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Gayle 19-02-2009 18:38

Accyweb awards - 2009
Can you believe it's almost a year since the 2008 awards?

So, does anyone want an award ceremony this year?

And if so, what categories should we have?

There is also the talk of having a live awards ceremony, possibly the end of March meeting.

What does everyone think?

flashy 19-02-2009 21:54

Re: Accyweb awards - 2009
last years where hilarious, i reckon we should have them again this year, i was in hysterics all night after the last lot....what a laugh :D you do a really good job Gayle

katex 19-02-2009 22:19

Re: Accyweb awards - 2009
Yes, is a lovely touch Gayle. The only thing I did not agree with is that people should keep their status of going Gold in their name for their win forever, and not lose/keep on a yearly basis. Can't do anything now though as was implemented last year.

cashman 19-02-2009 22:25

Re: Accyweb awards - 2009

Originally Posted by katex (Post 682708)
Yes, is a lovely touch Gayle. The only thing I did not agree with is that people should keep their status of going Gold in their name for their win forever, and not lose/keep on a yearly basis. Can't do anything now though as was implemented last year.

says a lady with a green name.:rofl38::rofl38::rofl38:

katex 19-02-2009 22:30

Re: Accyweb awards - 2009

Originally Posted by cashman (Post 682713)
says a lady with a green name.:rofl38::rofl38::rofl38:

Don't get that ???

Would be great to have all the nominees at a live meet, but do you think they would all come ? Would have to get someone to accept in their absence. Oh, the speeches would be great .. Kate Winslett comes to mind.. :s_cry:

Eric 19-02-2009 23:06

Re: Accyweb awards - 2009
This could be more fun than the Oscars.

BERNADETTE 19-02-2009 23:28

Re: Accyweb awards - 2009
Yes I really enjoyed the awards last year. How about choosing some Blog entries and asking people to vote for their favourite?

Caz 19-02-2009 23:32

Re: Accyweb awards - 2009
Just been reading through last years thread, ya daft beggars...hilarious. :D

Eric 20-02-2009 01:38

Re: Accyweb awards - 2009
Are there set categories? Or can we suggest some .... like "and the award for the member who has spent the most nights in the Moose Jaw drunk tank is .... ta da, drum roll etc.":theband:

Mmmmm ... come to think of it, Cashy may at some time have visited Moose Jaw:eek: So, maybe something like: "and the award for the member with the fastest time for field dressing a moose is .... etc.":D

garinda 20-02-2009 02:04

Re: Accyweb awards - 2009

Originally Posted by katex (Post 682708)
Yes, is a lovely touch Gayle. The only thing I did not agree with is that people should keep their status of going Gold in their name for their win forever, and not lose/keep on a yearly basis. Can't do anything now though as was implemented last year.

I'm almost sure my name went back to green, for the short time I was awardless.

No, I can't believe it's a year, and off the top of my heads can't think of any amusing threads, or anyone having a spat in the last year.


katex 20-02-2009 10:03

Re: Accyweb awards - 2009

Originally Posted by garinda (Post 682830)
I'm almost sure my name went back to green, for the short time I was awardless.


Sorry, did my post read wrong .. even I cannot understand my post ... :D:o

What I was trying to say was that once someone has won an award the gold status should not be taken off them when the next award ceremonies come along. Should have that honour permanently .. does that make sense now ?

garinda 20-02-2009 10:37

Re: Accyweb awards - 2009

Originally Posted by katex (Post 682918)
Sorry, did my post read wrong .. even I cannot understand my post ... :D:o

What I was trying to say was that once someone has won an award the gold status should not be taken off them when the next award ceremonies come along. Should have that honour permanently .. does that make sense now ?

Oh, sorry, I misunderstood you.

Personally I don't care either way, as I'll find an avatar that tones well with either green or gold.


jaysay 20-02-2009 10:53

Re: Accyweb awards - 2009

Originally Posted by garinda (Post 682936)
Oh, sorry, I misunderstood you.

Personally I don't care either way, as I'll find an avatar that tones well with either green or gold.


So long as it doesn't have to match with BLACK, then we're in real bother:D:p

garinda 20-02-2009 11:05

Re: Accyweb awards - 2009

Originally Posted by jaysay (Post 682941)
So long as it doesn't have to match with BLACK, then we're in real bother:D:p

That's never going to happen.

Besides never being asked, or having any desire for it, black's sooooooo last season.


grannyclaret 20-02-2009 15:46

Re: Accyweb awards - 2009

Originally Posted by garinda (Post 682943)
That's never going to happen.

Besides never being asked, or having any desire for it, black's sooooooo last season.


