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Lolly 02-06-2007 09:48

Re: Big Brother

Originally Posted by garinda (Post 431339)

So far Carole is my favourite.:)

I like her to, but the sight of her pretending to walk the catwalk in her swimming cozzie, wasnt the nicest!!

So now they have a man, Ziggy, who is very cute and used to be in the boyband Northern Line, way back in 2000!

He is also the only person allowed to nominate next week. So he and he alone will decide whos up for the vote. Some serious sucking up going to be going on this weekend!!

fc:stanley 02-06-2007 10:48

Re: Big Brother
Looks like a puff to me but a very lucky puff with all them girls except from the man with pink hair . sorry i mean the woman ;)! :) Im applying next year :) Anyone can get in!

garinda 02-06-2007 11:00

Re: Big Brother

Originally Posted by fc:stanley (Post 431451)
Looks like a puff to me but a very lucky puff with all them girls except from the man with pink hair . sorry i mean the woman ;)! :) Im applying next year :) Anyone can get in!

What does a puff look like?

He's a metrosexual. A modern man who ain't afraid to moisturize, but is 100% straight, as he himself said.:D

fc:stanley 02-06-2007 11:04

Re: Big Brother
Fine i agree garinda. But he obviously loves himself! :)

spinner 05-06-2007 16:38

Re: Big Brother

Originally Posted by fc:stanley (Post 431460)
Fine i agree garinda. But he obviously loves himself! :)

wouldnt you if you looked like him. what do you expect
i think ziggy would be a perfect Bond suave sophisticated love rat goodlooking etcetc
oh i think hes using chanelle so he can get zlist celeb status by being her Becks

panther 07-06-2007 09:32

Re: Big Brother
A Big Brother housemate has been booted out by Channel 4 after using a racially offensive word.
Contestant Emily Parr was removed from the house in the early hours of this morning after using the word "nigger".:eek:She was heard to say "Are you pushing it out you nigger?" to Charley. down, now for the other irritating git to go:rolleyes

Lolly 07-06-2007 10:04

Re: Big Brother
BB & Channel 4 made the right descision. The couldn't risk it again really after Celeb BB. Emily is supposed to be the one that is "well educated". He's the transcript in full:

Emily: (referring to Charley dancing/pushing her hips forward) You pushing it out you nigger?
Nicky: (shocked laughter) Em, I can't believe you said that.
Charley: You are in trouble.
Emily: Don't make a big thing out of it then. I was joking.
Charley: I know you were… but that's some serious ****, sorry.
Emily: Why?
Charley: Oh my God. I'm not even saying it.
Nicky: Just don't talk about it anymore.
Emily: I was joking.
Charley: Do you know how many viewers would watch that?
Nicky: OK, don't make a big deal out of it.
Charley: Fancy you saying that. I can't believe you said that.
Emily: Somebody has already used that word in this house.
Charley: No way. (Pause) Yeah, me. I'm a nigger.
Nicky laughs.
Charley: I am one. Fancy you saying it. I know maybe you see it in a rap song. Maybe you and your friends sit there saying it.
Emily: I'm friendly with plenty of black people.
Nicky: And you call them niggers?
Emily: Yeah and they call me niggers. They call me wiggers as well.
Nicky: I'm quite shocked.
Charley: I'm f****** in shock.
Emily: It's not a big deal though, is it?
Charley: Not for us it ain't. F*** me.

Apologies to the mods for the swearing!!!

Lolly 07-06-2007 14:32

Re: Big Brother
E4 have announced they will show the footage of Emily so people can see it in "its proper context"

Doug 07-06-2007 16:36

Re: Big Brother
You have used that racially offensive word in public, twice. :eek:

What do we do now, do we seek to have you thrown out of Accyweb? :confused:

I agree she should have gone, she was just a nasty little cow.:D

Nicky to win. :)

garinda 07-06-2007 17:05

Re: Big Brother
What's the world coming to?

A young woman makes a throw away remark, and it's captured on dozens of cameras camera. It's like Orwell's Big Brother.


It is Big Brother?

That's ok then.

What accent did she say the 'n' word in? As according to her resume, on her agent's site, she does a passable southern American accent, which would be fitting.:D

EMILY PARR, actor, Casting Call Pro

It make me laugh, that the reported word has been asterixed out, even in the quality press, to n*gger, even though we all read it for what it is. Daft.

Doug 07-06-2007 19:37

Re: Big Brother

It make me laugh, that the reported word has been asterixed out, even in the quality press, to n*gger, even though we all read it for what it is. Daft.

Well I'm not afraid to say it and mean it mandy.

You big nagger..............:D

Doug 07-06-2007 21:56

Re: Big Brother
Now I’ve seen it I’m shocked and disappointed in how Channel four can be so stupid as to be led into dismissing the nasty little sod for saying to that word in the context she did. I would have dollocked her and forbid her from nominating for the rest of the show. I think Charlie was the person who made the matter offensive and it’s time the nasty bitch hit the road.

garinda 07-06-2007 22:17

Re: Big Brother

Originally Posted by Doug (Post 432861)
Now I’ve seen it I’m shocked and disappointed in how Channel four can be so stupid as to be led into dismissing the nasty little sod for saying to that word in the context she did. I would have dollocked her and forbid her from nominating for the rest of the show. I think Charlie was the person who made the matter offensive and it’s time the nasty bitch hit the road.

Charlie reacted quite well. She was shocked Emily used the word, and never complained to BB. In fact Emily seemed to think there was no problem using the term. It's a word plainly offensive, in whatever context, but to say it to a black girl, even as a joke, is out of order.

She's thick, and 4 had no choice but to boot her out.

davo69 07-06-2007 22:39

Re: Big Brother
so call me a scouser and i find it bad would you be kicked out .mancie would have been kicked of accy web long time ago so would a lot of other people for calling people mancs its a joke.

garinda 07-06-2007 22:47

Re: Big Brother
Emily is supposedly well educated. She should know that a lot of people find it offensive, just as a lot of women find the 'c' word very offensive.

She was thick to use it, but I don't think she meant to be racist. She's a girl who has had a sheltered and privileged life, who thought she was being hip and street to use that word.

Don't forget that this is the girl who thinks Indie music is new, and that she invented skinny jeans. Naive is the word.

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