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davemac 25-12-2012 21:31

Re: Wandering off thread
Why did he require "sorting out", surely the easiest way to deal with a person you disagree with is to ignore the post, and move on the the next thread. If you respond with pith and vinegar does it not just make matters worse, or is that the idea to keep poking the thread with a sharp stick until a ban is imposed on the person who responds with anger.

cashman 26-12-2012 08:38

Re: Wandering off thread
Some people "will" Never have a clue.

Margaret Pilkington 26-12-2012 09:30

Re: Wandering off thread be honest I think the poking with a sharp stick and the vinegary posts came from him....yes they were vinegary, but subtly make everyone think he was just 'joking'.....but the malice(?)(sneering) was there.
I don't know why he posted on here. He obviously felt we were below him...without really knowing too much about us.
Having said that I do think you are right. He needed the oxygen of attention, and had we not responded to any of his posts, they would have died a death....but forums exist by people what kills also dangerous for the forum...especially if he has multiple threads going.

jaysay 26-12-2012 11:04

Re: Wandering off thread

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington (Post 1034211) be honest I think the poking with a sharp stick and the vinegary posts came from him....yes they were vinegary, but subtly make everyone think he was just 'joking'.....but the malice(?)(sneering) was there.
I don't know why he posted on here. He obviously felt we were below him...without really knowing too much about us.
Having said that I do think you are right. He needed the oxygen of attention, and had we not responded to any of his posts, they would have died a death....but forums exist by people what kills also dangerous for the forum...especially if he has multiple threads going.

As your aware Margaret, AW hasn't seen much of me since October, yet when I returned, it seems to have lost something, Rindi was a very very big lose, which in the long term could have a big part to play in AWs future, whether that happens or not, I don't know, but you can't lose members like Rindi and expect things to go swimmingly on as before, in comparison, from what I've seen so far is, the site is much quieter than before my enforced absence

susie123 26-12-2012 11:07

Re: Wandering off thread

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington (Post 1034211) be honest I think the poking with a sharp stick and the vinegary posts came from him....yes they were vinegary, but subtly make everyone think he was just 'joking'.....but the malice(?)(sneering) was there.
I don't know why he posted on here. He obviously felt we were below him...without really knowing too much about us.
Having said that I do think you are right. He needed the oxygen of attention, and had we not responded to any of his posts, they would have died a death....but forums exist by people what kills also dangerous for the forum...especially if he has multiple threads going.

I think some of us were enjoying seeing what he would come up with next, it was funny at first then the arrogance crept in.

Margaret Pilkington 26-12-2012 11:16

Re: Wandering off thread
There must be something sadly wrong with my sense of humour then, because I found him anything but funny....he appeared arrogant and supercilious from the start.

Less 26-12-2012 12:43

Re: Wandering off thread

Originally Posted by jaysay (Post 1034229)
As your aware Margaret, AW hasn't seen much of me since October, yet when I returned, it seems to have lost something, Rindi was a very very big lose, which in the long term could have a big part to play in AWs future, whether that happens or not, I don't know, but you can't lose members like Rindi and expect things to go swimmingly on as before, in comparison, from what I've seen so far is, the site is much quieter than before my enforced absence

Of course the site was quiet!
You weren't here keeping the threads going, the site doesn't wake up properly until about 10 when you drag yourself from your pit.

davemac 26-12-2012 12:58

Re: Wandering off thread
I didn't agree with the thread starter, and I too found him to be a pompous poster, and I did not respond to his thread as a consequence, however those that did fuelled the responses and it escalated to defcon 3 in short order.
His postings were not the worst I have ever witnessed, some of the most vitriolic were from a poster who decided, when challenged, to take his ball and go home, and in contrast this ex-poster is almost at the point of being made a saint in his absence.
Should we not have a broad spectrum of posters, and not as I see it, poster baiting from any side.
To paraphrase, I don't agree with the poster, but defend his right to post. As is my right to ignore any post I want to.

Margaret Pilkington 26-12-2012 13:36

Re: Wandering off thread
I don't know that the ex-poster(forum member) is being made out to be a saint...he was human, like the rest of us....we are all capable of being bad, and all capable of being good.
I try to give posters the benefit of the doubt...most of the time.
Ignoring a post is sometimes possible, sometimes you get sucked in...and once in, you can find it difficult not to defend your posts. I have withdrawn from threads before in the past...but it isn't an easy thing to do.(for ma anyway)

I would never hope for anyone to be banned...because we all have something to contribute. Whether people agree with it, is another matter, but it does mean that the site is more interesting and varied.

Less 26-12-2012 14:10

Re: Wandering off thread
Everyone is talking as if the guy has been banned forever, it depends what he was banned for, it may only be a couple of days.
He could be back anytime, maybe he'll adjust his posting so he doesn't quite get up peoples noses or maybe he'll come back twice as bad?
I hope it's the former, he isn't without intelligence just seems to dislike the site and everyone on it, somehow puts across that we aren't good enough for him.

Margaret Pilkington 26-12-2012 20:32

Re: Wandering off thread
I'm pretty sure the ban won't be forever, and soon he'll be back as large as life.
I just hope that he can add something to the forum....other than arrogance, that is.

cashman 26-12-2012 21:33

Re: Wandering off thread

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington (Post 1034262)
I don't know that the ex-poster(forum member) is being made out to be a saint...he was human, like the rest of us....we are all capable of being bad, and all capable of being good.
I try to give posters the benefit of the doubt...most of the time.
Ignoring a post is sometimes possible, sometimes you get sucked in...and once in, you can find it difficult not to defend your posts. I have withdrawn from threads before in the past...but it isn't an easy thing to do.(for ma anyway)

I would never hope for anyone to be banned...because we all have something to contribute. Whether people agree with it, is another matter, but it does mean that the site is more interesting and varied.

He certainly wasn't a saint n don't think anyones reckoning he was?:confused: most of us are far from being such a thing, Though i do reckon i know one who thinks he is.:rolleyes:

Wynonie Harris 26-12-2012 22:49

Re: Wandering off thread
No, Garinda ain't a saint and no one said he was. He was, however, sometimes interesting, sometimes funny, sometimes idiosyncratic, sometimes infuriating, but never boring. Jaysay's right, the forum is a quieter place without him, but Garinda's his own man. He didn't keep threatening to leave like certain big girl's blouses on here, he just decided he didn't want to be here and walked. But, Jaysay's right, the forum is a much quieter place without him.

But, never mind, let's all be polite and pleasant and logical and lovey-dovey to each other. Maybe we can exchange knitting patterns, as we watch the tumbleweed roll past?

Less 26-12-2012 23:08

Re: Wandering off thread

Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris (Post 1034293)

as we watch the tumbleweed roll past?

Well isn't that typical?

Magically as real members move on because of the, lets be fair winkers, erm' I mean newbies that want to take over, the site has to pay extra for graphics of a tumble weed!

jaysay 27-12-2012 09:32

Re: Wandering off thread

Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris (Post 1034293)
No, Garinda ain't a saint and no one said he was. He was, however, sometimes interesting, sometimes funny, sometimes idiosyncratic, sometimes infuriating, but never boring. Jaysay's right, the forum is a quieter place without him, but Garinda's his own man. He didn't keep threatening to leave like certain big girl's blouses on here, he just decided he didn't want to be here and walked. But, Jaysay's right, the forum is a much quieter place without him.

But, never mind, let's all be polite and pleasant and logical and lovey-dovey to each other. Maybe we can exchange knitting patterns, as we watch the tumbleweed roll past?

I'll swap my tank top pattern Wyn for your cardy/sweater:D

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