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ANNE 02-10-2013 02:56

Mick in hospital
Mick has asked me to let you know he won't be on site for the next day or two.
He is in B.R.I with a chest infection. They have put him on iv antibiotics and oxygen.
He was a lot better when I left and should be home sometime tomorrow or Thursday.

flashy 02-10-2013 05:37

Re: Mick in hospital
get well soon Mick, hope you are home soon

maxthecollie 02-10-2013 06:11

Re: Mick in hospital
get well soon

Shurm 02-10-2013 06:35

Re: Mick in hospital
Get Well soon

DtheP47 02-10-2013 06:45

Re: Mick in hospital
Best wishes for a speedy recovery Mick

MargaretR 02-10-2013 07:00

Re: Mick in hospital
Get well soon, we need you here.

Margaret Pilkington 02-10-2013 07:03

Re: Mick in hospital
Get well soon Mick, you are missed!

Turtle 02-10-2013 07:09

Re: Mick in hospital
Best wishes for a speedy recovery Mick

flashy 02-10-2013 07:27

Re: Mick in hospital
tell him he can use his phone on the ward to go online (lol) he will be glad i am not at work this week until after he goes home or i would have told the nuses to give him a hard time (yes that was a joke)

vecrra 02-10-2013 07:28

Re: Mick in hospital
Best wishes Mick. Get well soon.

steve2qec 02-10-2013 07:53

Re: Mick in hospital
Get Well Soon...!!!

entwisi 02-10-2013 08:15

Re: Mick in hospital
pass on our thoughts

cashman 02-10-2013 08:16

Re: Mick in hospital
Yeh looked a bit rough Monday morning, Hope yeh get sorted mate, i'll try to behave whilst yer off.:D

davemac 02-10-2013 08:27

Re: Mick in hospital
Sorry to hear Mick is in hospital, tell him we are thinking of him.

westendlass 02-10-2013 08:58

Re: Mick in hospital
Get well soon x

sm_counsell 02-10-2013 09:13

Re: Mick in hospital
Hope you get well soon

Neil 02-10-2013 09:27

Re: Mick in hospital
hope you are feeling better soon

walkinman221 02-10-2013 10:42

Re: Mick in hospital
Get well soon..................

Less 02-10-2013 11:46

Re: Mick in hospital
I hope Jaysay doesn't end up visiting you Mick, if he does, it will only be to get revenge for when you stood on his oxygen pipe.

DaveinGermany 02-10-2013 12:00

Re: Mick in hospital
The lengths some folk will go to to avoid getting a round in tsk! ;)

Get well & out of there soon you big daft 'apeth! :)

shillelagh 02-10-2013 12:47

Re: Mick in hospital
hope you get better soon mick .. from me and the spugster xxx ...

Retlaw 02-10-2013 12:58

Re: Mick in hospital
Get well soon Mick.
Just enjoy that your mate Less will be forced to stay sober until your back in the Railway. Look at the money your saving.

Restless 02-10-2013 13:15

Re: Mick in hospital
GWS Mick

Wynonie Harris 02-10-2013 13:27

Re: Mick in hospital
Wishing you a speedy recovery, Mick.

gpick24 02-10-2013 13:28

Re: Mick in hospital
Get well soon Mick, without you, the site may go to pot.

US Angel 02-10-2013 13:28

Re: Mick in hospital
Get well soon

BERNADETTE 02-10-2013 13:52

Re: Mick in hospital
Get well soon Mickxxx

Eric 02-10-2013 15:43

Re: Mick in hospital
Hope you feel better soon ... I hear that the Railway is a good place to recover.:D It's the Intensive Ale Unit:thepint:

jaysay 02-10-2013 17:16

Re: Mick in hospital
Hope your soon feeling better Mick, those intravenous Anti Bios will soon knock those nasty little bugs on the head, what Ward is he on, anybody know, though unfortunately I won't be able to exact retribution by visiting and standing on the oxygen tube, but you can borrow some of mine when you're out:rolleyes:

Less 02-10-2013 17:34

Re: Mick in hospital

Originally Posted by Retlaw (Post 1077823)
Get well soon Mick.
Just enjoy that your mate Less will be forced to stay sober until your back in the Railway. Look at the money your saving.

WRONG! Mick must have known what was going to happen, he's paid me some on.

Gordon Booth 02-10-2013 17:48

Re: Mick in hospital
Please wish him all the best, Ann.

davidf 02-10-2013 18:05

Re: Mick in hospital
Every best wish for a speedy recovery.

