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chav1 21-01-2007 14:50

ouch (Radio)
this is worth listening to , realy funny but damn u got to feel for teh guy he got busted in teh worst possible way :eek:

whats even funnier is his excuses and reasoning behind them

chav1 21-01-2007 15:41

Re: ouch
what is a periodical lol ................. :D

Len 21-01-2007 16:00

Re: ouch
Excellent, I’ve decided…. I’m going to America. :D


CASPER 21-01-2007 16:05

Re: ouch
Sorry but I couldn't listen to it all. I don't know which is worse someone cheating on their partner or someone making money out of it, laughing about it and humiliating them. If i lived in America I would not listen to that radio station.

katex 21-01-2007 16:05

Re: ouch
What worries me more is what Chav was doing on that site in the first place, was he hoping to book himself into one of their seminars ? ...:D

cherokee 21-01-2007 16:35

Re: ouch
:rofl38: OMG Im cryin ........:rofl38:

chav1 21-01-2007 16:36

Re: ouch

Originally Posted by CASPER (Post 371930)
Sorry but I couldn't listen to it all. I don't know which is worse someone cheating on their partner or someone making money out of it, laughing about it and humiliating them. If i lived in America I would not listen to that radio station.

then you realy wont like a program called cheaters where they bust in on people while cheating with tv cameras and of course the wife or husband of the cheater lol

about the only decent reality tv show there is :)

WillowTheWhisp 21-01-2007 17:47

Re: ouch

Originally Posted by CASPER (Post 371930)
Sorry but I couldn't listen to it all. I don't know which is worse someone cheating on their partner or someone making money out of it, laughing about it and humiliating them. If i lived in America I would not listen to that radio station.

At least the wife had her suspicions confirmed in a way that couldn't be denied. Perhaps it was her only way of standing up to the cheat and confronting him with what he was doing.

chav1 21-01-2007 19:22

Re: ouch
well she rang in and asked for some help so its all good :D

well not so good for teh bloke lol

CASPER 21-01-2007 22:11

Re: ouch

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp (Post 371992)
At least the wife had her suspicions confirmed in a way that couldn't be denied. Perhaps it was her only way of standing up to the cheat and confronting him with what he was doing.

I do think that it is for the best that she finds out what cheating scum she is married to. What I objected to was the radio guy laughing and making money out of other peoples misfortunes. How many innocent people are hurt and humiliated by this? and I'm not referring to the cheaters.

Len 03-02-2007 20:39

Re: ouch
Another one for the collection.

Your dumped!!


WillowTheWhisp 04-02-2007 09:48

Re: ouch

Originally Posted by CASPER (Post 372224)
I do think that it is for the best that she finds out what cheating scum she is married to. What I objected to was the radio guy laughing and making money out of other peoples misfortunes. How many innocent people are hurt and humiliated by this? and I'm not referring to the cheaters.

I'm not sure there were any innocent people in this. The cheating husband certainly wasn't innocent. Perhaps the woman he was having the affair with didn't know he was married but I don't think the program made a fool of her. If she didn't know she may have been glad to find out so that she didn't waste any more time on him. So it was doing her a favour too. If she did know then she is just as guilty as him.

I have my suspicions that the whole thing could have been staged though. It sounds like it.

There are programs which set out to make fools of and humiliate innocent people just for a laugh and I agree with you that those are wrong. Even the 'candid camera' type things seem far more cruel these days than they used to be and I'm not sure they even bother getting permision to broadcast them now like they used to.

katex 04-02-2007 10:38

Re: ouch

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp (Post 378967)

I have my suspicions that the whole thing could have been staged though. It sounds like it.


I had those thoughts too Willow; the dialogue was a little too perfect, was it not ? Good English, with the perfect Indian accent if you know what I mean ? Did make me laugh though.

As for Len's contribution, that did not make me laugh. After all a girl has to climb the ladder in her career in the best way she can ..:D
I felt genuinly sick for her when the presenter told her the truth as she did seem rather pleased when he told her that her boy friend was about to propose together with the £ 2,000 ring. The schock when he announced she was on radio, and 'dumped' for the whole of Yorkshire to hear was tear jerking and would have been worried about her safety afterwards.

Ok, she did wrong, but what the boyfriend did, with all his mates listening in, was unforgivable.

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