:pwink: How about a nice purple number,,,,,very regal

cashman 20-02-2009 16:03

Re: Accyweb awards - 2009

Originally Posted by katex (Post 682918)
Sorry, did my post read wrong .. even I cannot understand my post ... :D:o

What I was trying to say was that once someone has won an award the gold status should not be taken off them when the next award ceremonies come along. Should have that honour permanently .. does that make sense now ?

i aint bothered one way or the other, just thought ya had bin at the wine again.:D;)

jem 20-02-2009 16:04

Re: Accyweb awards - 2009
sounds gd :):):)

pipinfort 20-02-2009 16:31

Re: Accyweb awards - 2009
Yes, they were a real laugh last year......greggs pasties anyone.......?

flashy 20-02-2009 16:37

Re: Accyweb awards - 2009
oh pipples that was hilarious

pipinfort 20-02-2009 16:43

Re: Accyweb awards - 2009
Wasn`t it just.......................:D

jaysay 20-02-2009 17:10

Re: Accyweb awards - 2009

Originally Posted by cashman (Post 683096)
i aint bothered one way or the other, just thought ya had bin at the wine again.:D;)

Not on the wine again :D:rolleyes:

jaysay 20-02-2009 17:13

Re: Accyweb awards - 2009

Originally Posted by garinda (Post 682943)
That's never going to happen.

Besides never being asked, or having any desire for it, black's sooooooo last season.


Black so last season, its been my favourite colour for years:rolleyes:besides blue that is:D

Eric 20-02-2009 19:55

Re: Accyweb awards - 2009

Originally Posted by jaysay (Post 683145)
Not on the wine again :D:rolleyes:

The line between connoisseur and wino is fine indeed:D

cashman 20-02-2009 20:16

Re: Accyweb awards - 2009

Originally Posted by jaysay (Post 683147)
Black so last season, its been my favourite colour for years:rolleyes:besides blue that is:D

was once told Black is not a colour" it abscense of colour.

Eric 20-02-2009 21:49

Re: Accyweb awards - 2009

Originally Posted by cashman (Post 683257)
was once told Black is not a colour" it abscense of colour.

And white is all colors .... and Black and White is a sub-standard scotch best drunk with Dr. Pepper;)

garinda 21-02-2009 00:28

Re: Accyweb awards - 2009

Originally Posted by jaysay (Post 683147)
Black so last season, its been my favourite colour for years:rolleyes:besides blue that is:D

Don't say that.

Someone might think they're doing you a favour, and paste you black 'n' blue.


garinda 21-02-2009 00:32

Re: Accyweb awards - 2009

Originally Posted by cashman (Post 683257)
was once told Black is not a colour" it abscense of colour.

See, sending your lad off to do his degree to art school, certainly paid off.;)

1. Black is the absence of color (and is therefore not a color)
When there is no light, everything is black. Test this out by going into a photographic dark room. There are no photons of light. In other words, there are no photons of colors.
2. White is the blending of all colors and is a color.
Light appears colorless or white. Sunlight is white light that is composed of all the colors of the spectrum. A rainbow is proof. You can't see the colors of sunlight except when atmospheric conditions bend the light rays and create a rainbow. You can also use a prism to demonstrate this.
Fact: The sum of all the colors of light add up to white.

This is additive color theory.

(Except they can't spell colour!):D

garinda 21-02-2009 00:33

Re: Accyweb awards - 2009

Originally Posted by cashman (Post 683257)
was once told Black is not a colour" it abscense of colour.

See, sending your lad off to do his degree to art school, certainly paid off.;)

1. Black is the absence of color (and is therefore not a color)
When there is no light, everything is black. Test this out by going into a photographic dark room. There are no photons of light. In other words, there are no photons of colors.
2. White is the blending of all colors and is a color.
Light appears colorless or white. Sunlight is white light that is composed of all the colors of the spectrum. A rainbow is proof. You can't see the colors of sunlight except when atmospheric conditions bend the light rays and create a rainbow. You can also use a prism to demonstrate this.
Fact: The sum of all the colors of light add up to white.

This is additive color theory.

Color Matters - Vision - Are black and white colors?

(Except they can't spell colour!):D

shillelagh 21-02-2009 02:25

Re: Accyweb awards - 2009
Rindy you doing what everyones wearing again this year?

Yes we should have the awards again this year ..... surely we can find one somewhere where its been funny,

jaysay 21-02-2009 09:46

Re: Acsysweb awards - 2009

Originally Posted by garinda (Post 683416)
Don't say that.

Someone might think they're doing you a favour, and paste you black 'n' blue.


