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DtheP47 18-12-2012 10:31

Wandering off thread
I have no problem with any contributors entering into lively, pithy controversial debates or postings but it the posters who dilute others threads for no purpose other than self-aggrandisement I rail against.
It’s not Speakers Corner in Hyde Park, PMQ’s or a dynamic tap room debate here on the Accrington Web where a heckler throws in a verbal bomb and one goes “ Wow did they really say that” or “wish I had thought of that” people chuckle and “pfft” the comments are off into the ether and the debate continues on.
On here it’s not so transient, some jolly troll throws in their banal comment and it sits there on the thread forever, that’s unless Mick the Mod redacts it. The troll goes off to change his incontinence pad, replace the sand paper in his budgies cage, checks the tyre pressures on his mobility scooter and zooms off to Asda ** for more supplies of the same, all the while patting himself on the back for his wit and urbanity.
A newbie coming on to this site only sees the narrow picture and hey don’t get me wrong there are some absolute nuggets and gems on here and it is worth mining into some threads for just that but in a changing world where people’s attention spans are in increasing demand, dilution by these trolls is doing the pages an injustice. People just haven’t the time or patience these days.
I think there should be a section in the Fun Forums called the Rickety Rackety Bridge, sub sectioned Where Trolls Come out to Play. They can snipe, carp and snigger to their own folk on their own threads then.
** Other supermarkets are available

Margaret Pilkington 18-12-2012 11:15

Re: Wandering off thread
Been there and done that....Dave in Germany instigated such a thread.
Can't remember what it was called or I'd post a link.

susie123 18-12-2012 11:32

Re: Wandering off thread

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington (Post 1032768)
Been there and done that....Dave in Germany instigated such a thread.
Can't remember what it was called or I'd post a link.

Think it might be this one Margaret...

Anyway one person's thread wander is another person's... well, whatever it is, it would be a dull world if we all stuck precisely to topic on thread.

Less 18-12-2012 11:35

Re: Wandering off thread
You don't seem to like the site, it's members or the way it interacts with others, is that the sites or the members problem?

Or is it yours?

If you want the perfect site, why not make your own and show the rest of us how it should be done?

If anyone needs an excellent example of a moaning sniping troll they only need to read your posts.
This thread is typical of your low level but high and mighty attitude contribution.

jaysay 18-12-2012 11:45

Re: Wandering off thread
Another flaming moaner trying to take over running the site if you don't like the way its conducted find something else to fall in with your puritanical way of surfing

Gordon Booth 18-12-2012 11:57

Re: Wandering off thread
I am sure of course,DtheP47, that you didn't intend to appear pompous, condesending, patronizing or superior with this thread.

What a pity you did.

Kind of you to say 'there are some absolute nuggets and gems on here'- it's not all bad then. Be generous, give it 1 out of 10.

Seeing a thread start to wander is part of the fun, you never know where it will end up. Yes it is Speakers Corner, PMQ and a tap room where people can say what they like(within reason), argue, have a laugh in between changeing their incontinence pads.
The posters you look down on must be doing something right- it's the liveliest web site I've found.

cashman 18-12-2012 12:02

Re: Wandering off thread

Originally Posted by DtheP47 (Post 1032754)
I have no problem with any contributors entering into lively, pithy controversial debates or postings but it the posters who dilute others threads for no purpose other than self-aggrandisement I rail against.[/COLOR][/FONT]

Have to say "Self Aggrandisement is a new un on me,But assuming i have sussed what it may mean, this thread seems to be exactly that.

Margaret Pilkington 18-12-2012 12:05

Re: Wandering off thread
The conversations on the forum (for they are conversations) are much like those you will encounter anywhere - they wander about like a steam in a meadow...and they make for an interesting journey.
DtheP47, if I may make so bold,(I'm going to anyway)it seemed more like the thread was about 'trolls' than about thread would that count as a monumental thread wasn't even on topic at the start of the thread.
And yes you were, as Gordon observes, patronising and condescending....not a good start.(or have we misunderstood you?)

susie123 18-12-2012 12:05

Re: Wandering off thread

Originally Posted by cashman (Post 1032776)
Have to say "Self Aggrandisement is a new un on me,But assuming i have sussed what it may mean, this thread seems to be exactly that.

Yep Cashy you're quite right. And that's exactly what this thread is.

