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accyman 15-03-2014 11:05

Re: BENEFITS hmmmm

Originally Posted by Accyexplorer (Post 1097925)
Benefits are the minimum amount of money the 'Government claims' they need to live on. On a sanction you get nothing or a small percent of that money.
How do the DWP/JC get away with changing what the 'law' says they need to live on?

one of the reasons why it is an unofficial policy to meet a quota of sanctions

like less has said they are the messengers not the rule makers

look at cameron the guy who allowed his mate to make millions from the NHS - What camerons mate made personally alone out of the NHS could have bought a lot of baby incubators or treated a lot of people for cancer

now thats what i call scum not some poor sod trying to get by on a pittance or some poor sod stuck in a job that gets them regular abuse

accyman 15-03-2014 11:08

Re: BENEFITS hmmmm
its about time the words scum and scroungers are pointed back where they belong

back at the MP's

Accyexplorer 15-03-2014 11:35

Re: BENEFITS hmmmm

Originally Posted by Less (Post 1097926)
The people working at the job centre aren't bleeps.

Ok,I'll use the word 'useless' in future.:rolleyes:

Less 15-03-2014 12:02

Re: BENEFITS hmmmm

Originally Posted by Accyexplorer (Post 1097940)
Ok,I'll use the word 'useless' in future.:rolleyes:

Have you ever been to a jobcentre?

Do you ever actually talk about something you know about?

The people down there are not useless, they are part of an overworked system, if they don't get their job right, people on benefits don't get their money, (yes it's their money, they have proved they are entitled to it and the majority have paid into the system for years).

The Full Monty 1 1997 Robert Carlyle - YouTube
Is this how you imagine life on the dole to be?
A great film but nothing like real life.
They'd have had their money stopped
just for practicing when they should be job seeking!

Accyexplorer 15-03-2014 12:29

Re: BENEFITS hmmmm

Originally Posted by Less (Post 1097943)
Have you ever been to a jobcentre?

Do you ever actually talk about something you know about?

The people down there are not useless, they are part of an overworked system, if they don't get their job right, people on benefits don't get their money, (yes it's their money, they have proved they are entitled to it and the majority have paid into the system for years).

The Full Monty 1 1997 Robert Carlyle - YouTube
Is this how you imagine life on the dole to be?
A great film but nothing like real life.
They'd have had their money stopped
just for practicing when they should be job seeking!

Yes I've been to the JC in the past,and while I'm sure their are a few who put their heart an soul into finding folk work and doing the job they are paid to do ,the majority of them are "useless" IMHO.
I'd go as far as to say some of them enjoy having that illusion of power over those less fortunate.

Great clip,I nearly gave you a "clique point like". ;)

Less 15-03-2014 12:37

Re: BENEFITS hmmmm

Originally Posted by Accyexplorer (Post 1097944)
Great clip,I nearly gave you a "clique point like". ;)

Not to worry if you had I'd have cancelled it with several negative karma points.

As usual the rest of the above post wasn't worth repeating.:(

Accyexplorer 15-03-2014 12:46

Re: BENEFITS hmmmm

Originally Posted by Less (Post 1097947)
Not to worry if you had I'd have cancelled it with several negative karma points.:(

I suppose that's one of the perks of being the grand wizard :rolleyes:

Less 15-03-2014 13:32

Re: BENEFITS hmmmm

Originally Posted by Accyexplorer (Post 1097949)
I suppose that's one of the perks of being the grand wizard :rolleyes:


Nope, I never would use anything that isn't available to all members, even you!

I keep forgetting I'm dealing with someone that knows little about Me, AccyWeb or real life.

I'll let someone else explain it all to you, if they can be bothered, I find your ignorance of facts and life extremely amusing in it's own most fashion.


Margaret Pilkington 15-03-2014 15:08

Re: BENEFITS hmmmm

Originally Posted by accyman (Post 1097915)
what this current lot have managed to do is stigmatize people on benefits to the extent that people not on benefits couldnt care less how badly people on benefits are treated.
I don't think this is entirely true. There is a difference between not caring and not wanting to be a party to fraudulent claimants. And a benefits free for all that make people dependent is no help at all

theres plenty out there who are on benefits who sell drugs , work full time and run every scam in the book but its hard work and costly to catch them people.
So, it is a hard job.....does that mean that it should not be attempted?
its much easier to take money off the vulnerable and bad mouthing the poor is free

Those who are poor often do not pay taxes...apart from those levied on what they spend their money on.

