floor be one central column.

I can't see 'suggestions on beams' you referred to but most of the planning notes I found unreadable.

I am not a structural engineer but the wisdom in doing that is doubtful, especially in view of the age of the original buildings.

Think I agree with you on that Margaret and I know a bit about the subject, but obviously it must have passed all the necessary inspections at the time, well one would think so anyway:rolleyes:

susie123 17-08-2012 18:58

Re: Big Fire Blackburn Road

Originally Posted by MargaretR (Post 1009470)
I can't see 'suggestions on beams' you referred to but most of the planning notes I found unreadable.

Margaret on document 8063 page 15 out of 18 there is on the RHS a section on the plan referring to beams. It is quite legible if you blow it up on the Adobe reader.

MITZY 17-08-2012 19:03

Re: Big Fire Blackburn Road
As far as I know the buses are running normal route again.

cashman 17-08-2012 19:05

Re: Big Fire Blackburn Road

Originally Posted by MITZY (Post 1009473)
As far as I know the buses are running normal route again.

They seem to be Mitzy. i drove through behind one about 4-30 ish.

MargaretR 17-08-2012 19:30

Re: Big Fire Blackburn Road

Originally Posted by susie123 (Post 1009472)
Margaret on document 8063 page 15 out of 18 there is on the RHS a section on the plan referring to beams. It is quite legible if you blow it up on the Adobe reader.

I found this about the central column -

"Pier 665mmx665mm built from concrete common bricks on a 1.750mm x 1.750mm x 250mm thick concrete foundation. Foundation to have 2layers of A1dz(?) welded steel facing reinforcement with the lower layer placed 50mm up from the bottom of foundation. Foundation to be laid 500mm min below floor level. Pier to have 665mm x 665mm x 150mm padstone on top & a DPC (damproof) 150mm min above floor level".

I couldn't find any ref to 'beams' but I would expect RSJs (rolled steel joists) to feature at ceiling level and I can't see it.

In 1980 I organised the total refurb of a terraced house which involved demolition of 12' of a 15' dividing wall between two ground floor rooms. An RSJ of a specific size was required and it had to be fireproofed.

I can see nothing similar anywhere mentioned in the plans for the internal wall demolition done on these two properties.

susie123 17-08-2012 19:47

Re: Big Fire Blackburn Road

Originally Posted by MargaretR (Post 1009475)
I found this about the central column -

"Pier 665mmx665mm built from concrete common bricks on a 1.750mm x 1.750mm x 250mm thick concrete foundation. Foundation to have 2layers of A1dz(?) welded steel facing reinforcement with the lower layer placed 50mm up from the bottom of foundation. Foundation to be laid 500mm min below floor level. Pier to have 665mm x 665mm x 150mm padstone on top & a DPC (damproof) 150mm min above floor level".

I couldn't find any ref to 'beams' but I would expect RSJs (rolled steel joists) to feature at ceiling level and I can't see it.

In 1980 I organised the total refurb of a terraced house which involved demolition of 12' of a 15' dividing wall between two ground floor rooms. An RSJ of a specific size was required and it had to be fireproofed.

I can see nothing similar anywhere mentioned in the plans for the internal wall demolition done on these two properties.

If you look at the plan on page 15 all the beams supporting the upper floor radiate out from that central column to the walls. The section on the extreme right of that page mentions them and what size they should be.

lancsdave 17-08-2012 19:54

Re: Big Fire Blackburn Road

Originally Posted by MITZY (Post 1009473)
As far as I know the buses are running normal route again.

Blackburn Rd is now back to how it was before the fire, open with traffic light control

MargaretR 17-08-2012 19:54

Re: Big Fire Blackburn Road

Originally Posted by susie123 (Post 1009477)
If you look at the plan on page 15 all the beams supporting the upper floor radiate out from that central column to the walls. The section on the extreme right of that page mentions them and what size they should be.

Found it now thanks:o

...strange that it says 'beams' and not 'RSJs'

annesingleton 17-08-2012 20:03

Re: Big Fire Blackburn Road

Originally Posted by lancsdave (Post 1009478)
Blackburn Rd is now back to how it was before the fire, open with traffic light control

Are the buses running normally?

lancsdave 17-08-2012 20:04

Re: Big Fire Blackburn Road

Originally Posted by annesingleton (Post 1009482)
Are the buses running normally?

As normal as they have been over the past few weeks, since they introduced the 'we can't be bothered running a proper service anymore timetable' or as Transdev call it 'the Summer timetable'

susie123 17-08-2012 20:06

Re: Big Fire Blackburn Road

Originally Posted by MargaretR (Post 1009479)
Found it now thanks:o

...strange that it says 'beams' and not 'RSJs'

Good, glad you found it. We too have done up houses so I know about putting in RSJs also my dad was an architect and surveyor so I know how to read a plan. Not sure sure the person who drew up the plans was qualified in that field so that may just have been his way of referring to them as beams rather than RSJs.

MITZY 17-08-2012 20:11

Re: Big Fire Blackburn Road

Originally Posted by cashman (Post 1009474)
They seem to be Mitzy. i drove through behind one about 4-30 ish.

Thanks cashman and lancsdave

Benipete 17-08-2012 21:20

Re: Big Fire Blackburn Road

Originally Posted by susie123 (Post 1009485)
Good, glad you found it. We too have done up houses so I know about putting in RSJs also my dad was an architect and surveyor so I know how to read a plan. Not sure sure the person who drew up the plans was qualified in that field so that may just have been his way of referring to them as beams rather than RSJs.

RSJ'S Not been used for years. Try USB's

bobthedj 19-08-2012 15:14

Re: Big Fire Blackburn Road
I started tis thread because i was in ther, came out with 2 kebabs so the fire, i called the fire bragade got home no salad on my kebab i was well peed off

mani 21-08-2012 07:05

Re: Big Fire Blackburn Road
apparently the fire brigade have said this was accidental

the initial wall collapse was a series of unfortunate events starting with sand blasting that didnt go as well as planned to a builder completely hoofing it all up.

i saw the owner the other day and he is genuinely cut up as this is not just another insurance job - the whole repair job could take much more than 6 months - dont know many people who can wait 6 months and not have any income as well the risk of losing some good quality staff they had.

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