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davebtelford 05-05-2014 18:32

Nigeria is an important cesspit - why don't the USA get in and give Boko Haram a good slapping? Maybe a good redeployment from Afghanistan?

DaveinGermany 05-05-2014 18:52

Re: Nigeria
Probably because the last time they went into Africa (east) Mogadishu, Somalia, they got a very bitter wake up call despite all their high tech. Added to that there's not a great deal of value to be had there, so why bother?

Neil 05-05-2014 22:46

Re: Nigeria
They got a good movie out of it though

Jim Procter 05-05-2014 22:48

Re: Nigeria
Wish the USA would stop poking their noses in where it is not really wanted.

Eric 05-05-2014 22:59

Re: Nigeria

Originally Posted by Neil (Post 1105290)
They got a good movie out of it though

They always do ... maybe that's what its all about.

Jim Procter 06-05-2014 22:59

Re: Nigeria
Poor little girls, probably sold into marriage or even something worse.

Eric 07-05-2014 04:08

Re: Nigeria

Originally Posted by Jim Procter (Post 1105390)
Poor little girls, probably sold into marriage or even something worse.

Poor kids ... and all in the name of the Prophet ... All Muslims should be hanging their heads in shame or expressing outrage. But I for one ain't holding my breath.

DaveinGermany 07-05-2014 05:05

Re: Nigeria

Originally Posted by Jim Procter (Post 1105390)
or even something worse.

Probably already happened considering the degenerates who've taken them.

DAV007 08-05-2014 07:17

Re: Nigeria
The total failure and lack of interest from the Nigerian government is the worst aspect. Good luck Jonathan must be to busy counting his millions.

westendlass 08-05-2014 08:29

Re: Nigeria
Maybe if it was school boys rather than girls there would be more interest. It doesn't bear thinking about what might have happened to them. It must be terrible for their families.

Less 08-05-2014 08:41

Re: Nigeria

Originally Posted by westendlass (Post 1105475)
It must be terrible for their families.

Probably worse for the girls.

Lucysgirl 08-05-2014 12:10

Re: Nigeria
From a piece on TV this morning which showed a young man speaking his mind, I think questions are starting to be asked by the Nigerian people about corruption in high places. He asked where the billons of dollars (I think he said $22 million) the USA gave Nigeria a few years ago which was supposed to specifically be spent on bringing the Boko Haram gangs to book.

westendlass 08-05-2014 13:01

Re: Nigeria
It probably got spent on a new jet and fleet of limo's.

Boeing Guy 08-05-2014 16:16

Re: Nigeria
Having been there a few times, happiness is landing gear up at Lagos:) I can assure you that Goodluck Johnson does not have a new jet, heck $22 mil will only buy a old biz jet. Most likely a Swiss or Grand Cayman bank account

Lucysgirl 09-05-2014 11:36

Re: Nigeria
I've just visited the website of the World Bank and seen the mind boggling sums Nigeria receives per anum and over a period of time, Billions of Dollars are not peanuts - here's the latest published sum = $1,915,820,000. :

Net official development assistance and official aid received (current US$) | Data | Table

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