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Margaret Pilkington 06-03-2020 22:58

Re: Corona Virus
Just don't get the bottles mixed up in an alcoholic haze....drinking Domestos and rubbing your hand with Beer .....might work you know....but it won't be fun!

DaveinGermany 06-03-2020 23:06

Re: Corona Virus

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington (Post 1237924)
Just don't get the bottles mixed up in an alcoholic haze....drinking Domestos and rubbing your hand with Beer .....might work you know....but it won't be fun!

Most assuredly, but I think I'm pretty safe as I only drink what I fetch out of the fridge. :D

Jimmy Clitheroe 07-03-2020 00:15

Re: Corona Virus
I would like to see the NHS issue some info on who is most at risk (age, underlying medical conditions etc) - they seem to be a bit slow at letting people know who is most likely to succumb to the virus.

Margaret Pilkington 07-03-2020 09:06

Re: Corona Virus
Jimmy, I can tell you that information.
Anyone over the age of 60 is more at risk.
Those whose immunity is compromised....Patients having Chemo,pregnant women.
Anyone with a heart condition.
Anyone with chest problems....asthma, chronic lung disease.
This is not rocket science to work it out, but even then the risks, if you take sensible actions are not that great, because right now with the current state of things you probably have more chance of winning the lotto(even if you haven't bought a ticket)
Now if whole swathes of the country are knocked down by this virus, then you can get out your worries then.
Oh, by the way, that list is not exhaustive....but it gives you the ideas...probably as much as the NHS would issue....except they are a bit busy right now dealing with 'worried well' who demand to be tested for this virus because the have a headache..

The whole thing about the media is they go into a frenzy.
And you know what, a lot of our population swallow it whole without the process of chewing....they put zero rational thought into the equation, hence the panic buying of lavvy paper and hand gel.

taddy 07-03-2020 10:35

Re: Corona Virus
We could always go back 60 years or so, to the time when the daily paper was cut or torn into six inch squares and hung on a nail on the Lavvy door.
If anyone is thinking of this option, please feel free to use the Sun, In my opinion thats about all it is fit for.

Hill Walker 07-03-2020 11:52

Re: Corona Virus
Just come back from a supermarket trip. I hate going to the supermarket so having a choice of two, one big, one small, both equidistant I normally go to the small one, better parking and I can get round it quicker. However about once a month I go to the big one to get the items that the small one does not sell mainly refill packets of various things and large packets of some items.
The Lemmings had obviously been there.
The 'pain killer' shelves had been stripped bare, no problem didn't want or need any. Interestingly the 'cold and flue remedy' shelves had not been touched, obviously the Lemmings don't read the ingredients part of the labels.
The 'gel type' soap shelves also stripped bare but interestingly solid soap in packets untouched. No problem, I would have bought a refill pack if there had been any but only because that would have been a normal purchase at this time, I've got about a months worth at home.
The pasta shelves were nearly bare, one lonely packet in the back corner of one shelf, no problem didn't want any. Did notice the solitary packet had gone ten minutes later when going to the payout.
Toilet rolls, the larger packs had obviously taken a big hit, still some there but not as many as there should have been. Lots of small packs, obviously the Lemmings were being selective.
Got sort of grumbled at for using cash rather than a credit card.
I suppose it was about what I expected.

cashman 07-03-2020 12:15

Re: Corona Virus
Lemmings is a nice word for those people, myself i say knobheads.;)

RainbowSix 07-03-2020 13:45

Re: Corona Virus

Originally Posted by taddy (Post 1237942)
please feel free to use the Sun, In my opinion thats about all it is fit for.

Sorry but I don't use loo paper thats previously been used, and thus I wont use the sun/mirror/mail as it's already full of $h1t :)

DaveinGermany 07-03-2020 16:58

Re: Corona Virus

Originally Posted by cashman (Post 1237953)
Lemmings is a nice word for those people, myself i say knobheads.;)

Aah Cashy my friend, subtle & concise as ever. :D

Jimmy Clitheroe 07-03-2020 19:51

Re: Corona Virus

Originally Posted by cashman (Post 1237953)
Lemmings is a nice word for those people, myself i say knobheads.;)

It's a pity they don't emulate the original lemming myth and take a jump over the nearest cliff (mind you if the papers or telly told 'em to.....)

dotti34 07-03-2020 22:44

Re: Corona Virus
The toilet roll saga has certainly brought out the worst in some people. Latest pictures over here show women actually fighting very viciously over packets of the stuff. Unbelievable! On my weekly shopping expedition to the supermarket I found that all the shelves of food, etc., were well stocked – but not a toilet roll in sight. However, there were lots for sale at the local fruit and veg shop, which I found very amusing.

However, another fruit and veg shop elsewhere has been banned from selling toilet rolls as they were asking a much-inflated price.

What I can’t understand is that if people are worried about possible shortages why isn’t it foodstuffs they are stocking up on and not toilet paper of all things. There’s no rhyme or reason. Only thing I can think of is that there must be a lot of bums around the place.

ferret man 09-03-2020 22:11

Re: Corona Virus
could be this has really scared people, I mean "REALLY SCARED"

Margaret Pilkington 09-03-2020 22:19

Re: Corona Virus
yes I read somewhere that someone sneezed and ten people crapped themselves

monkey hanger 10-03-2020 09:22

Re: Corona Virus
with having a nearly a permanent cold and sneaze i,m just waiting to be stoned to death or burried in a toilet roll mountain for my troubles.

cashman 10-03-2020 09:47

Re: Corona Virus
those stocking up on toilet rolls are crapping themselves fer chance they get the virus dotti, complete idiots in other words.

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