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blazey 26-06-2008 18:12

Today I met an Accywebber...
... at 6am in Asda.

He was lovely and polite, and generous with his croissants and coffee. I hope I get to meet plenty of other Accywebbers like him during the holidays, as it was a lot of fun.

Thank you Mikesz for the lovely morning, I wish more people were like you :) an hopefully I made a good impression!

steeljack 27-06-2008 05:00

Re: Today I met an Accywebber...
the only 'young ladies' I've ever come across at that time of the morning drinking coffee were the hookers who were taking a break before looking for the early morning trade before calling it a night .

lancsdave 27-06-2008 05:31

Re: Today I met an Accywebber...
Maybe this Accyweb meet needed a bit more publicity if only 2 of you turned up. ;)

cashman 27-06-2008 12:43

Re: Today I met an Accywebber...
6-00 am in asda? sounds to me like yer living rough.:D;)

grannyclaret 27-06-2008 14:46

Re: Today I met an Accywebber...
I too met a lovely Accy Webber this morning,,,,It was Cherokee,,,,Working her socks off in Blackpool for the soldiers ,Hi again Mel :thankya:

accyman 27-06-2008 14:52

Re: Today I met an Accywebber...
im up to date with tetnus jabs so im safe to wander asda :D

only kidding blazey im sure if we bumped into each other you wouldnt bite :)

AccyLass 27-06-2008 15:03

Re: Today I met an Accywebber...

Originally Posted by accyman (Post 599204)
blazey im sure if we bumped into each other you wouldnt bite :)

Would that not depend on what Blazey thought she was looking at?:p

Would never catch me at Asda at 6am so ya safe!

That's just unsociable, but if ya like painting Blazey, we got loads to do:D lol

Less 27-06-2008 15:47

Re: Today I met an Accywebber...
I'm sure that any accyweb member meeting another one would find them welcoming, everyone I have met has always been very pleasant, I bet that even J.B. and I would get on in person, we all are worth a little bit more tolerance after we know a little more about each other.


jaysay 27-06-2008 16:48

Re: Today I met an Accywebber...
Well I've only met a very small number of Accy Webbers, er, well three to be exact, cashy, Cyfr/Andrew and Mthead and they are all first class guys, so if anybody fancies a brew when your in or around Ossy call in I'm a very captive audience, :D

lancsdave 27-06-2008 16:54

Re: Today I met an Accywebber...

Originally Posted by jaysay (Post 599233)
Well I've only met a very small number of Accy Webbers, er, well three to be exact, cashy, Cyfr/Andrew and Mthead and they are all first class guys, so if anybody fancies a brew when your in or around Ossy call in I'm a very captive audience, :D

Glad you didn't post this earlier. I was in Ossy today. I've met quite a few accywebbers and the counselling bills are costing me a fortune, one more may have tipped me over the edge :p

emamum 27-06-2008 16:57

Re: Today I met an Accywebber...
I saw 2 accywebbers in town today :D

lancsdave 27-06-2008 16:59

Re: Today I met an Accywebber...

Originally Posted by emamum23 (Post 599239)
I saw 2 accywebbers in town today :D

I saw one walking down Ormerod St towards town, glad to see she has got rid of that lazyness :D

cashman 27-06-2008 17:45

Re: Today I met an Accywebber...
i met one at dinner time in town, hang on no it wasn't a mere mortal, it was a "GOD" hi mick.:D

Gayle 27-06-2008 19:16

Re: Today I met an Accywebber...

Originally Posted by Less (Post 599214)
I'm sure that any accyweb member meeting another one would find them welcoming, everyone I have met has always been very pleasant, I bet that even J.B. and I would get on in person, we all are worth a little bit more tolerance after we know a little more about each other.


Here, here! Just like us, hey, Less?

Although the main flaw with becoming all friendly and pally with your sworn enemies is that the arguments stop! ;)

And let's face it what would this site be without the really spectacular and great arguments? :eek:

Wynonie Harris 27-06-2008 19:31

Re: Today I met an Accywebber...
Quite right, Gayle. Ever since I met you and found that you were not the humourless, PC-obsessed harridan of my imagination, but actually a very nice, friendly person, I've felt much less urge to argue with you. I was even worried about you when you disappeared!

Which, in a way, is a pity...

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