Many have tried Rindi, tried being the operative word :D:p

jaysay 21-02-2009 09:50

Re: Accyweb awards - 2009

Originally Posted by Eric (Post 683244)
The line between connoisseur and wino is fine indeed:D

Quite correct Eric, I've been a connoisseur for years:D

garinda 21-02-2009 18:04

Re: Accyweb awards - 2009

Originally Posted by shillelagh (Post 683434)
Rindy you doing what everyones wearing again this year?


If I don't, you'd have to settle for having only a second rate b1tch doing it, and Joan Rivers wouldn't have the same local insight as myself.;)

It might seem a little insensitive to be celebrating ostentation, in such finacially troubled times, but Hollywood shone brightest in the depths of the Great Depression, so the show must go on.:)

Better start badgering Harry Winston's for the blingiest of rocks, and calling designers to tell them you would consider wearing their label, and could they please send you over some samples to try, pronto.:D

lancsdave 21-02-2009 20:24

Re: Accyweb awards - 2009

Originally Posted by garinda (Post 683615)
It might seem a little insensitive to be celebrating ostentation, in such finacially troubled times,

I wouldn't worry about the cost, the awards are being commercialised this year, watch out for the press conference in the next few days ;)

garinda 22-02-2009 01:02

Re: Accyweb awards - 2009

Originally Posted by lancsdave (Post 683654)
I wouldn't worry about the cost, the awards are being commercialised this year, watch out for the press conference in the next few days ;)

Yeah and watch out for my expense allowances being doubled this year if we're going live, or you're going to have to settle for that scrawny Jewess, with the plastic head.


jaysay 22-02-2009 11:15

Re: Accyweb awards - 2009

Originally Posted by lancsdave (Post 683654)
I wouldn't worry about the cost, the awards are being commercialised this year, watch out for the press conference in the next few days ;)

Wonder if the Observer will get exclusive rights for the press coverage, will be nice to see the bidding war between the BBC ITV and Sky for the TV coverage:D:rolleyes:

cashman 22-02-2009 11:33

Re: Accyweb awards - 2009
knew long before me me lad was even born rindy, the days when i took a real interest in things.:D

Gayle 18-03-2009 17:12

Re: Accyweb awards - 2009
So, here's the schedule for the Accyweb awards 2009.

These are the categories

Most creative put down, insult or dig
Best arguement
Most useless (but interesting) thread
Best dressed Avatar
Best comeback after a hissy fit and flounce off
Most informative thread

Nominations are now open for all of these categories, as usual there will be some special awards on the night.

Once nominations have been received, either on here or by pm, I will post the voting threads so please don't 'vote' for the awards now just stick nominations in here.

I will post the voting threads some time next week. You'll then have a couple of weeks before the ceremony.

Dust off your posh frocks.

flashy 18-03-2009 19:19

Re: Accyweb awards - 2009
can we nominate ourselves Gayle?

Gayle 18-03-2009 19:21

Re: Accyweb awards - 2009
Absolutely, any nominations are accepted.

Gayle 26-03-2009 16:13

Re: Accyweb awards - 2009
I've only had one nomination in one category - no others.

I'm quite happy to do the awards, run the evening and all the bumpf that goes with it. Mick's kindly going to do all the technical stuff that's needed.
All we need now are nominations.

I can't start the voting until we get a few at least. So come on, take a look at the categories and send me some nominations.

katex 29-03-2009 16:06

Re: Accyweb awards - 2009
Taking a look Gayle, have sorted one or two for nomination, but what do you mean by 'best-dressed' avatar... normally, they are just something off the web.

Bet all the fellas would vote for Lancsdaves ..:D Or Accylass ... LOL.

shakermaker 29-03-2009 16:09

Re: Accyweb awards - 2009
Maybe a new thread for nominations? I only looked at this one by mistake :)

katex 29-03-2009 16:12

Re: Accyweb awards - 2009

Originally Posted by shakermaker (Post 698094)
Maybe a new thread for nominations? I only looked at this one by mistake :)

Good idea Shakermaker, you have to plough through it anyway, however, aren't we supposed to P.M. Gayle with our nominations ?

shakermaker 29-03-2009 16:56

Re: Accyweb awards - 2009

Originally Posted by katex (Post 698096)
Good idea Shakermaker, you have to plough through it anyway, however, aren't we supposed to P.M. Gayle with our nominations ?

Yeah fair enough, just thought a fresh thread would let everyone know that we're able to make nominations now. If everyone is just being your regular apathetic voter then nevermind me :)

Gayle 31-03-2009 13:51

Re: Accyweb awards - 2009
I've had a few more nominations but could do with a few more - so I'm leaving this thread open until Thursday.