Less 18-12-2012 12:20

Re: Wandering off thread
No doubt when he returns to give us the gospel according to dtheheadp47, we will all be accused of being ring leaders of hate.
(shame really that he will return).

Michael1954 18-12-2012 12:20

Re: Wandering off thread
Stuff all this, I am going to have a wander off to the kitchen for a Cadbury's Mini-Roll.

shillelagh 18-12-2012 13:23

Re: Wandering off thread
i like thread wanders ...:D

Shurm 18-12-2012 14:55

Re: Wandering off thread

Bob Dobson 18-12-2012 15:04

Re: Wandering off thread
I must remember that phrase of Pilk's - wandering like a stream through a meadow' for when whatsisname does it.

Margaret Pilkington 18-12-2012 15:14

Re: Wandering off thread
I could have said wandering like a drunken man in search of a fresh watering hole...but didn't want to lower the tone:).
Glad you might use it Bob...I don't charge much :D

Gordon Booth 18-12-2012 15:21

Re: Wandering off thread

Originally Posted by Bob Dobson (Post 1032791)
I must remember that phrase of Pilk's - wandering like a stream through a meadow' for when whatsisname does it.

No Bob, that's ' wander about like a steam in a meadow'- much more evocative, conjures up a lovely picture.

DtheP47 19-12-2012 09:51

Re: Wandering off thread
One summers evening many years ago sat on the banks of the Tinker Brook Delta, Wandering Walter offered me some sagely advice.
He said “ D, never never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level, then beat you with experience."
I’ll go off now and finish my pile of ironing and reflect on Mr Horam’s words of wisdom.
*DtheP smirks his smirk ©*

Less 19-12-2012 10:26

Re: Wandering off thread

Originally Posted by DtheP47 (Post 1032940)
never never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level, then beat you with experience."

*DtheP smirks his smirk ©*

please, don't worry yourself, just because you smirk like an idiot doesn't mean you will be that good. Every virtual village has one including ours so I'm afraid until c'mon gives up the job we don't have a vacancy.
No-one has been arguing with you, we have met better trolls than you on site eventually they all leave, why not become the exception to the rule? Instead of trying to score negative points start posting as if other people mean something to you.

jaysay 19-12-2012 10:40

Re: Wandering off thread

Originally Posted by DtheP47 (Post 1032940)
One summers evening many years ago sat on the banks of the Tinker Brook Delta, Wandering Walter offered me some sagely advice.
He said “ D, never never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level, then beat you with experience."
I’ll go off now and finish my pile of ironing and reflect on Mr Horam’s words of wisdom.
*DtheP smirks his smirk ©*

Another clown from above the lamp:cool:

DtheP47 19-12-2012 10:49

Re: Wandering off thread

Originally Posted by Less (Post 1032946)
Instead of trying to score negative points start posting as if other people mean something to you.

There’s a bit of troll in all of us Less, that’s not the problem for me. It’s the serial rib-ticklers and pokers who do little else, spoiling a decent conversation and then demanding everyone understand their uniquie humour and twisted genius perception.

jaysay 19-12-2012 11:04

Re: Wandering off thread

Originally Posted by DtheP47 (Post 1032952)
There’s a bit of troll in all of us Less, that’s not the problem for me. It’s the serial rib-ticklers and pokers who do little else, spoiling a decent conversation and then demanding everyone understand their uniquie humour and twisted genius perception.

Maybe if you made more than an average of 15 posts a year, you might just get the hang of this Website, or maybe you'd be better of on Rossendale or Burnley Web, if you take into account that around 200 people come on here each day when the likes of Rossendale Blackburn Burnley (is now no more) are lucky to get 15 users on line ina day, there must be something that people like about the way this site works, if your not one of them stop moaning and sod off, oh and close the door quietly on the way out, you won't be missed

Less 19-12-2012 11:04

Re: Wandering off thread

Originally Posted by DtheP47 (Post 1032952)
There’s a bit of troll in all of us Less, that’s not the problem for me. It’s the serial rib-ticklers and pokers who do little else, spoiling a decent conversation and then demanding everyone understand their uniquie humour and twisted genius perception.

Well done, with the above post you have provided proof that you are self aware.
Take the site as it is, the only way you can improve it is with decent posts, that doesn't happen because you demand change, become part of it and work from the inside.
You never know, it might just make you that little bit humbler and you could start enjoying yourself.

susie123 19-12-2012 11:45

Re: Wandering off thread

Originally Posted by DtheP47 (Post 1032952)
There’s a bit of troll in all of us Less, that’s not the problem for me. It’s the serial rib-ticklers and pokers who do little else, spoiling a decent conversation and then demanding everyone understand their uniquie humour and twisted genius perception.

