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bobthedj 17-01-2013 17:10

Re: Horse Meat in Tesco and Iceland
Just been to Tesco cafe for a burger they said what do you want on it?

i said a fiver each way.

jaysay 17-01-2013 18:41

Re: Horse Meat in Tesco and Iceland

Originally Posted by Gordon Booth (Post 1037397)
Beside the horsemeat problem I wonder what the reaction in the Jewish and Muslim communities has been on finding they were eating pig. If they eat this Tesco Value rubbish, that is.

Think we'd hear more about that Gordon, than we have about horse meat:D

Studio25 17-01-2013 19:35

Re: Horse Meat in Tesco and Iceland

Originally Posted by susie123 (Post 1037201)
...why not horse? The French have no such scruples...

Apparently the biggest consumers of horse meat in the EU are the Italians.


Originally Posted by susie123 (Post 1037201)
(Gallops off to think of some more horrendous puns...)

That can't carry on furlong

cashman 20-01-2013 00:03

Re: Horse Meat in Tesco and Iceland

Originally Posted by susie123 (Post 1037207)
Sure do Flashy. Their cuisine is reckoned to be better than French by some people.

Was served it as steak in Belgium in the 80s, Thought it was absolute crap n was not aware it was horsemeat until i tasted it n complained.

jaysay 20-01-2013 09:12

Re: Horse Meat in Tesco and Iceland

Originally Posted by cashman (Post 1037829)
Was served it as steak in Belgium in the 80s, Thought it was absolute crap n was not aware it was horsemeat until i tasted it n complained.

Thats your trouble cashy your always moaning:D:D:D

DaveinGermany 20-01-2013 13:22

Re: Horse Meat in Tesco and Iceland

Originally Posted by cashman (Post 1037829)
Was served it as steak in Belgium in the 80s, Thought it was absolute crap n was not aware it was horsemeat until i tasted it n complained.

Obviously you'd not drunk enough of those Belgian Abbey beers at the time Cashy. :D

Less 20-01-2013 13:35

Re: Horse Meat in Tesco and Iceland

Originally Posted by DaveinGermany (Post 1037885)
Obviously you'd not drunk enough of those Belgian Abbey beers at the time Cashy. :D

He should have insisted on plenty of English mustard, it tenderises and hides the taste of any meat.

accyman 21-01-2013 23:33

Re: Horse Meat in Tesco and Iceland
1 Attachment(s)
tesco's new advert campaign :D

jaysay 22-01-2013 09:29

Re: Horse Meat in Tesco and Iceland

Originally Posted by accyman (Post 1038121)
tesco's new advert campaign :D

Nice one accyman:D

spignific 27-01-2013 00:46

Re: Horse Meat in Tesco and Iceland
best i got was.
I just had a tesco burger and got a bit between my teeth.. :)

DaveinGermany 27-01-2013 13:54

Re: Horse Meat in Tesco and Iceland
Johnny foreigner trying to poison us Brits ! :eek: (How did they get all that Horse into one burger ?)

Poland is the source of horsemeat in burgers, minister says - Telegraph

Less 27-01-2013 14:11

Re: Horse Meat in Tesco and Iceland

Originally Posted by DaveinGermany (Post 1039257)
Johnny foreigner trying to poison us Brits ! :eek: (How did they get all that Horse into one burger ?)

Poland is the source of horsemeat in burgers, minister says - Telegraph

Rubbish! There's no-one left in Poland to slaughter the horses, they're all over here imitating plumbers.

'Get off you're horse and fix my pipes', as John Wayne said to the cowboy plumber.

DaveinGermany 27-01-2013 15:24

Re: Horse Meat in Tesco and Iceland

Originally Posted by Less (Post 1039262)
'Get off you're horse and fix my pipes', as John Wayne said to the cowboy plumber.

Shouldn't that be, "stop eating that Horse" ? :D

jaysay 08-02-2013 10:13

Re: Horse Meat in Tesco and Iceland
BBC News - Horsemeat tests ordered on beef products
Findus have beat the rest with this one, it was DNA in Beef Burgers at Tesco and Iceland, Beef Lasagna at Findus are 100% horse meat, hope the cheese is strong to take the after taste away:rolleyes::D

gynn 08-02-2013 10:15

Re: Horse Meat in Tesco and Iceland

Originally Posted by jaysay (Post 1041054)
hope the cheese is strong to take the after taste away:rolleyes::D

Let's hope it really IS cheese! :(

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