Please pm me with your nominations asap.


Royboy39 31-03-2009 21:39

Re: Accyweb awards - 2009

Originally Posted by Gayle (Post 698785)
I've had a few more nominations but could do with a few more - so I'm leaving this thread open until Thursday.

Please pm me with your nominations asap.


What about an award to the one who started the best thread to take the p1ss out of a fellow member?

Less 31-03-2009 21:56

Re: Accyweb awards - 2009

Originally Posted by Royboy39 (Post 698930)
What about an award to the one who started the best thread to take the p1ss out of a fellow member?

Well, it could never go to you, as much as you try to extract it from others, somehow you always miss the mark! (But 10 out of 10 for wasted effort).

Royboy39 31-03-2009 22:09

Re: Accyweb awards - 2009

Originally Posted by Less (Post 698935)
Well, it could never go to you, as much as you try to extract it from others, somehow you always miss the mark! (But 10 out of 10 for wasted effort).

My mark is probably higher than yours with good reason. If I object to what you post, would you have me commited and sectioned as you suggested with Jambutty?
The day that you post something constructive without reference to your drunken escapades will be the day that I, and many others will celebrate the fact that Less is normal after all. :)

Less 31-03-2009 22:18

Re: Accyweb awards - 2009

Originally Posted by Royboy39 (Post 698940)
My mark is probably higher than yours with good reason. If I object to what you post, would you have me commited and sectioned as you suggested with Jambutty?
The day that you post something constructive without reference to your drunken escapades will be the day that I, and many others will celebrate the fact that Less is normal after all. :)

I don't remember asking you to R.S.V.P.

However now that you have, would you really like to go head to head, brain against what you have, karma vs karma?

I think you would find that most people prefer an intoxicated Less to an unarticulated Royboy, I must admit you have been quiet of late, had Spain run out of rum? the D.T.'s been getting to you?

Whatever is your cause of dyspepsia, this subject is the one time Gayle shines, allow her a moment in the sunshine and find somewhere else to attempt your pathetic insults.

AccyLass 31-03-2009 22:21

Re: Accyweb awards - 2009
A normal Less??

No thanks... I'd be out of a job..... or three! :rolleyes: :D

Less 31-03-2009 22:33

Re: Accyweb awards - 2009
Please Mr. Mod, good old Royboy is busy, (he has been for the last 10 minutes), replying to this thread, for the sake of sanity and to keep this on thread be prepared to delete this and anything that comes after it, thanking you in anticipation,


P.S. good luck for the awards Gayle as with all except the first year I will be busy that night.

Royboy39 31-03-2009 22:35

Re: Accyweb awards - 2009

Originally Posted by Less (Post 698943)
I don't remember asking you to R.S.V.P.

However now that you have, would you really like to go head to head, brain against what you have, karma vs karma?

I think you would find that most people prefer an intoxicated Less to an unarticulated Royboy, I must admit you have been quiet of late, had Spain run out of rum? the D.T.'s been getting to you?

Whatever is your cause of dyspepsia, this subject is the one time Gayle shines, allow her a moment in the sunshine and find somewhere else to attempt your pathetic insults.

Accepted and noted....Karma I have observed is from who you know, not what you know.
This has no bearing on what Gayle does or does not do and I apologise to Gayle for bringing her into this arguement.

Yes I would like to go brain against brain on this forum about things that affect our everyday lives.
You and I have lived long and protrated lives and hopefully know what the score is.
Go for your dream less and make me look a pratt if you can like you tried with Jambutty.

Royboy39 31-03-2009 22:40

Re: Accyweb awards - 2009

Originally Posted by Less (Post 698947)
Please Mr. Mod, good old Royboy is busy, (he has been for the last 10 minutes), replying to this thread, for the sake of sanity and to keep this on thread be prepared to delete this and anything that comes after it, thanking you in anticipation,



Good old Royboy has answered your ramblings.

Royboy39 31-03-2009 22:49

Re: Accyweb awards - 2009
10 minutes and counting.

Less 31-03-2009 22:50

Re: Accyweb awards - 2009

Originally Posted by Royboy39 (Post 698948)
Accepted and noted....Karma I have observed is from who you know, not what you know.
This has no bearing on what Gayle does or does not do and I apologise to Gayle for bringing her into this arguement.

Yes I would like to go brain against brain on this forum about things that affect our everyday lives.
You and I have lived long and protrated lives and hopefully know what the score is.
Go for your dream less and make me look a pratt if you can like you tried with Jambutty.

