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jason 27-03-2005 18:31

Re: Wife swap
Still cant get an addy or name.....i'll keep searching.......looks like it has caused a real stir on there!

chav1 27-03-2005 18:39

Re: Wife swap
ime not 100% on this but to sue you need plenty of money and the sh1t rags like the sunday sport know that average people cant afford lible cases so they say what they want about them

would be nioce for you to get some cash but i doubt you will even get it to court unles you got plenty of money

good luck though they should print less bull and use the space to put more naked women on the pages as thats all that paper is good for

jason 27-03-2005 18:44

Re: Wife swap
What gets me is the sport or daily star always ring us first normally and ask for our opinon/story!
I'm going to contact the Burnley reporter i know who works for the sport and find out what is going on!

chav1 27-03-2005 18:46

Re: Wife swap
ring them up and say hi this is jason i died yesterday

see if the dumb asses put it in the paper that your dead lol

Tinkerbelle 27-03-2005 18:48

Re: Wife swap
Ask them aswell Jason, seen as your supposed to be 20 stone would they like a picture of your prize man-boobs!!

jason 27-03-2005 18:50

Re: Wife swap
Lmao.............that Could Be A Good One!!

Just Going To Do A Text!!

jason 27-03-2005 19:20

Re: Wife swap

Originally Posted by Bazf
Really having a go at Burnley today, this in the News of the screws

I know many people dont buy The Sun or The News Of The World (NOTW), but today there is an article on page 45 of the NOTW and it can only be discribed as disgusting.
There is a report that is apparently trying to put Labours new imigration law to the test. Personaly it reads more of an attack on Burnley.
Its is written by a reporter who is from Burnley claims that he grew up on an estate where outsiders are treated with 'distain' especially those ten miles away in Blackburn.
It also says 'Burnley is about as multi-cultural as an eskimo village purched on the north pole'
It says there are more non-white faces on the pitch at Turf Moor than in the entire crowd.
It says that 'one worthy tells me he has seen school buses with all asians at the back and all whites at the front. And that hasnt happened in America for 50 years.'
It says white peolpe dont want to mix, we dont know each other and dont like what we dont know.
There may be groups of Asians at the end of a bus and whites at the other, but this is because they are with friends, in the years I have been using buses in Burnley I have never seen an Asian asked to sit at the back of the bus.
People may not take to outsiders, but which society does??

Then there is a small article saying that Coal, Cotton and Soccer was what brought Burnley together. Now only soccer is left. And Dave Edmundons says " We want to play a big part in the areas regeneration that includes everyone'
Itr goes on to say HE has signed Burnleys first Asian player and if he turns out like Jimmy Mc it could be just what the town needs said one white race activist.
Then there is a comment from Edmundson which I find shocking and disgusting, in one quick sentance he manages to offend every person in the country who have a skin head by saying "When Amir Khan wrapped himself in the Union Flag, even the skinheads cheered"

Meaning what exactly Mr Edmundson??

Its on page 45 and the reporter was Chris Buckland!............But i dont know him!!

Bazf 27-03-2005 20:46

Re: Wife swap
Chris Buckland is the incumbent political columnist replacing Sion Simon who wrote well-argued pieces for ‘The Daily Telegraph’ when he turned to the ‘NotW’ to write pathetic half-page soundbites. Chris Buckland like Richard Stott before him feel rabid and old hat (any old news). The ‘News of the World’ overall feels it’s the fountain of all knowledge and when it is proved they’re fallible, they’re unapologetic about it and carry on with the next thing as though it never happened....where it is partisan it is merely patronising (oh, and of course, wrong....).Nobody has the guts to tell Britain’s biggest selling Sunday newspaper what to do and where they should stick it

jason 15-04-2005 20:13

Re: Wife swap
Wife Swap (ours) is being repeated at this very minute on E4.

slinky 15-04-2005 20:19

Re: Wife swap

Originally Posted by jason
Wife Swap (ours) is being repeated at this very minute on E4.

Very interesting....................mmmmmmmmmm:D

slinky 15-04-2005 20:22

Re: Wife swap
Hahahahaha lol jason 'singing'??????????

Dont give up ya day job lmao hehe:D

jason 15-04-2005 20:26

Re: Wife swap
I was ratted by that time!!


it gets better!!

slinky 15-04-2005 20:31

Re: Wife swap
Your in troub;le after the break off that woman jason lmfao..........the gloves are commin off hehehehehe:p

Len 15-04-2005 20:33

Re: Wife swap
Nice one jason. First time I’ve seen this, very interesting and still watching. hehe

Tinkerbelle 15-04-2005 20:36

Re: Wife swap
Smart tattoo's Jason :D

Accystanmac just rung to ask if I had E4 on and I said yeah I like his tattoos, all she said was me and tattoos is that all I ever think about LMAO!!

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