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flashy 19-04-2009 20:33

Children on facebook
my niece has just told me she has a friend who has set up an account on facebook...she is TEN years old, this is illegal, you have to be 12 (i think) to be able to open an account....the childs mum has obviously opened the account for her, i have also noticed some younger kids on facebook recently too, i think this is bang out of order...what the hell are the parents thinking?

if you are found out the account will be deleted and so can the persons who is responsible for setting it up, they have obviously given false dates of birth...

if i see any i will be reporting them, i think its disgusting

talk about irresponsible parenting, this really maddens me

shakermaker 19-04-2009 20:37

Re: Children on facebook

Originally Posted by flashy (Post 706006)
the childs mum has obviously opened the account for her

talk about irresponsible parenting, this really maddens me

Who says it's got anything to do with the parents?

I'm sure the kids are more than able to enter false dates of birth for themselves?

flashy 19-04-2009 20:44

Re: Children on facebook
i saw a child on it earlier who i know for a fact is 7 years old..i very much doubt the child did it herself Shaker

Neil 19-04-2009 20:44

Re: Children on facebook
Just like any other web activity your children do you have to monitor them.

Why do you see it as a problem

flashy 19-04-2009 20:45

Re: Children on facebook
its a problem Neil because its illegal

Neil 19-04-2009 20:46

Re: Children on facebook

Originally Posted by flashy (Post 706006)
...she is TEN years old, this is illegal, you have to be 12 (i think) to be able to open an account...

It is not illegal, it is against their terms and conditions, the age limit is 13

flashy 19-04-2009 20:48

Re: Children on facebook
so its ok for kids of such a young age to be told something that is against the rules is fine to do is it?


grego 19-04-2009 20:51

Re: Children on facebook
I dont see the problem providing the account is being monitered, I watch everything my daughter does on the internet, I think it could be quite dangerous if the parent doesn't do this as I'm sure we've all had contacts on there that we dont know.

flashy 19-04-2009 20:52

Re: Children on facebook
rules are there for a reason Grego

Neil 19-04-2009 20:52

Re: Children on facebook
It is similar to letting them watch films or play PC games that have a higher age rating than they are.

Neil 19-04-2009 20:53

Re: Children on facebook

Originally Posted by grego (Post 706021)
I dont see the problem providing the account is being monitered, I watch everything my daughter does on the internet, I think it could be quite dangerous if the parent doesn't do this as I'm sure we've all had contacts on there that we dont know.

Only if you set up your account to allow it.

Lilly 19-04-2009 21:15

Re: Children on facebook
I didn't know there was a restriction on age for facebook.

I don't agree with primary school children being on facebook myself.

Good on you, Flashy. :)

grego 19-04-2009 21:16

Re: Children on facebook

Originally Posted by flashy (Post 706022)
rules are there for a reason Grego

Yes I do agree with that but rules are broken all the time, I dont think its a big deal if the parents are in control of it, if they're not then its a different story

forceten 19-04-2009 21:56

Re: Children on facebook
Here is what it says on facebook

Facebook does not knowingly collect or solicit personal information from anyone under the age of 13 or knowingly allow such persons to register. If you are under 13, please do not attempt to register for Facebook or send any information about yourself to us, including your name, address, telephone number or email address. No one under the age of 13 may provide any personal information to or on Facebook. In the event that we learn that we have collected personal information from a child under the age of 13 without verification of parental consent, we will delete that information as quickly as possible. If you believe that we might have any information from or about a child under the age of 13, please contact us through the form on our privacy help page.

cashman 19-04-2009 22:02

Re: Children on facebook

Originally Posted by grego (Post 706041)
Yes I do agree with that but rules are broken all the time, I dont think its a big deal if the parents are in control of it, if they're not then its a different story

my view is simple theres NO WAY of people knowing if the childs parents ARE monitoring its account, i think the net is great but can be very bad news fer minors, so therefore should not be on these sites.

