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Gayle 19-02-2009 18:38

Accyweb awards - 2009
Can you believe it's almost a year since the 2008 awards?

So, does anyone want an award ceremony this year?

And if so, what categories should we have?

There is also the talk of having a live awards ceremony, possibly the end of March meeting.

What does everyone think?

flashy 19-02-2009 21:54

Re: Accyweb awards - 2009
last years where hilarious, i reckon we should have them again this year, i was in hysterics all night after the last lot....what a laugh :D you do a really good job Gayle

katex 19-02-2009 22:19

Re: Accyweb awards - 2009
Yes, is a lovely touch Gayle. The only thing I did not agree with is that people should keep their status of going Gold in their name for their win forever, and not lose/keep on a yearly basis. Can't do anything now though as was implemented last year.

cashman 19-02-2009 22:25

Re: Accyweb awards - 2009

Originally Posted by katex (Post 682708)
Yes, is a lovely touch Gayle. The only thing I did not agree with is that people should keep their status of going Gold in their name for their win forever, and not lose/keep on a yearly basis. Can't do anything now though as was implemented last year.

says a lady with a green name.:rofl38::rofl38::rofl38:

katex 19-02-2009 22:30

Re: Accyweb awards - 2009

Originally Posted by cashman (Post 682713)
says a lady with a green name.:rofl38::rofl38::rofl38:

Don't get that ???

Would be great to have all the nominees at a live meet, but do you think they would all come ? Would have to get someone to accept in their absence. Oh, the speeches would be great .. Kate Winslett comes to mind.. :s_cry:

Eric 19-02-2009 23:06

Re: Accyweb awards - 2009
This could be more fun than the Oscars.

BERNADETTE 19-02-2009 23:28

Re: Accyweb awards - 2009
Yes I really enjoyed the awards last year. How about choosing some Blog entries and asking people to vote for their favourite?

Caz 19-02-2009 23:32

Re: Accyweb awards - 2009
Just been reading through last years thread, ya daft beggars...hilarious. :D

Eric 20-02-2009 01:38

Re: Accyweb awards - 2009
Are there set categories? Or can we suggest some .... like "and the award for the member who has spent the most nights in the Moose Jaw drunk tank is .... ta da, drum roll etc.":theband:

Mmmmm ... come to think of it, Cashy may at some time have visited Moose Jaw:eek: So, maybe something like: "and the award for the member with the fastest time for field dressing a moose is .... etc.":D

garinda 20-02-2009 02:04

Re: Accyweb awards - 2009

Originally Posted by katex (Post 682708)
Yes, is a lovely touch Gayle. The only thing I did not agree with is that people should keep their status of going Gold in their name for their win forever, and not lose/keep on a yearly basis. Can't do anything now though as was implemented last year.

I'm almost sure my name went back to green, for the short time I was awardless.

No, I can't believe it's a year, and off the top of my heads can't think of any amusing threads, or anyone having a spat in the last year.


katex 20-02-2009 10:03

Re: Accyweb awards - 2009

Originally Posted by garinda (Post 682830)
I'm almost sure my name went back to green, for the short time I was awardless.


Sorry, did my post read wrong .. even I cannot understand my post ... :D:o

What I was trying to say was that once someone has won an award the gold status should not be taken off them when the next award ceremonies come along. Should have that honour permanently .. does that make sense now ?

garinda 20-02-2009 10:37

Re: Accyweb awards - 2009

Originally Posted by katex (Post 682918)
Sorry, did my post read wrong .. even I cannot understand my post ... :D:o

What I was trying to say was that once someone has won an award the gold status should not be taken off them when the next award ceremonies come along. Should have that honour permanently .. does that make sense now ?

Oh, sorry, I misunderstood you.

Personally I don't care either way, as I'll find an avatar that tones well with either green or gold.


jaysay 20-02-2009 10:53

Re: Accyweb awards - 2009

Originally Posted by garinda (Post 682936)
Oh, sorry, I misunderstood you.

Personally I don't care either way, as I'll find an avatar that tones well with either green or gold.


So long as it doesn't have to match with BLACK, then we're in real bother:D:p

garinda 20-02-2009 11:05

Re: Accyweb awards - 2009

Originally Posted by jaysay (Post 682941)
So long as it doesn't have to match with BLACK, then we're in real bother:D:p

That's never going to happen.

Besides never being asked, or having any desire for it, black's sooooooo last season.


grannyclaret 20-02-2009 15:46

Re: Accyweb awards - 2009

Originally Posted by garinda (Post 682943)
That's never going to happen.

Besides never being asked, or having any desire for it, black's sooooooo last season.


:pwink: How about a nice purple number,,,,,very regal

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