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DtheP47 05-02-2013 09:45

Re: Wandering off thread

Originally Posted by susie123 (Post 1033347)
First, our esteemed local(ish) Morris dancers go by the name of the Britannia Coco-nut dancers of Bacup, or just Coco-nutters. The hyphen appears to not be mandatory and is sometimes not seen. But not the Bacup Coconutters please.

Did you see this susie123?
The world's gone mad...... ;)
Red tape threat to Bacup morris dancers (From Lancashire Telegraph)

jaysay 05-02-2013 10:26

Re: Wandering off thread

Originally Posted by DtheP47 (Post 1040705)
Did you see this susie123?
The world's gone mad...... ;)
Red tape threat to Bacup morris dancers (From Lancashire Telegraph)

It was on BBC Northwest last week

DtheP47 05-02-2013 11:08

Re: Wandering off thread

Originally Posted by jaysay (Post 1040708)
It was on BBC Northwest last week

You got me there Mr J ;) we don't have a telly at P-mansions... back in the day bringing up the little P's I bought em an etch-a-sketch and told them it was a tv so that they wouldn't feel deprived or inferior at school :D

davemac 05-02-2013 13:23

Re: Wandering off thread

Originally Posted by DtheP47 (Post 1040711)
You got me there Mr J ;) we don't have a telly at P-mansions... back in the day bringing up the little P's I bought em an etch-a-sketch and told them it was a tv so that they wouldn't feel deprived or inferior at school :D

You think thats poor, when I was growing up we couldn't afford clothes, It wasn't until I was 10 and my mum bought me a flat cap so I could look out of the window.

susie123 05-02-2013 14:28

Re: Wandering off thread

Originally Posted by DtheP47 (Post 1040705)
Did you see this susie123?
The world's gone mad...... ;)
Red tape threat to Bacup morris dancers (From Lancashire Telegraph)

Yes, thanks, I had seen it, was going to post it on Accyweb but couldn't remember which thread we had mentioned them in before. Hope they sort itout, what a load of garbage.

DtheP47 08-02-2013 10:43

Re: Wandering off thread

Originally Posted by susie123 (Post 1040737)
Yes, thanks, I had seen it, was going to post it on Accyweb but couldn't remember which thread we had mentioned them in before. Hope they sort itout, what a load of garbage.

I hope so too Susie, we have lost too many of the old traditions and links to our past.
It was interesting to read some of the erudite and pithy comments on the Telegraph thread too, though I am not sure that ‘old&grumpy’ is correct when he saysThe original dancers were unemployed and danced to get money. This was considered to be a form of begging which was illegal. The dancers blacked up to avoid being identified”
It goes back a lot further than that of course. I always thought the black faces were to show solidarity to the miners during the 1893 strike.
Anyroad long may the “Nutters” prevail

DtheP47 08-02-2013 10:44

Re: Wandering off thread

Originally Posted by davemac (Post 1040723)
You think thats poor, when I was growing up we couldn't afford clothes, It wasn't until I was 10 and my mum bought me a flat cap so I could look out of the window.

You though you were poor Mr D?, my cousin Pete who lived next door to us on South Street back in the day was told to put all his birthday money in the special blue savings box under the stairs marked NWEB.

DtheP47 12-02-2013 10:47

Re: Wandering off thread
I’d just like to thank everyone who turned up at Town Bent Fold for the scattering of Wandering Walter’s ashes into the headwaters of the Tinker Brook. It was a fitting tribute to the man who as you know I miss greatly. Nevertheless I am comforted everyday by his gnomic and sage like phrases and sayings.
After the ceremony I was approached by a sallow little man with lips pinched from the cold all dressed in black, black-gloved, and coat buttoned to the chin. He introduced himself as Walter’s solicitor Mr Vholes. “ Mr P” he whispered “I have a package for you, some of Walters belongings he wanted you to have”
Well you could have knocked me down with a feather, indeed you could have knocked me down with a crowbar, I was touched and just wait till I tell you what was in yet another Tesco carrier bag !!!

DtheP47 14-02-2013 22:10

Re: Wandering off thread
1 Attachment(s)
Where were we?

Oh yes ..the contents of the Tesco bag left in the catacombs under the Con.... that really was a bit of a curates egg. there were a few more packets of Swizzells Love Hearts, a framed picture of a Shetland pony, a Junior Membership card for iCandy on Blackburn Road and a few till receipts from Asda and Tesco for various surgical supplies. Unfortunately the receipts were too damp to establish the dates and times and what with the cost of the MQ1 and the NROL-36 hovering over the town there’s no money left in the budget* to run the supermarket checkout security cameras. No bad thing really I mean if the Predator guys at Creech Air Force base were bored looking down on Hyndburn, imagine having to sit and watch the comings and goings on these store tills for a day even!
There was a hand drawn map showing a series of tunnels leading from under the Con Club. The CRO after gas checking these tunnels did a bit of exploring. One going off in the direction of Moleside and clearly marked Gamblers Caves was blocked by a roof fall underneath the Abbey Hotel on Bank Street BUT the one going off in direction of the factory bottoms was followed to its point of deboucher * And you’ll never guess where that was? As per the photo .....half way up flipping Priestly Clough. Perfect one would say for someone to pop down and back from Holy Family School during breaktimes and free periods. No wonder the drone and satellite didn’t spot him.

As kids we used to be told that the brickwork shown here was part of the network of tunnels dug by the monks of the Grange at Black Abbey stretching all the way out to Whalley Abbey, maybe just maybe that story is more than a myth? ;)

*Wait till we get next years revisedcouncil tax charges to pay for this lot.
**a term used by French spelunkers

susie123 14-02-2013 22:26

Re: Wandering off thread

Originally Posted by DtheP47 (Post 1042156)
Where were we?

Oh yes ..the contents of the Tesco bag left in the catacombs under the Con.... that really was a bit of a curates egg.

I think you need help.

Gordon Booth 15-02-2013 11:03

Re: Wandering off thread

Originally Posted by DtheP47 (Post 1042156)
Where were we?

Oh yes ..the contents of the Tesco bag left in the catacombs under the Con....

And you have the cheek to rant on about 'Wandering off thread'!

How about 'Slightly demented wandering off thread'?

Less 15-02-2013 11:15

Re: Wandering off thread
Now, now Gordon while he's in here wittering he's not attacking the mods, the site or other members, leave him be.


DaveinGermany 15-02-2013 18:43

Re: Wandering off thread
Note Dtp47's avatar ? Donkey Chokey :D Suppose that about covers it really. :rolleyes:

Less 16-02-2013 01:33

Re: Wandering off thread

Originally Posted by DaveinGermany (Post 1042257)
Note Dtp47's avatar ? Donkey Chokey :D Suppose that about covers it really. :rolleyes:

He comes from Holland?

DtheP47 16-02-2013 14:06

Re: Wandering off thread
I have been contacted by a few peeps on here pointing out that a Predator MQ1 can’t hover, well spotted all those pedants, this was in fact the NROL-36 spy satellite maneuverered into a geo-synchronous orbit over Hyndburn, meanwhile the Predator was in fact doing a lazy loop several times an hour taking in Whinny Hill tip in the North and down as far South as White Syke Farm. The folks on the tip who rang into the Town Hall thinking they had seen a UFO were fed the party line “ It’s taking air quality samples over the tip” :cool:

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