Mick 03-10-2013 07:22

Re: Mick in hospital
2 Attachment(s)
Back home:D
Thanks for all your good wishes
although I am still feeling rough at least I am home
as you know if you have read my blog I was diagnosed with emphysema and pulmonary fibrosis last month.
Then I get a chest infection on top of all that I was coughing could not get my breath feeling very cold although they said my temp was very high
it got that bad the other night Anne had to call NHS Direct who in turn called out an ambulance.
got to the hospital at about 10pm was checked over ecg x-ray and bloods all done.
the doc said at first looking at the x-ray I could have pneumonia but later on decided it was just a very bad chest infection.
so was put on iv antibiotics and a nebuliser for 6 hours
then moved to the assessment ward
they finished poking and prodding by 3-40am when the doc said try and get some sleep.
7am "do you want a brew" not posting what I thought :D
anyway as I say home still rough and on antibiotics not allowed out for 7 days got to keep warm etc no larger sorry less :)

Neil 03-10-2013 07:39

Re: Mick in hospital
Good to hear you're home.
How are you supposed to keep the bugs away without alcohol in your blood stream?

vecrra 03-10-2013 08:44

Re: Mick in hospital
Good to hear that you're home and feeling better Mick :)

Bob Dobson 03-10-2013 08:57

Re: Mick in hospital
Am pleased that you seem to be on the mend.

Margaret Pilkington 03-10-2013 10:00

Re: Mick in hospital
Look after yourself Mick.
I would offer to do a bedbath for you, but it might set you back a week :)

DaveinGermany 03-10-2013 12:08

Re: Mick in hospital

Originally Posted by Mick (Post 1077928)
not allowed out for 7 days :)

No playin' out with the big boys for a week! NIGHTMARE! :D Suppose Less could sneak round with a carry out though ......... just a thought. ;)

jaysay 03-10-2013 17:24

Re: Mick in hospital
Good to see your home Mick, Looks like Less will be drinking weak beer for the next 7 days, he'll be crying in it now he's buying his own:D:thepint:

lettie 03-10-2013 17:37

Re: Mick in hospital
Glad you are home Mick, hope you get well soon :D

Less 03-10-2013 18:13

Re: Mick in hospital

Originally Posted by jaysay (Post 1078017)
Good to see your home Mick, Looks like Less will be drinking weak beer for the next 7 days, he'll be crying in it now he's buying his own:D:thepint:

Excuse me, are you saying Mick isn't organised?

Last time he was in he paid me some on.

GJWatson 03-10-2013 18:16

Re: Mick in hospital
Get well soon bud

jaysay 03-10-2013 18:50

Re: Mick in hospital

Originally Posted by Less (Post 1078024)
Excuse me, are you saying Mick isn't organised?

Last time he was in he paid me some on.

Are you sure Mick wasn't in dock to have a plaster put on his broken arm Less:D

lancsdave 03-10-2013 19:39

Re: Mick in hospital
All this sympathy for Mick and not one person has even bothered about poor Less having to go out and drink for 2. :rolleyes:

Less 03-10-2013 19:47

Re: Mick in hospital

Originally Posted by lancsdave (Post 1078036)
All this sympathy for Mick and not one person has even bothered about poor Less having to go out and drink for 2. :rolleyes:

Very kind of you to mention it, however, I just shrugged my shoulders and told myself, a mans gotta do what a mans gotta do.

BERNADETTE 03-10-2013 23:27

Re: Mick in hospital
Good to hear you're home Mick

DaveinGermany 04-10-2013 17:06

Re: Mick in hospital

Originally Posted by Less (Post 1078039)
a mans gotta do what a mans gotta do.

Ooh, yer a proper martyr you! :D

jaysay 04-10-2013 17:33

Re: Mick in hospital

Originally Posted by DaveinGermany (Post 1078122)
Ooh, yer a proper martyr you! :D

I think he should get the George Cross for his efforts over and above those of a normal boozer:D

Less 04-10-2013 17:50

Re: Mick in hospital

Originally Posted by jaysay (Post 1078130)
I think he should get the George Cross for his efforts over and above those of a normal boozer:D

Strangely enough, though I don't normally believe in coincidence, I was walking past the railway station this afternoon.

Some bloke that had obviously just got off a train, approached me and said, 'excuse me? Could you direct me to the local boozer?'

I said, 'you're in luck, you're talking to him, now, where would you like to take me for a drink?'


pacemaker 05-10-2013 17:04

Re: Mick in hospital
hi steven here from over in swinton hope you get well soon mick . take care . get well soon

US Angel 08-10-2013 00:12

Re: Mick in hospital

Originally Posted by lancsdave (Post 1078036)
All this sympathy for Mick and not one person has even bothered about poor Less having to go out and drink for 2. :rolleyes:

I am sure Less is handling it quite well

dotti34 08-10-2013 08:13

Re: Mick in hospital
Very sorry to hear about your latest health problem, Mick, hope you are soon over it and are once again able to enjoy the necessities of life with Less...I'll raise a glass to that.

Less 08-10-2013 14:23

Mick in hospital

Originally Posted by US Angel (Post 1078676)
I am sure Less is handling it quite well

Yeah right, Less and several others are actually suffering along with Mick, whatever infection he got is very catching, fortunately for the rest of us we have healthier lungs, it's my first day out since Friday and I'm thinking perhaps I should have waited another year or so?

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