BERNADETTE 19-04-2009 22:04

Re: Children on facebook
Why would chidren want to go on adult networking sites?:confused:

MCR ADIM 19-04-2009 22:08


Originally Posted by forceten (Post 706079)
In the event that we learn that we have collected personal information from a child under the age of 13 without verification of parental consent, we will delete that information as quickly as possible.

thats your answer how do you know they aint had verification from the parents to have the account?

mattylad 19-04-2009 22:51

Re: Children on facebook
If you object to them - report them to Facebook.

They may be monitored by their parents - or not.

cherokee 19-04-2009 23:31

Re: Children on facebook
I know a couple of kids that are under 13, but then I didnt know that facebook had restrictions.
Oh and the parents have been all for it as well.
I agree flashy its wrong but if parents are all for it theres not a lot you can do and your just fighting a losing battle.

andrewb 20-04-2009 02:16

Re: Children on facebook
The parents don't necessarily know. It's quite easy for the child to be far too advanced for the parent to know everything, even if they need to be at a computer elsewhere to do it.

At the end of the day I don't think it's wholly about monitoring 100% what your children are doing, as even for the most advanced user that's pretty difficult if they choose to do it elsewhere. Teaching them of the rights and wrongs; and why they should be careful, and how to be careful, is however something a parent can do. If you can teach them responsibility it will go a long way.

Neil 20-04-2009 04:00

Re: Children on facebook

Originally Posted by andrewb (Post 706107)
Teaching them of the rights and wrongs; and why they should be careful, and how to be careful, is however something a parent can do. If you can teach them responsibility it will go a long way.

You got it in one mate. With some monitoring as well ;)

entwisi 20-04-2009 04:54

Re: Children on facebook
and remember a lot of phones now have decent internet access (both 3G and wifi)so whilst you may sit there whilst they go on the main PC, what are they up to on their mobiles?????

The internet is a wide and varied place, it has extremly good and evil sides and as such needs parents to be savy and in control.

Neil 20-04-2009 05:32

Re: Children on facebook

Gayle 20-04-2009 10:23

Re: Children on facebook
I didn't realise there was an age limit. I wouldn't let my two do it anyway but I do know a few young people who are on there.

I'm always in a tricky position when they ask to be my 'friend' because they are usually young people who I know through working with them in drama sessions but on the other hand I don't think it's too wise to be overly friendly. I don't want to refuse them so that they know that I am someone they can trust but i don't want to put myself in a situation where they could affect the work that I'm doing. It's a fine line.

Margaret Pilkington 20-04-2009 13:16

Re: Children on facebook
a friend of mine sent me an invite to be his friend on Facebook.......I declined the invite because I told him I was too old to be on facebook(OK, Facebook may not have an upper age limit......but my feeling is that it is something for younger folk).

MrsAleks 20-04-2009 13:24

Re: Children on facebook

Originally Posted by flashy (Post 706006)
my niece has just told me she has a friend who has set up an account on facebook...she is TEN years old, this is illegal, you have to be 12 (i think) to be able to open an account....the childs mum has obviously opened the account for her, i have also noticed some younger kids on facebook recently too, i think this is bang out of order...what the hell are the parents thinking?

if you are found out the account will be deleted and so can the persons who is responsible for setting it up, they have obviously given false dates of birth...

if i see any i will be reporting them, i think its disgusting

talk about irresponsible parenting, this really maddens me

My Katie set her Facebook the day after 13th birthday and i did it with her and know her password. We monitor what she is doing and who she is adding all the time. The internet isn't a safe place and i do agree with you i know people who have set up there childrens accounts and there only 10. Callum is 9 and there is not a chance he is going to have one until he is 13!!!!!

Less 20-04-2009 15:30

Re: Children on facebook
Well, if a child, (I think it's under 12), tries to register on here then the parents have to apply for a form to be filled in and delivered back to Roy by Snail Mail before he can allow them on, there have been some that try to get away with it, but if discovered I believe both the child that, lied and the parent(s) face a permanent ban.

Lilly 20-04-2009 16:00

Re: Children on facebook
Parental consent or not, I don't think primary school children should be on facebook.

Of course, that wouldn't be possible to enforce because if the parent is saying the child is 13 then what can you do?

