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Eric 05-03-2014 01:24

Re: Animals killed for training
In fact, I think I'll watch it again tonite ... it's bloody cold and snowing like a sonofabitch; so, I'll curl up with a dog and a couple of cats, spark up a fatty, pour myself a few drinks and forget about all this silly seriousness.;)

patgonzalez 21-03-2014 09:17

Re: Animals killed for training
this can never be justified! How could they do that to helpless animals who are living freely in the wild? No life, even animal's , should be used for purposes such as this. How barbaric and yes, animalistic!

Margaret Pilkington 21-03-2014 10:33

Re: Animals killed for training

Originally Posted by patgonzalez (Post 1098748)
this can never be justified! How could they do that to helpless animals who are living freely in the wild? No life, even animal's , should be used for purposes such as this. How barbaric and yes, animalistic!

You obviously have not read the previous threads to make such a comment.
Perhaps if you had, then you would have commented in a more intelligent and reasoned manner.

Less 21-03-2014 10:43

Re: Animals killed for training

Originally Posted by patgonzalez (Post 1098748)
this can never be justified! How could they do that to helpless animals who are living freely in the wild? No life, even animal's , should be used for purposes such as this. How barbaric and yes, animalistic!

Can I just warn everyone that there is a hidden url in the above post, (I have removed it from this quote), I have reported it, so until a mod can remove it completely, please don't quote the post.
It doesn't seem to work at the moment but I did get it to work and it is for a porn site.

Margaret Pilkington 21-03-2014 10:45

Re: Animals killed for training
Sorry Less...I didn't know. How can you tell? I am just interested

Less 21-03-2014 10:53

Re: Animals killed for training

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington (Post 1098764)
Sorry Less...I didn't know. How can you tell? I am just interested

No problem Margaret, I'd sent a report an hour or so ago, didn't think to warn folk then.

If you press the 'quote' button on that post the URL appears at the bottom of the quote, he/she has coloured it to the same as the background, fortunately it doesn't work he/she didn't do it right, but had it worked when moving your cursor over it, it would have changed to the finger for a link clicking on it would have taken you to a porn site.

These spammers are really trying to be clever.

Margaret Pilkington 21-03-2014 11:06

Re: Animals killed for training
Ah, I never noticed. They are going to have to get up a lot earlier to beat you !

Neil 21-03-2014 11:18

Re: Animals killed for training

Originally Posted by Less (Post 1098766)
These spammers are really trying to be clever.

Thanks for the report, I have removed the links now. Not sure what the point of it was because you couldn't easily follow the link and I didn't go to the site to see what it was

Studio25 21-03-2014 12:47

Re: Animals killed for training

Originally Posted by Neil (Post 1098773)
...Not sure what the point of it was because you couldn't easily follow the link...

Could be trying to get a good ranking on Google - this is a very active forum and probably gets crawled quite a lot.

DaveinGermany 02-11-2014 11:52

Re: Animals killed for training
I know it's reopening an old thread, but just reading this article today it highlights that the means used to train & advance military medics skills (regardless how people feel personally) via hands on, practical experience & sometimes drastic measures have definitely benefited our troops. That said, it has also had a knock on effect which has been carried across to parts of the NHS. The result, improving casualties chances & increased survivability rates for the man on the street.

NHS adopts trauma skills developed at military hospital in Afghanistan - Health News - Health & Families - The Independent

Margaret Pilkington 02-11-2014 13:04

Re: Animals killed for training
There is absolutely nothing to compare with experiential learning.
Lessons learned in this way are never ever lost....and what is more, they can be built on and the transfer of knowledge and skills has to be a positive event.
So out of what was a very unfortunate and difficult event, positives have emerged........and lives will be saved from what was learned in a theatre of war.

I read that article(with great interest - I have never lost my thirst for medical information and advances) but didn't consider posting it in this thread....but it does deserve a wider audience.

Eric 02-11-2014 17:55

Re: Animals killed for training

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington (Post 1122728)
There is absolutely nothing to compare with experiential learning.

Are we talking about the thread topic ... or the link to porn sites.:confused:

Margaret Pilkington 02-11-2014 18:05

Re: Animals killed for training
what link to porn sites Eric?

Gordon Booth 02-11-2014 19:27

Re: Animals killed for training

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington (Post 1122752)
what link to porn sites Eric?

Margaret! I'm surprised at you!

Margaret Pilkington 02-11-2014 19:35

Re: Animals killed for training
I am glad I can still surprise you Gordon, but it was a totally innocent question.......I can see no porn site links in this thread.....unless I am missing something.

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