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Gayle 16-03-2008 21:32

Accy web Awards 2008 - Overseas contributor
Accrington is a little town in the heart of Lancashire but isn’t it amazing how far Accyweb reaches? These contributors live far, far away but still they keep in touch with us. These threads are just examples of the contributions these people have made to Accyweb.

Steeljack, for his insightful Californian's view of life in the U.K.

Bullseyebarb, we may not always agree but the threads are always thought provoking.

LankYorkYankee, willing to travel a long way just for an Accyweb meet.

Junetta, proving that Accyweb is a great way to meet old friends.

LancYorkYankee 17-03-2008 16:52

Re: Accy web Awards 2008 - Overseas contributor
Gayle, so very nice of you to think of the far off members. I've been away from Accyweb for various reasons but this involvement warms me soul. And no, this is not an attempt to drum up votes.

I'm sure all those listed are aprreciative.


LancYorkYankee 17-03-2008 20:23

Re: Accy web Awards 2008 - Overseas contributor
I was just thinking, as this is the season of politics over here, what do you say Steeljack that we show 'em a good, clean quest for victory.

Let me be the first to say that I will not be the first to get into the gutter in this race! I will also refrain from mentioning that Steelhusseinjack mourns each November 5th for his unnamed English hero that he feels got a bum rap from my wonderful Anglican forbears.

I do trust the vote will be based on nothing other than the character of the contestants. Never mind that I have the Union Jack Tattooed over mi heart and I religiously fly the real red and white English Flag daily. I'm off for my 5th cup of fine Lancashire tea with an Eccles cake or two.

Good Luck to my worthy opponents!



talentedbutslow 22-03-2008 03:06

Re: Accy web Awards 2008 - Overseas contributor

Originally Posted by LancYorkYankee (Post 547199)
Gayle, so very nice of you to think of the far off members.

I'm sure all those listed are aprreciative.


:dummy:I wasn,t listed

LancYorkYankee 26-03-2008 01:09

Re: Accy web Awards 2008 - Overseas contributor
Aw Tal, I'll share my winnings with ya!

Did you not grease Gayle's palms with the token bribe in these matters?Just to get listed cost me a bit but each of those votes have really set me back!;):p

talentedbutslow 26-03-2008 11:54

Re: Accy web Awards 2008 - Overseas contributor

Originally Posted by LancYorkYankee (Post 551960)
Aw Tal, I'll share my winnings with ya!

Did you not grease Gayle's palms with the token bribe in these matters?Just to get listed cost me a bit but each of those votes have really set me back!;):p

Can Gayle be bought then?........sends her 10 cents........:rolleyes:

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