That's just my view on the matter.

garinda 20-04-2009 18:25

Re: Children on facebook

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington (Post 706209)
a friend of mine sent me an invite to be his friend on Facebook.......I declined the invite because I told him I was too old to be on facebook(OK, Facebook may not have an upper age limit......but my feeling is that it is something for younger folk).

I though that when someone first asked me to join.

Being nosey I did join, but then never went on.

In the past year or so I've used it a lot, and I love it.

I check there before Accy Web now.

There are groups for all kinds of things.

I started a young onset Parkinson's group, because there wasn't a UK one, and it's been invaluable, and I've made some great friends, some of which I'm friends with in the 'real' world.

I also love Scrabble, and hadn't played for years since my dad's death, because that was our game. Now I have a few games going all the time, including with my friend in Gran Canaria, as well as nail biting matches with Gayle.

I'd say give it a go. It'd be a good way for you to feel closer to your family and friends down under, and if you don't think it's for you there's nothing lost.

garinda 20-04-2009 18:36

Re: Children on facebook
...and at the moment I'm hooked on a gardening game, that Willow invited me to join, which results in actual rainforest being saved.

I've saved 51 square feet so far, and have just celebrated by buying some new pots.

There's quite a few gardners from Accy Web, but we could always do with more help with the watering.


pussycat 20-04-2009 18:52

Re: Children on facebook
my son who is 9years old has his own msn , myself and my husband check it everyday , one day my son had a message from a women , my husband accepted this lady as he thought it was a friend of ours , this lady left a message sayin , i,ll get a friend to get together on webcam and we can get naked together , this is not the first time this has happen , he also got an invite so i myself accepted it and asked who it was , my son was shoutin me , mum look look at the picture , meanin profile picture there was a women naked , this is a big problem , so i advise parants to check there child or childrens msn , facebook my space and bebo, this is a 9year old boy , and things like that are happenin , please be safe ,

shillelagh 20-04-2009 20:00

Re: Children on facebook
unless its someone i know whenever i get invites like that i refuse them and block any further invites .... have had a few ... just one tonite .. and blocked further invites ...

MargaretR 20-04-2009 21:28

Re: Children on facebook
I only go on to see pics of my grandchildren - all adults now

Lilly 20-04-2009 21:46

Re: Children on facebook

Originally Posted by pussycat (Post 706336)
my son who is 9years old has his own msn , myself and my husband check it everyday , one day my son had a message from a women , my husband accepted this lady as he thought it was a friend of ours , this lady left a message sayin , i,ll get a friend to get together on webcam and we can get naked together , this is not the first time this has happen , he also got an invite so i myself accepted it and asked who it was , my son was shoutin me , mum look look at the picture , meanin profile picture there was a women naked , this is a big problem , so i advise parants to check there child or childrens msn , facebook my space and bebo, this is a 9year old boy , and things like that are happenin , please be safe ,

Is it worth it?

Why do they need to bother with msn, facebook etc at 9 years old? :confused:

MCR ADIM 20-04-2009 22:00

Re: Children on facebook
My point exactly surely at 9 they should be playing football in the garden or whatever not bothering with whos on msn or others

katex 20-04-2009 23:20

Re: Children on facebook

Originally Posted by Lilly (Post 706399)
Is it worth it?

Why do they need to bother with msn, facebook etc at 9 years old? :confused:

Probably because their parents do it Lilly ... and just curious.

Lilly 21-04-2009 15:37

Re: Children on facebook

Originally Posted by katex (Post 706423)
Probably because their parents do it Lilly ... and just curious.

Like other things that their parents do and they are curious about, I would advise waiting until they are older. ;)

pussycat 22-04-2009 12:13

Re: Children on facebook

Originally Posted by Lilly (Post 706399)
Is it worth it?