My daughter has been ill for a long time. She has not had a penny of benefits apart from a short time on SSP...which ran out some time last July.
She gets no benefits because her husband earns just slightly over the threshold where she would be able to claim.
A request was put in for her to receive PIP(the new name for DLA) that was in May last year...she has not had a single penny ...and only recently had an ATOS interview in her home because she is too ill to travel...she was told that the processing of this claim could take three months.
So I am fully aware of the difficulties the claimants face.
My comments have been made in the face of being aware of these difficulties from a personal point of view.
She has had to give up on things that many of us take for granted.
You have to cut your coat according to your cloth.

I have said many times that if those who should pay tax paid the amount that is required(thinking of the legal tax evasion that the multi national companies practice while the government - and not just this government but preceding ones too, seem to think is alright)then there would be enough in the pot to pay those in need, what would be something that allows a life, rather than an existence

accyman 15-03-2014 16:23

Re: BENEFITS hmmmm
funny isnt it how easily someone who has paid into the system all tehir life can be a scumbag when they claim something back to get by yet not so much fuss from government about all those who have never paid a damn penny into the system whom government allow into this country on a daily basis sign on the dotted line to get some free money.

were not allowed to have a go either as thats been racist but its perfectly ok to bitch and moan about someone whos worked all their life but looses their job because government urinated all the money away on illigal wars and bad management of the economy

accyman 15-03-2014 16:53

Re: BENEFITS hmmmm

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington (Post 1097977)
Those who are poor often do not pay taxes...apart from those levied on what they spend their money on.

due to your method used in quoting me i cant respond with quotes but i dont appreciate you making it appear as though i am saying that i dont think drug dealers should be caught or those working full time and claiming benefits when its very clear that i am saying it is easier for government to save money by targeting the vulnerable rather than put some effort into catching the ones defrauding the system

Margaret Pilkington 15-03-2014 17:48

Re: BENEFITS hmmmm

Originally Posted by accyman (Post 1097985)
due to your method used in quoting me i cant respond with quotes but i dont appreciate you making it appear as though i am saying that i dont think drug dealers should be caught or those working full time and claiming benefits when its very clear that i am saying it is easier for government to save money by targeting the vulnerable rather than put some effort into catching the ones defrauding the system

No, that wasn't what I was implying at all Accyman.

If you took it that way then I apologise.

What I was trying to say (and seemingly failing miserably), is that the establishment seem to think that catching those who do drugs is hard so they plan to legalise them(or would like to) because the police think chasing them is a pointless exercise...and my point was to ask, if because catching those who defraud the benefits system was so hard that they don't bother trying to do it. Anything that is hard...well, it seems like it is too much effort.
My criticism was levelled at the establishment - not you.

accyman 15-03-2014 18:23

Re: BENEFITS hmmmm
no worries margaret one of those misundertsnding things that perhaps i wouldnt have taken the way i did if i didnt have a helicoptor flying around my head (literally lol ), a 17 year old wanting something, a birthday meal to sort out for tonight and some idiot on ebay trying to be a clever arse with his words in the hope i wont insist on a full refund and a whole world of other stuff...

and to top it off my youngest bought me a bath bomb in the shape of a cup cake which i mistook for a sweetie as i have never seen a bath bomb before and took a huge bite out of it

at least my breath is fresh even if my mood stinks lol

Margaret Pilkington 15-03-2014 18:26

Re: BENEFITS hmmmm
So is it your birthday Accyman?
it is my daughters birthday today...she is mumble mumble. (I know she is not able to access the internet right now -but she might be one day soon) :)
PS...the bath bomb thing made me laugh...a lot(I have a very pictorial imagination).
Hope you get rid of the taste very least your trumps will smell nice :)

accyman 15-03-2014 18:33

Re: BENEFITS hmmmm
its on paddys day but kids are a weekend thing so opened teh prezzies today from them

i wouldnt mind but the little sod sat and watched me take a bite and didnt even make a move to stop me lol

takes after me for sure the little ............. :-)

now to get back on topic where is a child getting money from to buy bathbombs ? Talk about frittering child benefit on tat :D

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