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WillowTheWhisp 03-11-2004 18:57

Re: Wife swap
Wasn't there supposed to be something on GMTV this morning? I had the program on but didn't see anything, I couldn't help being curious.

-pixie 04-11-2004 08:16

Re: Wife swap

Originally Posted by lettie
That's true. These tv shows are even worse. The cheapest form of entertainment (and I use that word for want of a better one) Shows like this and of course the dreadful daytime dross that we have to endure in this country such as Trisha are nothing more than 'wash your dirty linen in public' shows. The people who go on these 'talk ' shows make the asylum in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest' look like a nice place.:)

But they are fantastic if you are feeling down. You watch and think that no matter HOW bad your life may be at least you havn't had to stoop to plastering your problems all over television.:D

lettie 04-11-2004 09:28

Re: Wife swap

Originally Posted by -pixie
But they are fantastic if you are feeling down. You watch and think that no matter HOW bad your life may be at least you havn't had to stoop to plastering your problems all over television.:D

:rofl38: I suppose that's true. Some of the people on these shows are so pathetic that I stopped watching them a long time ago. I think the only reality type/problem show I watch is 'How clean is your House' I love it when Kim and Aggie tell the people whos houses they're cleaning what dirty beggars they are....:)

ShortStuff 04-11-2004 21:56

Re: Wife swap
Come on - everyone secretly loves these programs cos we're all nosey and like to compare our own lives with others. And now the TV has replaced local community and gossips over the garden fence - these programs were destined to happen!!!

jason 02-03-2005 12:00

Re: Wife swap
Well folks....just had to search the forum to see if anyone had written about the show.
If you have read the burnleyweb forum on this subject you will see that the show was edited badly in becky's favour,but that is what makes a tv show.
Some of it was true i grant you but 75% was bulls*it.
They planted some of the things when she went into the house on the first day but that is another story.
Anyway hope you enjoyed the show.


jason 26-03-2005 22:10

Re: Wife swap

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp
Wasn't there supposed to be something on GMTV this morning? I had the program on but didn't see anything, I couldn't help being curious.

I had to bump this one i get to be in the hall of fame now?

I was on gmtv the day after,they did an outside broadcast from my own living room and becky went to london and met eamon and fiona.

Tinkerbelle 26-03-2005 22:16

Re: Wife swap
You were in wife swap I love that show. I can't remember which episode you were in remind me please Jason :D

jason 26-03-2005 22:21

Re: Wife swap
November 2nd episode!

jason 26-03-2005 22:22

Re: Wife swap
The one where i walked out of the table meet!

Tinkerbelle 26-03-2005 22:25

Re: Wife swap
aaaaahhhhh now I remember!

slinky 26-03-2005 22:26

Re: Wife swap
I remember which one jason!! you cleaned all the time!!! I am gob smacked I knew that I had seen your face before, but I am one of those that see someone in accy town centre then see them again and swear I know them........god am I glad I know where I have seen you now, maybe I will sleep tonight.

jason 26-03-2005 22:31

Re: Wife swap
LOL...............Nice to be recognised.....i couldn't go in Burnley without someone coming up and saying you was on wife swap for about a month after and i still get recognised now.

Tinkerbelle 26-03-2005 22:38

Re: Wife swap
So go on give us an accyweb exclusive what happened after? Was it good? That oldest little girl was a credit to you and if you ever want to sell her I'll buy her lol!:D

jason 26-03-2005 22:44

Re: Wife swap

Originally Posted by Tinkerbelle
So go on give us an accyweb exclusive what happened after? Was it good? That oldest little girl was a credit to you and if you ever want to sell her I'll buy her lol!:D

You can have,she is 11 now,annoys me to death but thats kids for you.

What do you want to know?

Did it change my life?............YES
Am i better off?.....................YES
Am i single?..........................YES
What is Becky doing now?......Hopefully going to get into tv
What was jacqui like?............A nightmare on camera,nice off it
What rules did she impose?.....No beer,No computer,i relax more,eldest doesn't do as much (not that she did).

Any more?:)

Tinkerbelle 26-03-2005 22:50

Re: Wife swap
Was it because of the programme that you split up? Obviously I'm not asking you to post juicy details (I'll PM you to ask you those lol :D ) just a yes or no.

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