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Accyexplorer 03-03-2014 01:12

Animals killed for training
British military surgeons are being sent to Denmark for controversial training on live animals, a practice that is illegal in the UK.
"The pigs are strung up then blasted with an AK-47 rifle or a 9mm handgun".
Pigs strung up and SHOT to train British Army medics in treating gunshot wounds - Mirror Online

IMHO this is a absolutely barbaric,disgraceful activity carried out in the name of war,our government should be ashamed.
Just shows how evil mankind and war can be :(

Anyone claiming shooting live pigs is beneficial for folk that want to go into the medical profession....


DaveinGermany 03-03-2014 06:12

Re: Animals killed for training
While on the one hand it may seem barbaric, but I'd say it's far more barbaric to send a young BMT (Battlefield medical technician) "Medic" unprepared into a combat situation where his/her lack of practical training & ability to overcome the horror of a gunshot wound or blunt trauma injury costs the life of a young Soldier.

The recovery rate & combat survivability has vastly increased over the years mainly due to better medical procedures learnt by our medics being out on the ground with the troops seeing & dealing with actual trauma cases.

So unless you're prepared to welcome our boys & girls home in body bags, don't get so upset about a necessary evil.

Less 03-03-2014 07:47

Animals killed for training
What do I think?

I think you shouldn't get over-excited.

Yet again an over the top emotional rant from your keyboard.

Sometimes not everything that has to be done comes in a pretty package, one member of our serving forces saved is worth a thousand pigs.

That's what I think.

Boeing Guy 03-03-2014 07:49

Re: Animals killed for training
Well, if its in the Mirror, it must be true..

What our Medics learn pn the battlefield, gets transfered to our hospitals.
It may not be nice, but neither is testing drugs on animals, I take it you take painkillers from time to time?
I am with Dave and Less

Margaret Pilkington 03-03-2014 07:59

Re: Animals killed for training
This item was in the papers at least a week ago(maybe more).
It circumvents our laws because it happens in Scandinavia(Denmark I think)

The pigs are given an anaesthetic first so they feel nothing. So it is done in a humane manner as the pigs do not suffer
The reason why pigs are used for this research is, when a pig is stretched out on its back all the organs are in the same place that a human beings organs are......they are also the same size. This gives the medics an opportunity to hone their skills that could save the life of some mothers son (or daughter) that sustains a battle injury.

So my question to you would be....What would you prefer.....a live pig, or a dead son/daughter on the field of battle because the medics did not have the skills to save your child?

I know what my answer would is a no brainer.

cashman 03-03-2014 08:00

Re: Animals killed for training
Possibly yeh had a few beers n typed before yeh thought it through is what i think?:rolleyes:

accyman 03-03-2014 08:11

Re: Animals killed for training
as usual this story got out because someone squealed

Accyexplorer 03-03-2014 08:54

Re: Animals killed for training
Morning folks,
Well I must say I'm pretty shocked at the responses so far.
I understand they use pigs because their physiology is similar to ours,why not use dead ones?
Surely there are other methods of training
CAE Healthcare - Product & Services: Caesar.
Even if the surgery is a success the pigs are killed.
Shooting live pigs which have been strung up by the back legs is the behaviour of (deleted due to forum rules) IMHO (and I've not even had a drink :p).
Being trained to kill a life-form for the purposes of greed, oil and land is wrong,sorry but it just doesn't sit right with me .:(

Less 03-03-2014 09:18

Re: Animals killed for training

Originally Posted by Accyexplorer (Post 1096445)
Morning folks,
Well I must say I'm pretty shocked at the responses so far.

Why are you shocked? You asked what we thought we told you, if you are going to attempt controversy then you should expect opinions that don't always (or should that be ever?) agree with yours.

The only thing about it I find shocking is that they have to travel abroad to carry out this training, all those jobs going to Johnny Foreigners when we could be breeding pigs of our own to give this essential training.

As for the rest of this post, is lack of sleep causing you to be over-emotional? Perhaps if you didn't stay up until well passed your bedtime reading what you obviously think to be horror stories that cause you to create (for you), such worrying threads.

There, there, now my little one, don't you fret your little head with things that should only be talked about by rational adults.

Accyexplorer 03-03-2014 09:32

Re: Animals killed for training

Originally Posted by Less (Post 1096446)
Why are you shocked? You asked what we thought we told you, if you are going to attempt controversy then you should expect opinions that don't always (or should that be ever?) agree with yours.

The only thing about it I find shocking is that they have to travel abroad to carry out this training, all those jobs going to Johnny Foreigners when we could be breeding pigs of our own to give this essential training.

As for the rest of this post, is lack of sleep causing you to be over-emotional? Perhaps if you didn't stay up until well passed your bedtime reading what you obviously think to be horror stories that cause you to create (for you), such worrying threads.

There, there, now my little one, don't you fret your little head with things that should only be talked about by rational adults.

I'm shocked at what seems to be a lack of controversy :D
Perhaps your right about me getting a little emotional,but it's nothing to do with lack of's called not being a stone hearted barstool ;)
"Rational adults"....thanks for the laugh :p

It's good to see you firing on all cylinders.

Less 03-03-2014 09:40

Re: Animals killed for training

Originally Posted by Accyexplorer (Post 1096448)

It's good to see you firing on all cylinders.

It would be nice to see you put your brain in gear before attempting anything onsite, I live in fading hopes.


gpick24 03-03-2014 10:02

Re: Animals killed for training
I`m guessing you don`t have any family or close friends in the military.

Accyexplorer 03-03-2014 10:09

Re: Animals killed for training

Originally Posted by gpick24 (Post 1096451)
I`m guessing you don`t have any family or close friends in the military.

You guess wrong,sorry, but even if all my family/friends were (god forbid) in the military I couldn't and wouldn't condone the torture of these animals in the name of 'medical practice'

gpick24 03-03-2014 10:14

Re: Animals killed for training
Not me, these pigs are more than likely on there way to being bacon butties anyway, if this helps the medics in any way whatsoever, then it`s worth doing.
I`d be more bothered if they were being used for testing of perfumes or make-up, but to save the lives of soldiers, doesn`t bother me at all.

cashman 03-03-2014 10:18

Re: Animals killed for training

Originally Posted by gpick24 (Post 1096453)
Not me, these pigs are more than likely on there way to being bacon butties anyway, if this helps the medics in any way whatsoever, then it`s worth doing.
I`d be more bothered if they were being used for testing of perfumes or make-up, but to save the lives of soldiers, doesn`t bother me at all.

Exactly a pigs life or a soldiers is NO CONTEST. simple as.

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