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Leon Kelly 07-09-2012 20:20

Time to Go Plastic
I know a number of you reading this may not ever be effected by this and the sound of having your half of mild or pint of tetleys best being served into a plastic glass would be sacrilidge...... However with this in mind would people have the same view if their son or daughter or family member returned home from a night out with facial stitches due to a glassing incident.

I have now campaigned for this for 2 years across Lancashire to introduce a glass ban on the night time economy for venues trading past 23.00pm.

I have written a proposal which has been sent to our local MP Mr Graham Jones and which has also now been used as a mandate for the Lancashire Police Commisioner up for Election in October.

I know a number of you will be un affected by this however in this weeks Accrington Observer the Landlord of the Cross Guns pub in church was subjected to a glassing for simply asking a customer not to take a glass outside due to his licensing laws

Now i know some people will obviously use this as a target to fire some comedy gold however i think its now time that we got as much support for this as possible as alone in Hyndburn over the last year their has been well over 10 glassing incidents.

As much as people may think this is a national problem not just a local problem, but when is enough enough and i am sure youll agree if one of your relations turned up looking like they had been in a car accident through a glassing or bottling that we would all be the first to be outraged.

Think its time for all landlords across the country to issue duty of care to all members of public that patronise their venues irrespective of the extra cost which is actually down to pence

lancsdave 07-09-2012 20:23

Re: Time to Go Plastic
The correct resolution would of course be for the justice system to do it's job and punish people severely for 'glassing'. As this won't be an option plastic glasses is the only way to go

maxthecollie 07-09-2012 20:25

Re: Time to Go Plastic
As long as my beer is well kept I have no preference.

Leon Kelly 07-09-2012 20:39

Re: Time to Go Plastic
I introduced Plastic Glasses and Plastic Bottles and where not available we either de canter the bottle or offer and Alu Can alternative, we introduced this on our own initiative and not through an attack in the venue, However its now becoming very worrying scenario that its going to be the actions of after a fatal attack that these changes come into place.

I am hoping that with the proposal that has been laid out that a potential trial run can be held in Accrington and once successful be introduced through out the country.

One of the main arguments for landlords is cost and availability of PET bottles rather than glass as PET are around £5.00 dearer per case, however their are 3 ways of dealing with this, Stay with the glass version and de canter, Divide the extra by the case and add on to the retail price or Find a Alu can alternative

cashman 07-09-2012 21:02

Re: Time to Go Plastic

Originally Posted by lancsdave (Post 1014054)
The correct resolution would of course be for the justice system to do it's job and punish people severely for 'glassing'.

That should be the answer- understand were yer coming from Leon, But its using a sledgehammer to crack a walnut in my view. Making the majority of responsible people suffer, cos no-one has the balls to tackle the real issue.:(

annesingleton 07-09-2012 21:03

Re: Time to Go Plastic
I think it depends on the time and location. I never go out at night but enjoy going to my local after work and on Saturday and Sunday afternoon. I would hate to drink from a plastic glass and would take exception to it. But in town and city centre pubs at night I think it would solve a lot of problems.

garinda 08-09-2012 07:27

Re: Time to Go Plastic
I've been to late night venues locally, and sad to say, I think it would be a good move.

I wish you well with your campaign.

It'll probably save a lot of misery for some innocent people, out trying to have a good night.

Sunflower49 08-09-2012 08:01

Re: Time to Go Plastic
Much as I prefer glass, to plastic 'glasses', they aren't THAT bad. I think it's a good idea. I agree, if the dullards that use glasses/glass bottles as their weapon were sufficiently punished, it may curb the crimes, but I think that's unlikely.
Also, it's sad that old pubs are suffering because of idiots-plastic glasses are fine in dodgy nightclubs, but at my local I can't imagine old Jimmy sitting at the bar with a plastic beaker instead of a tankard, or at least whilst being happy about it!

cashman 08-09-2012 08:12

Re: Time to Go Plastic
Thats the real problem to me sugermouse, most people give in to these louts.its governments job to see these scum are punished, if they can't or won't then people should remember,come the time.

