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taddy 29-07-2022 11:18

Re: Allotment.
By the way I do give some away to friends and relations.

dotti34 29-07-2022 11:21

Re: Allotment.
Although that is a kind thought, Skuta, and I am all for helping those who really are less fortunate, I don’t see why Taddy should give the results of his months of work away. I know that if I was a neighbour I would certainly be happy to pay for lovely fresh vegetables and fruit. Why shouldn’t Taddy earn a bit of cash for all the work he has put in, whether he enjoyed doing this or not. I am sure that none of the produce will go to waste, and some of it could be frozen for Mrs Taddy to use at a later date.

Is there a Farmers’ Market there? If there is then that could be the answer.

DaveinGermany 29-07-2022 13:51

Re: Allotment.

Originally Posted by taddy (Post 1267653)
Many of these people who "cannot" afford food "can" afford to pay £10/£12 quid a packet for cigarette's and £3-00p plus for a pint and what about the growing band of young and not so young "smackheads"?

If I can put my head down and ar-- up in order to dig, sow and cultivate my own food at seventy five year's of age then why should I give it away to the people who think that the rest of the population owe them a living.

Don't beat about the bush mate, if you've got something on your chest just put it out there why not? :D

dotti34 29-07-2022 23:57

Re: Allotment.
Taddy, there is absolutely no need for you to feel you have to justify what you do or don’t do. It’s your business and no one else’s, however well-meaning others might be. Enjoy the fruits (and vegetables) of your labour, you have well and truly earned them. Mrs Taddy is indeed fortunate to have a good supply of these brought right to her door.

I hope you receive a suitable reward – tut! tut! I meant maybe an extra bottle of your favourite tipple.

taddy 30-07-2022 09:19

Re: Allotment.

I hope you receive a suitable reward – tut! tut! I meant maybe an extra bottle of your favourite tipple.

Oh Dotti, Where as years ago I could expect my suitable rewards maybe two or three times a week nowadays they come once or twice a month, (if I can manage it that is ! :hehetable

DaveinGermany 30-07-2022 14:03

Re: Allotment.

Originally Posted by taddy (Post 1267673)
I could expect my suitable rewards maybe two or three times a week nowadays they come once or twice a month

Outrageous! If I was you I'd be demanding Chips for tea at the very least twice a week! :D

Less 30-07-2022 14:07

Re: Allotment.

Originally Posted by DaveinGermany (Post 1267684)
Outrageous! If I was you I'd be demanding Chips for tea at the very least twice a week! :D

Quite right! After all it's his hard work that supplies what goes into it.

taddy 30-07-2022 16:14

Re: Allotment.

Originally Posted by Less (Post 1267685)
Quite right! After all it's his hard work that supplies what goes into it.

My hard what that goes into what ? this is supposed to be a family site,

Margaret Pilkington 31-07-2022 07:57

Re: Allotment.
Taddy….I think that the ‘hard what’….was hard work.
It is not an easy job looking after growing things.
Seeds do not plant themselves…neither do spuds and onions leap out of the ground and into your barrow.
Nor do slugs commit suicide rather than eat tender young shoots.
Taking care of an allotment is a lot of BAS (britches ar$e steam) and I would not be giving it away either.
Charity is all very well but a hungry belly makes a good worker.

taddy 14-08-2022 17:40

Re: Allotment.
A quick update for Skuta, I have just returned from the "Allotment", with four plus pounds of "Blue Lake" green beans, they actually go by the name of French Beans but I cannot call them that when I have grown them in Lancashire, to me they are Lancashire grown green beans and yes Skuta, I have given a quarter of them to a friend. no offence meant.

shillelagh 21-08-2022 17:06

Re: Allotment.
the birds have nabbed my blueberries ... ive only had one from the bush .. the rest have disappeared!!!

taddy 21-08-2022 17:35

Re: Allotment.

Originally Posted by shillelagh (Post 1268200)
the birds have nabbed my blueberries ... ive only had one from the bush .. the rest have disappeared!!!

Blueberries are a bush that I would love to grow but I believe they need an acidic soil, I have tried to introduce composted leaves into the soil but it does not seem to have any effect, I have been told that by adding a cup full of vinegar to a gallon of water over the whole bed is a quick way of making the soil acidic, I would love any advice on the matter.

Margaret Pilkington 21-08-2022 19:58

Re: Allotment.
Taddy, I cannot take the credit for this info…it was Googled.
It seems that ammonium sulphate is needed to acidify the soil for blueberries.

My sister in law used to grow lemons(out in Oz)…..she used to save pee to pour on the roots of the tree….she said that this made for very good juicy lemons.
Yes…I know…too much information!

dotti34 22-08-2022 04:41

Re: Allotment.
Margaret, we had a lemon tree at the bottom of the garden which for some 40 or more years produced so many lemons that we were able to keep family and friends well supplied, as well as satisfying our own needs. We never needed to do anything to it except water it, but I will say that if we were having any sort of get-together we would encourage the blokes to go and ‘water’ the roots of the tree rather than use the loo, the men’s ‘equipment’ making it easy for them to do so. That tree produced the juiciest lemons you could wish to have.

taddy 22-08-2022 11:12

Re: Allotment.
Marge, Dotti, thank you ladies your posts have given me something to think about, but I will not be trying to grow Lemons in Accrington ! there are enough of them already, they go by their other title of "Town Councilors,"

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