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ellie 01-11-2003 00:06

poets corner
thought id try a different subject

anyone got any poems, anything at all lets see how we go............ ;D

Spring is here with april showers
Trees in bud, the early flowers
Daffodils, tulips, crocus too
Snowdrops, primrose and pansy's blue

Summers here its hot july
The burning sun, the deep blue sky
Melting ice cream in your hand
Burning feet upon the sand

Autumn's here the september breeze
Concers falling from the trees
Leaves are blowing down the street
Crunching up beneath your feet

Winter is here the bleak december
This is the time to remember
The drifting snow, the long cold nights
Icy ponds and snowball fights

lettie 01-11-2003 08:12

Re: poets corner

Two little pigs to market went
Their names were Paul and Patience.
They both were sold and both were sent
To different destinations.

As the two were dragged apart,
Paul said in soothing tones,
'Don't cry we'll meet again sweetheart'
I feel it in my bones.

They did meet at an early date,
He hadn't been mistaken.
Paul was the sausage on my plate
And Patience was the bacon.

Thought that poem was great as a kid and never forgot it. It was taught to me by an old lady who lived on Marlborough Rd, she is sadly long deceased, but used to write poetry for kids and teach elocution, and her poems were great. :D

jason 01-11-2003 12:21

Re: poets corner
                        I PROMISE

Your touch so soft,
Your voice so gentle,
Your hands so smooth,
Your heart so true,
Your face so tender...
To your love that's so new
I shall not regret the times we have shared,
Or the times that we have to come,
For in the end, I know you'll always care.
I see that you're easy to break,
And I will be careful with the choices I make.

I hope you know I will never hurt you,
Never lie, never betray you.
I'm not like the others,
Who say they'll be there, and never show up,
Not like the others who say they care, but really don't.
You'll alaways be a part of me, I'll always be there.
I promise.

ellie 07-11-2003 12:00

Re: poets corner
The soft white flakes fell to the ground
And as they did there was no sound
No time at all the streets were white
A cold and frosty winters night

The frail old lady sat in her chair
Visible only her thin grey hair
Around her body, to keep her warm
A blanket so tatterd, so thin and torn

In a heap next to the door
Her mail collected on the floor
To frail to venture from her chair
Too cold to move she just sat there

As time passed by more weak she got
The bottle she held once was hot
Her hands so cold, her lips so blue
Later it got and nobody knew

She closed her eyes and went to sleep
Her mail still sitting in a heap
The morning arrived, she wernt aware
For that night she had died in her chair

janet 07-11-2003 14:12

Re: poets corner
Very poignant poem, happens to so many people in winter.

lettie 27-05-2004 20:51

Re: poets corner
This one rings true.... :D

Last night as I lay sleeping
I died, or so it seemed
Then I went to heaven
but only in my dream

Up there St. Peter met me
Standing at the pearly gates
He said 'I must check your record
Please stand here and wait'

He turned and said ' your record
is filled with terrible flaws'
On earth I see you rallied
For every losing cause'

I see that you drank alcohol
and smoked and used drugs too,
Fact is, you've done everything
a good person should never do.

We can't have people like you up here
Your life was full of sin
Then he read the last of my record
Took my hand and said "come in"

He led my up to the big boss and said
Take her in and treat her well
She used to work for the NHS
She's done her time in hell........ :)

Mick 27-05-2004 21:01

Re: poets corner
There was a young girl from Leeds
who swollowed a packet of seeds
it soon came to pass she was covered in grass and could not sit down for the weeds

Sparkologist 28-05-2004 11:56

Re: poets corner
There was a young man from Cosham,
Who took out his b****cks to wash 'em.
His mother said, "Jack,
If you don't put 'em back,
I'll jump on the b*ggers and squash 'em." :D

Tell us another one,
Just like the other one.
Tell us another one, do...

Sparkologist 28-05-2004 13:53

Re: poets corner
I found this little ditty whilst trawling through a jokes website. I thought you might like to read it. :)

Morning Poem

I woke early one morning, the earth lay cool and still
When suddenly a tiny bird perched on my window sill.

He sang a song so lovely, so carefree and so gay,
That slowly all my troubles began to slip away.

He sang of far off places, of laughter and of fun,
It seemed his very trilling brought up the morning sun.

I stirred beneath the covers, crept slowly out of bed,
Then gently shut the window and crushed his f***ing head. :eek:

I'm not a morning person. :p

lettie 28-05-2004 15:39

Re: poets corner
There was a young woman from Hitchen
Who was scratching her crotch in the kitchen
Her mother said "Rose! it's the crabs I suppose"
She said "yes but the b*ggers are itchin" :D

janet 28-05-2004 15:44

Re: poets corner
You get better and better sparky.


Sparkologist 29-05-2004 22:04

Re: poets corner
There was a young man from Wood Green,
Who tried to fart 'God save the Queen.'
But when he reached the soprano,
He shot his guano,
And his breeches weren't fit to be seen.

Tell us another one,
Just like the other one.
Tell us another one, do...

Sparkologist 31-05-2004 17:58

Re: poets corner
There was a poor man named Crocket,
Whose b@lls got caught in a socket.
His wife was a bitch,
So she flicked on the switch,
And crocket took off like a rocket!

Tell us another one,
Just like the other one.
Tell us another one, do...

lettie 31-05-2004 18:15

Re: poets corner
This little ditty has just been gifted to me..... Thanks!!!!!

There was a young girl called Alice,
Who used dynamite as a phallus.
They found her vagina,
In North Carolina.
An the rest of her womb up near Dallas. :o

Sparkologist 31-05-2004 18:21

Re: poets corner
Big-up-respect Lettie. Boyakasha! :mosher:

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