Sunflower49 08-09-2012 08:32

Re: Time to Go Plastic
It makes me worry what next. Are the pavements to be padded and our windows all made from pirex...
I don't know. Even when we still hung folk, plenty of people were criminals. Then again we weren't so adept at catching them back then......
I go to at least two festivals a year and have to admit I appreciate the plastic 'glasses' at those types of events. There will ALWAYS be the resident knob-end in a crowd. And, accidents happen, I feel much happier with a plastic cup in my hand in case I get knocked into..

jaysay 08-09-2012 09:32

Re: Time to Go Plastic

Originally Posted by Leon Kelly (Post 1014050)
I know a number of you reading this may not ever be effected by this and the sound of having your half of mild or pint of tetleys best being served into a plastic glass would be sacrilege...... However with this in mind would people have the same view if their son or daughter or family member returned home from a night out with facial stitches due to a glassing incident.

I have now campaigned for this for 2 years across Lancashire to introduce a glass ban on the night time economy for venues trading past 23.00pm.

I have written a proposal which has been sent to our local MP Mr Graham Jones and which has also now been used as a mandate for the Lancashire Police Commisioner up for Election in October.

I know a number of you will be un affected by this however in this weeks Accrington Observer the Landlord of the Cross Guns pub in church was subjected to a glassing for simply asking a customer not to take a glass outside due to his licensing laws

Now i know some people will obviously use this as a target to fire some comedy gold however i think its now time that we got as much support for this as possible as alone in Hyndburn over the last year their has been well over 10 glassing incidents.

As much as people may think this is a national problem not just a local problem, but when is enough enough and i am sure you'll agree if one of your relations turned up looking like they had been in a car accident through a glassing or bottling that we would all be the first to be outraged.

Think its time for all landlords across the country to issue duty of care to all members of public that patronise their venues irrespective of the extra cost which is actually down to pence

Leon I worked in the night club industry over 30 years ago and on some nights we used plastic glasses even then, I think there is a genuine case for plastic glasses in town centre establishments, but by the same yard stick do they still allow customers to drink out of bottles and if so are they plastic too. I would think the incident in with the landlord is an isolated incident I wouldn't like to see plastic glasses in say my local, but there may come a time when it will come into force, but people like yourself can preempt it by, if you already don't, doing it yourselves.

Gremlin 08-09-2012 09:39

Re: Time to Go Plastic
The day they introduce plastic drinking receptacles in the nice quiet Club where I drink will be the last time I renew my membership.
Nothing better than sitting on a bar stool drinking from a pint glass with a handle on it.

Less 08-09-2012 10:04

Re: Time to Go Plastic
It would be a shame if the majority of law abiding legal drinkers were forced by an unruly minority to have to sup from plastic tumblers, we are after all supposed to be a civilised society, the type of crime being described isn't pretty and I would imagine it is something that could happen to almost any of us when the violent among us decide to use a glass as a weapon and that is what it becomes when used in this manner.
So yes, the law should be used as a deterrent against these people but, knowing how toothless our law has become I would think that the road leading to us all having to drink from these disgusting plastic replacements will be inevitable.

churchfcrules 08-09-2012 10:06

Re: Time to Go Plastic
would the type of individual that uses "a weapon", not just replace the weapon? and where do we draw the line?
human nature to fight, alcohol fuels anger and impairs judgement, pool cues,bar stools, tables, wall fixtures among many other things have been used as weapons.

jaysay 08-09-2012 10:17

Re: Time to Go Plastic

Originally Posted by churchfcrules (Post 1014187)
would the type of individual that uses "a weapon", not just replace the weapon? and where do we draw the line?
human nature to fight, alcohol fuels anger and impairs judgement, pool cues,bar stools, tables, wall fixtures among many other things have been used as weapons.

Think your right, well I know your right, I've been in the middle of it when its gone off, stools pool cues even tables are used, so glasses are just another weapon, but with nastier outward effects on a victim. Think your right about sitting at the bar, although I'm unable to do that anymore I would hate, no even cringe at the thought of holding a plastic glass full of my favourite tipple

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