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Sara 03-05-2009 20:22

Swine flu humour
Someone once said if a black man becomes president, pigs will fly. Sure as hell, 100 days gone and hey ho, SWINE FLU!!!!

Swine flu is not a problem for the pigs, because they're all going to be cured anyway.

SPUGGIE J 03-05-2009 21:01

Re: Swine flu humour
Will it be a hot or cold cure that the get?

mickmc 04-05-2009 06:05

Re: Swine flu humour
I think I've got it !!!! - I've come out in a rasher........

emamum 04-05-2009 07:36

Re: Swine flu humour
tell you what, michael jackson must be getting annoyed ................everyones stolen his mask look

Sara 04-05-2009 13:10

Re: Swine flu humour
To avoid getting the swine flu you should rest ,eat plenty of fruit and veg , exercise and try to eliminate as much stress as possibie and get pi##ed because when you go to the doctor for your flu injection the first thing he will do is clean your arm with alcohol.... WHY because alcohol kills germs. So... i put on my mask, walk to the off licence (exercise ), i put lime in my corona (fruit ) celery in my bloody mary ( veg ) , drink in thr beer garden ( fresh air ) get drunk, laugh and tell jokes ( eliminate stress) and then pass out ( rest ) . The way i see it, if you keep your alcohol levels up flu germs cant get you. !!!!

Angie 22 04-05-2009 22:03

Re: Swine flu humour
I Tried to ring the swine flu hotline but all i got was CRACKLING. Ha Ha

Less 05-05-2009 10:15

Re: Swine flu humour
What happens if this swine flu crosses the species barrier and starts to effect birds? will the W.H.O. issue a public apology for having blamed them in the first place?

emzy 13-05-2009 11:29

Re: Swine flu humour
1 Attachment(s)
We know who gave it him..........

katex 14-05-2009 10:58

Re: Swine flu humour
For Less :

There is a new name for a certain type of sneeze, when you sneeze into the crook of your elbow. They call it the Dracula sneeze, 'cause it is the move he makes when bringing up his cloak..:D

LYNX1 14-05-2009 19:05

Re: Swine flu humour
1 Attachment(s)
This is the after effects of swine flu.......

theprisoner 17-05-2009 00:23

Re: Swine flu humour
The largest outbreak of Swine flu in England has recently been reported in the Elland Road area of Leeds.

37,000 Pig sick.

emamum 18-05-2009 09:34

Re: Swine flu humour
A lion and a pig talking bout how tough they are..........
Lion: "When I roar the whole jungle shakes".
The pig says: "When I sneeze the whole world goes into panic!"

Benipete 21-05-2009 15:38

Re: Swine flu humour
Got an Email this morning that claimed you could catch swine flu by eating tinned pork.

Turned out to be spam.

K.S.H 31-05-2009 16:25

Re: Swine flu humour
Just seen theres been another outbreak of swine flu in Rome, 20,000 man utd fans are pig sick :D

Tamalito 28-09-2009 04:48

Re: Swine flu humour

Originally Posted by Less (Post 710928)
What happens if this swine flu crosses the species barrier and starts to effect birds? will the W.H.O. issue a public apology for having blamed them in the first place?

Yeap...but maybe it is true.. :eek: LOL check this funny pic out!
Swine Flu Funny Graphic

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