Why do they need to bother with msn, facebook etc at 9 years old? :confused:

there is 8people in my house and 7 of use have msn , my son at 9 do,se coz he wants to be big like his brothers , but he only has myself and his dad on his msn , he,s only 9years old, my daughter is 8 and i won,t allow her to have an msn , i don,t know how these women are gettin his addy coz we have changed it 3times , most 9year old kids these days have moblie phones , mine haven,t , this way i can see what is goin on , , we have start checkin his msn b4 he go,s on and when he is not in the room , he only go,s on maybe once every three month, , when im on my laptop, so he can chat to me , i know he,s only young , i do teach my kids what is right and wrong , and know that some for you think its not right him havin msn , but as long as he lives under my roof ,i will be checkin it , so i see no harm ,

Neil 22-04-2009 17:40

Re: Children on facebook

Originally Posted by pussycat (Post 706881)
there is 8people in my house and 7 of use have msn , my son at 9 do,se coz he wants to be big like his brothers , but he only has myself and his dad on his msn , he,s only 9years old, my daughter is 8 and i won,t allow her to have an msn , i don,t know how these women are gettin his addy coz we have changed it 3times , most 9year old kids these days have moblie phones , mine haven,t , this way i can see what is goin on , , we have start checkin his msn b4 he go,s on and when he is not in the room , he only go,s on maybe once every three month, , when im on my laptop, so he can chat to me , i know he,s only young , i do teach my kids what is right and wrong , and know that some for you think its not right him havin msn , but as long as he lives under my roof ,i will be checkin it , so i see no harm ,

Is it just his account that has strange things happening or everyones on that same computer?

accyman 26-04-2009 21:01

Re: Children on facebook
lol i feel sory for facebook customer support who probably get loads of emails from dim witted parents complaining that their kids accounts have been deleted because they cant see how stupid they are been and how innapropiate their parenting is

i have seen babys with accounts on facebook which could be seen as a good place for a pedo to go look at some kiddy totty:rolleyes: ( they appeared when i was searching for somone )

how much of a dimwit would you have to be to set up a netwrorking site account for a baby for gods sake ,they cant read,they cant talk,they cant write,they cant play scrabble or any of the other games on facebook and their details are already on the internet years before they reach the age where they can make that mistake for themselves :rolleyes:

Lilly 26-04-2009 21:25

Re: Children on facebook

Originally Posted by accyman (Post 708625)
lol i feel sory for facebook customer support who probably get loads of emails from dim witted parents complaining that their kids accounts have been deleted because they cant see how stupid they are been and how innapropiate their parenting is

i have seen babys with accounts on facebook which could be seen as a good place for a pedo to go look at some kiddy totty:rolleyes: ( they appeared when i was searching for somone )

how much of a dimwit would you have to be to set up a netwrorking site account for a baby for gods sake ,they cant read,they cant talk,they cant write,they cant play scrabble or any of the other games on facebook and their details are already on the internet years before they reach the age where they can make that mistake for themselves :rolleyes:

Fancy a baby having a facebook ridiculous. :(

accyman 26-04-2009 22:22

Re: Children on facebook

Originally Posted by Lilly (Post 708632)
Fancy a baby having a facebook ridiculous. :(

yup not right in the head some folk lol

i bought my son a laptop for christmas and informed him that if i so much as get a sniff that he has been anywhere near any networking sites what so ever i would take the laptop off him permanantly and he knows i know enough about computers to keep a check on him even when hes at his mums

he is allowed 1 msn account as it is needed for his xbox live and i know who every single contact is on there is and the password for the account

when he gets to age 16 he can start having internet privacy but untill that day comes i say what is allowed and what isnt :)

im not over paranoid about the internet i simply keep a very close eye on my kids activity on it and besides its upto me to fix his laptop if he gets it infected by god knows what from these sort of sites

katex 26-04-2009 22:31

Re: Children on facebook
Good job he can't see what sites daddy goes into innit .... :eek:

accyman 26-04-2009 22:39

Re: Children on facebook

Originally Posted by katex (Post 708651)
Good job he can't see what sites daddy goes into innit .... :eek:

do as i say not as i do is a very good rule :D

katex 26-04-2009 23:50

Re: Children on facebook

Originally Posted by accyman (Post 708655)
do as i say not as i do is a very good rule :D

Will go along with that ...

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