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park381 15-01-2005 13:35

Re: Don't miss this golden opportunity....
Yep, done it, as you say win £100.................Leave yer name & address :swear8: :signntme:

Terry 16-01-2005 07:26

Re: Don't miss this golden opportunity....
Well I filled in the survey. Having read all of your thoughts about Accy from time to time. I must have become brainwashed.:D Didn't give 'em much info. Just told 'em what I think of the Council.

pendy 16-01-2005 18:36

Re: Don't miss this golden opportunity....
Done it. Given them both the London address and the Ossy address - that will tax their mighty brains rather much! Have also said on their Comments site that their survey is crap. It is totally inflexible, and is designed to lead in a certain direction, unless of course you tell them that you don't want any services, just to pay less. I also said that it was stupid to ask someone not involved in local government what they would spend 0.5 to 1 million on - how are you supposed to know what that buys? I did say from experience as a school governor that I know it costs over 0.5 million a year to keep a primary school going. I did suggest it might best be spent on an overhaul of their management practices, in an effort to make them more efficient!

About how many people work for Hyndburn Council? - about a third of them.

Less 16-01-2005 19:15

Re: Don't miss this golden opportunity....

Originally Posted by pendy
I did suggest it might best be spent on an overhaul of their management practices, in an effort to make them more efficient!

That is a none starter Pendy, after all, the management isn't well enough trained in mangement practices to recognise a good course to send themselves on!

park381 16-01-2005 20:58

Re: Don't miss this golden opportunity....

Originally Posted by pendy
I also said that it was stupid to ask someone not involved in local government what they would spend 0.5 to 1 million on - how are you supposed to know what that buys?

Well there are a few things we could look at, may be Cllr's expenses, what do they add up to over a 12 month period :rolleyes:

chav1 23-01-2005 04:48

Re: Don't miss this golden opportunity....
ok ive given them a few suggestions on how to save money and improve service

1: stop giving people money to renovate houses they let fall into disrepair in the first place it should be up to them to maintain and repair their property ( refering to all the grants certain groups of peope get )

2: stop digging up broadway it was fine as it was with the flower beds and now it looks a disgrace and all the millions spent on the cobbles in town centre are now covered in tarmac

3: kick the binmen up the ass and tell them to actualy take bags of rubbish away instead of leaving it for the rats it seems binmen are scared of getting their hands dirty ( if you dont want dirty hands dont do a dirty job)

3: put sighns in parks stating that rides and swings are used at parents/childs own risk to prevent stupid claims for scratched knees ( hell we all fallen of a swing and i dont remember anyone giving me thousands of pounds for it )

Gobsmacked 25-01-2005 08:38

Re: Don't miss this golden opportunity....
I would love to see the results, and in particular the comments made.

chav1 25-01-2005 18:53

Re: Don't miss this golden opportunity....

Originally Posted by Gobsmacked
I would love to see the results, and in particular the comments made.

well they call us customers now so if the customer is always right we should be seeing some results soon lol

park381 25-01-2005 18:58

Re: Don't miss this golden opportunity....

Originally Posted by chav1
well they call us customers now so if the customer is always right we should be seeing some results soon lol

Y're joking ar'nt you, the speed HBC work at, could be 2008 before you see any results

chav1 28-01-2005 02:27

Re: Don't miss this golden opportunity....

Originally Posted by park381
Y're joking ar'nt you, the speed HBC work at, could be 2008 before you see any results

they took my money for april 2005 and its only january

now thats fast service

rosegrove 13-02-2005 16:57

just stayed in a lighthouse cottage just 4 cottages and the lighthouse near padstow just. great 2miles from nearst house pub shop but great to listen to the sea lighthouse, still in use but not manned now seals on rocks 2 mins walk beaches 10min walk nobody on them yet have a look

chav1 13-02-2005 17:35

Re: lighthouse

Originally Posted by rosegrove
just stayed in a lighthouse cottage just 4 cottages and the lighthouse near padstow just. great 2miles from nearst house pub shop but great to listen to the sea lighthouse, still in use but not manned now seals on rocks 2 mins walk beaches 10min walk nobody on them yet have a look

ime sure this idea will be looked into further at the next meeting of councilors lol

WillowTheWhisp 13-02-2005 17:45

Re: Don't miss this golden opportunity....
Have we threadwandered or am I missing something?

Bagpuss 13-02-2005 20:35

Re: Don't miss this golden opportunity....
The title of the thread is "Don't miss this golden opportunity.... ", I presume that's what Rosegrove is trying to say?

THOTH 16-02-2005 20:08

Re: Don't miss this golden opportunity....
I have been particularly interested in recent postings relating to Councillor Britcliffe. May I suggest that you critics ask yourself how on earth in a working class area like Hyndburn the Conservatives are running the Council. Could it be that the "last lot" let us down ?

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