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Tinkerbelle 23-04-2007 14:39

Favourite Names?
Like it says on the tin, what's your favourite names? One for a girl and one for a boy.

:rolleyes: ..... and no, before anyone asks, I haven't got a bun in the oven, I'm just interested in knowing what your favourite names are :)

accymel 23-04-2007 14:45

Re: Favourite Names?
What gave u the idea then :rofl38:

I remember us doing this when u did have a bun in the oven specially the 2nd bun:D ace of base lmfao!!!

I cant think of a particular favourite tho i always wanted to be a Deborah/Debbie godknows why must be blondie inspiration, tho i doubt i'd suit that tho i dont think many people arew happy with their parents choice in names hehehehe. Think is with me i change my mind, tho i wanted my lad to be called Anthony but i lost that battle for 2nd choice, made up for it for confirmation day tho LOL!!!

Tinkerbelle 23-04-2007 14:55

Re: Favourite Names?

Originally Posted by accymel (Post 414397)
:D ace of base lmfao!!!

............ :thefinger

LOL! I dunno, I was just thinking (yes it hurt :o)

Wasn't our first borns going to be called Synergy lol! Mine was Synergy Dawn if IIRC :D

When I was younger I always wanted to be a Courtney and wanted to marry someone with Yarwood as a surname, so that I could be called Courtney Yarwood ..... :rofl38:

accymel 23-04-2007 15:00

Re: Favourite Names?

Originally Posted by Tinkerbelle (Post 414404)
............ :thefinger

LOL! I dunno, I was just thinking (yes it hurt :o)

Wasn't our first borns going to be called Synergy lol! Mine was Synergy Dawn if IIRC :D

Yes:D tho my SL character is called synergy but alas she cant play out:( we used to come up with weird & strange names hehehehe

flashy 23-04-2007 15:04

Re: Favourite Names?
[quote=Tinkerbelle;414404wanted to marry someone with Yarwood as a surname, so that I could be called Courtney Yarwood ..... :rofl38:[/quote]

HAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHA ....what happened to calling your child Chelsea? that seemed to go out the window too ;) although i did take part in calling your youngest shannon as a middle name ;)

anyway i like Ethan for a boy and Harley Madison for a girl

Tinkerbelle 23-04-2007 15:08

Re: Favourite Names?

Originally Posted by flashytart (Post 414406)

.................... :D


Originally Posted by flashytart (Post 414406)
what happened to calling your child Chelsea?

mthead said nooooooooo :rofl38: I still like the name though

I wanted Kayleigh too, but Kayleigh came out with a winky ;)

flashy 23-04-2007 15:09

Re: Favourite Names?
and jacques changed too lol

Tinkerbelle 23-04-2007 15:12

Re: Favourite Names?

Originally Posted by flashytart (Post 414411)
and jacques changed too lol

LOL! Yep, my little Jaques Joseph came out with a tushy :rolleyes:

flashy 23-04-2007 15:13

Re: Favourite Names?
lol i know ;)

grannyclaret 23-04-2007 15:13

Re: Favourite Names?
My dear old mum was called Lily and her sister was Amy...both names seem to be making a comeback....

Tinkerbelle 23-04-2007 15:18

Re: Favourite Names?

Originally Posted by flashytart (Post 414416)
lol i know ;)

Yes, you do and I do ;) ...... pity she doesn't lol! :rolleyes:

Yeah I like Lilly, Granny, it's a sweet name :)

grannyclaret 23-04-2007 15:21

Re: Favourite Names?
I forgot to do the boys names, i like all my sons names,,,,Anthony ,Wayne, and Damian................

flashy 23-04-2007 16:14

Re: Favourite Names?
i'd kill reece if he ever called one of his kids shanida

fc:stanley 23-04-2007 16:37

Re: Favourite Names?
I like the name lee its so lovely ( i wonder why hehe ;) )

flashy 23-04-2007 16:38

Re: Favourite Names?
nowt to do with you being called lee i suppose? ;)

fc:stanley 23-04-2007 16:39

Re: Favourite Names?
How did you guess flashy haha :D

flashy 23-04-2007 16:40

Re: Favourite Names?
cos i'm psychotic:D....or should that be psychic? or maybe both;)

fc:stanley 23-04-2007 16:44

Re: Favourite Names?
Haha must be ! I like the name robert for a boys name and katy for a girls name :D

flashy 23-04-2007 16:45

Re: Favourite Names?
my ickle niece is called katie, my other niece is called ciara

Srawrats 23-04-2007 17:03

Re: Favourite Names?
:confused: Hmmmmmmmmm, i've always liked the names Luke or Alexander for a guy and Laura or Rene for a girl:D . But that's just me, why'd ya want to know favorite names?

flashy 23-04-2007 17:05

Re: Favourite Names?
its just a topic of conversation Ryan:D

grego 23-04-2007 18:35

Re: Favourite Names?
I'd have to say my childrens names Ellie and Robert.

When I was a teenager though I wanted Iola for a girl after my favourite Avon perfume:D

Lilly 23-04-2007 20:58

Re: Favourite Names?

Originally Posted by flashytart (Post 414478)
i'd kill reece if he ever called one of his kids shanida

I have never heard the name Shanida before until I started talking to you.Where does the name come from?Do you know what it means?

lesleyd 23-04-2007 21:11

Re: Favourite Names?
I like Allee for a girl and Cameron for a boy but that could be because 2 of my kids are named that.

fc:stanley 23-04-2007 21:25

Re: Favourite Names?
I like the sound of italian names for boys. Dunno why hehe :D (im so weird)

Traceyb37 24-04-2007 13:13

Re: Favourite Names?
I love the names for a girl, skye or saffron, and for a boy love the name blade.

Tracey :Banane08:

addy82 24-04-2007 13:18

Re: Favourite Names?
Ilike Katon or Ellis for a boy and georgia ( my daughters name ) for agirl.

Tinkerbelle 24-04-2007 13:24

Re: Favourite Names?
I like Georgia :) I also like Chyna for a girl too.

fc:stanley 24-04-2007 15:16

Re: Favourite Names?

Originally Posted by Traceyb37 (Post 414853)
I love the names for a girl, skye or saffron, and for a boy love the name blade.

Tracy this is now offence but my friends two dogs are called that :D

shillelagh 24-04-2007 15:21

Re: Favourite Names?
Mine Lily or Sarah Elizabeth and for a boy Robert or Jack

I must be old fashioned!!!! Like the old names can you imagine it in 90 years time in the old peoples home shouting out Chelsea Smith?

garinda 24-04-2007 15:25

Re: Favourite Names?
Edna for a little girl, Hubert for a boy.

Tinkerbelle 24-04-2007 15:31

Re: Favourite Names?
LOL! No, Ethel for a girl and Cuthbert for a boy :D

flashy 24-04-2007 21:06

Re: Favourite Names?

Originally Posted by Lilly (Post 414623)
I have never heard the name Shanida before until I started talking to you.Where does the name come from?Do you know what it means?

it actually means 'egyptian sunset'

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