I've googled for it, and I must admit you've got me I have no idea what protrated means,

As for an argument this isn't an argument, I could give you an argument with my Dictionary tied behind my back, but do I really think you are worth it....NO, but it is always fun reading your protracted? replies.

P.S. the Butt like yourself needs no help from me to look a pratt, (definition of which I believe is = small fry, (little fish, (bait not worth rising for))).

flashy 31-03-2009 22:53

Re: Accyweb awards - 2009
now now children, there is a time and a place for adolescent bickering and thats in the wendy house at play time

both of you to the naughty step AT ONCE!!!!

Less 31-03-2009 22:55

Re: Accyweb awards - 2009

Originally Posted by flashy (Post 698957)
now now children, there is a time and a place for adolescent bickering and thats in the wendy house at play time

both of you to the naughty step AT ONCE!!!!

Love it, I'll go now give him a sense that he has won something!:D

Royboy39 31-03-2009 22:55

Re: Accyweb awards - 2009

Originally Posted by Less (Post 698956)
I've googled for it, and I must admit you've got me I have no idea what protrated means,

As for an argument this isn't an argument, I could give you an argument with my Dictionary tied behind my back, but do I really think you are worth it....NO, but it is always fun reading your protracted? replies.

Lame, tame and irrelevant...go to your bed and sleep on it.

flashy 31-03-2009 23:00

Re: Accyweb awards - 2009

katex 31-03-2009 23:01

Re: Accyweb awards - 2009
Gayle .. Please I am still trying to work out what a 'best dressed avatar' is about ? Is it an IT type buzz sentence ? Fed up of trawling through the Members' list... :)

Gayle 08-04-2009 15:12

Re: Accyweb awards - 2009
You've got 24hrs for any last nominations - I do have a few already so a few more would be appreciated.

I'll be posting the 'voting' threads tomorrow afternoon. So anyone with a nomination please pm me asap.

As for best dressed avatar - I've decided that this will be a one off award on the night. Everyone should change their avatar for the evening to dress up for the awards.

flashy 08-04-2009 17:14

Re: Accyweb awards - 2009
have we got a date for the awards yet Gayle?

i need to know so i can go buy an appropriate frock :D

garinda 08-04-2009 17:24

Re: Accyweb awards - 2009

Originally Posted by flashy (Post 702225)
have we got a date for the awards yet Gayle?

i need to know so i can go buy an appropriate frock :D

You're leaving it late.

A lot of people have already blagged an outfit from the designers.

I know Vera Wang still has this frocky horror show available for the awards, though only in the puce colour way.:D

MargaretR 08-04-2009 17:43

Re: Accyweb awards - 2009
1 Attachment(s)
I might decide on the Sue Pollard style ;)

katex 08-04-2009 18:08

Re: Accyweb awards - 2009

Originally Posted by MargaretR (Post 702240)
I might decide on the Sue Pollard style ;)

LOL .. saw that in the paper the other day Margaret ... couldn't stop looking at it ... got to give her 10/10 for bravery. :D

Gayle 12-04-2009 13:24

Re: Accyweb awards - 2009
I'm really sorry folks. I've kept this dangling along without doing anything.

I'm incredibly short of time at the moment and it's proving a bit tricky to get it done.

So, I'm sorry but unless someone else wants to take over - please - I'm afraid there isn't going to be an Awards ceremony this year.


Neil 12-04-2009 14:20

Re: Accyweb awards - 2009
I am sure on one will mind if we postpone it for a month or two Gayle.

david1 29-04-2009 18:38

Re: Accyweb awards - 2009
Anyone know when is this going to take place ?

flashy 29-04-2009 18:43

Re: Accyweb awards - 2009
think Gayle's a bit busy at the moment David

Mick 30-04-2009 05:08

Re: Accyweb awards - 2009
cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances

cashman 30-04-2009 09:34

Re: Accyweb awards - 2009

Originally Posted by mick (Post 709538)
cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances

Rumour has it, theres been a large "Betting" pattern on the outcome.:D:D:D:D

Neil 30-04-2009 12:00

Re: Accyweb awards - 2009
I would not call a £5 accumulator large ;) :D

cashman 30-04-2009 12:24

Re: Accyweb awards - 2009

Originally Posted by Neil (Post 709587)
I would not call a £5 accumulator large ;) :D

fair enough, lend us a tenner then.:D;)

Neil 30-04-2009 16:58

Re: Accyweb awards - 2009

Originally Posted by cashman (Post 709595)
fair enough, lend us a tenner then.:D;)

I can't. I have put my last one on a game tipped by a local footy player

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