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derekgas 09-12-2007 20:29

Re: Karma...nobody must like me?
Nice one flashy, if it doesnt count for anything but nice, I will spread it about a bit! lol

flashy 09-12-2007 20:30

Re: Karma...nobody must like me?
Les next time you take karma from me would you please sign it :D thankyou

Neil 09-12-2007 20:36

Re: Karma...nobody must like me?

Originally Posted by flashytart (Post 502170)
excuse me mr W if a man wants to give it to me then let him ;)

Sounds like a women who always wants it :rolleyes::D

West Ender 09-12-2007 20:37

Re: Karma...nobody must like me?
Somebody gave me negative karma a while ago for a thread I started, didn't sign it and just said "Sorry". I thought that was so funny, as though it was a necessary punishment in a "this hurts me more than it hurts you" kind of way, it made my day. :D

Bet he/she does it again now, just to prove a point. ;)

flashy 09-12-2007 20:40

Re: Karma...nobody must like me?

Originally Posted by Neil (Post 502174)
Sounds like a women who always wants it :rolleyes::D

you know me too well :D

WillowTheWhisp 09-12-2007 21:01

Re: Karma...nobody must like me?
You can still give karma comments if you have less than 100 posts, it just won't affect the karma status of the person you give to or take from.

Less 09-12-2007 21:33

Re: Karma...nobody must like me?

Originally Posted by flashytart (Post 502172)
Les next time you take karma from me would you please sign it :D thankyou

As I told you on msn when you had a moan at me then, if it was me, (and I still say you are very good at jumping to wrong conclusions), IF it was me then I don't have to sign it nor does anyone else if they choose not to! I also mentioned that 'the person', (me, someone else, or everyone ganging up on you), probably didn't sign it so that so that they wouldn't get the hassle you are currently giving to me.

Karma is as karma has always been and will always remain so please don't accuse without proof of guilt and if you do give proof it can only have come from a mod' or above, now that is against accyweb rules because it's breaking a confidence so be sure to name your source!

flashy 09-12-2007 22:10

Re: Karma...nobody must like me?
right les can you please explain to everyone why i got the karma took off me?

what was it you said?

kathleen_firth 09-12-2007 23:14

Re: Karma...nobody must like me?
wat did u get it for???

kathleen_firth 09-12-2007 23:16

Re: Karma...nobody must like me?
what post i mean

emamum 09-12-2007 23:19

Re: Karma...nobody must like me?
erm.... we got a bit naughty on the what do you have thread...

grannyclaret 10-12-2007 01:27

Re: Karma...nobody must like me?
ooh what DO you have:):)

WillowTheWhisp 10-12-2007 06:27

Re: Karma...nobody must like me?
She's trying to get you in trouble again girls!!! :D

flashy 10-12-2007 09:53

Re: Karma...nobody must like me?
well Emma it seems your not the only one to lose karma for this thread, kathleen also took it from me for some strange reason, next time you take it off me kathleen dont forget people can tell who's taken it from them even though you dont sign it

emamum 10-12-2007 09:54

Re: Karma...nobody must like me?
i dont know:confused:

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