I've been on Accyweb almost every day for over a year now and even I find it hard sometimes to understand some of the banter and in-jokes that occur in the middle of perfectly serious threads sometimes. However I accept them for what they are , know they'll pass and understand that some of the perpetrators have been around far longer and know each other, even if only virtually, far better than I do.

I wouldn't dream of trying to alter anything, as has been said above, if it ain't broke don't fix it, just go with the flow, kick against the traces once in a while if there is a valid reason, otherwise wait for the day when the banter in a thread wander includes you as part of it. Then you'll know you've arrived - I feel I'm getting there - but then I have rather more posts than your average, maybe as others have said that helps.

Retlaw 19-12-2012 12:08

Re: Wandering off thread

Originally Posted by DtheP47 (Post 1032940)
One summers evening many years ago sat on the banks of the Tinker Brook Delta, Wandering Walter offered me some sagely advice.
He said “ D, never never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level, then beat you with experience."
I’ll go off now and finish my pile of ironing and reflect on Mr Horam’s words of wisdom.
*DtheP smirks his smirk ©*

I see your light bending qualities are improving, and your fan club membership has gone up, how many is that now, 2 or 3.

Margaret Pilkington 19-12-2012 12:09

Re: Wandering off thread

Originally Posted by DtheP47 (Post 1032940)
One summers evening many years ago sat on the banks of the Tinker Brook Delta, Wandering Walter offered me some sagely advice.
He said “ D, never never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level, then beat you with experience."
I’ll go off now and finish my pile of ironing and reflect on Mr Horam’s words of wisdom.
*DtheP smirks his smirk ©*

You have ten bob on yourself, don't you?
Implying that some of the members are idiots isn't an endearing trait(even if what you say is true - they still might have something that they can teach you, well, except that is, you are far too smug by half).

Smirking isn't pleasant either...can't you just grin and get on with it?

Mog 19-12-2012 12:27

Re: Wandering off thread
self-aggrandisement You see thats a word I have never come across. I reckon they didnt use words like that at St Christophers or Huncoat pit or anywhere else I have been. The problem is now that I shall have to wait for it to come on Countdown before I get to know the meaning.

DtheP47 19-12-2012 13:01

Re: Wandering off thread

Originally Posted by Mog (Post 1032971)
I reckon they didnt use words like that at St Christophers or Huncoat pit or anywhere else I have been. .

I am sure the “sainted” Maggie used the word about Arthur Scargill in 1984, Mog, maybe check your back copies of the NUM newsletter?

Less 19-12-2012 13:47

Re: Wandering off thread

Originally Posted by Retlaw (Post 1032967)
I see your light bending qualities are improving, and your fan club membership has gone up,i how many is that now, 2 or 3.

Now, now, it doesn't take an Einstein to work out that modesty isn't one of his better qualities. Allow him some time he may become one of our guiding lights, (like the cornish wreckers).
As for one of his likes twas only MagsR the revenge seaker and the post was removed.

Neil 19-12-2012 14:08

Re: Wandering off thread

Originally Posted by jaysay (Post 1032948)
Another clown from above the lamp:cool:

Where is above and where is below the lamp?

Seeing as most people born around here are born in Burnley General there are not many true Gobbinners left

Less 19-12-2012 14:29

Re: Wandering off thread
Please thread starter pay attention to this.

We all come on here to enjoy ourselves, we argue, we discuss, we extract and have the urine extracted.
We don't need to be told by you how to behave, we are a virtual community, we have parental control from the mods, we enjoy...

DtheP47 19-12-2012 15:04

Re: Wandering off thread

Originally Posted by Retlaw (Post 1032967)
I see your light bending qualities are improving, and your fan club membership has gone up, how many is that now, 2 or 3.

Just checked out your fan club website Retlaw impressive;
Men want to be you, women want to sleep with you, children are told to eat their greens and say their prayers that they might one day grow up to be like you, and small animals garland your path with wildflowers whenever you get round to actually leaving the house.
Truly, we should all give tear-stained thanks that we live in an age that is touched by your glorious figure, spreading your gifts so widely and freely.

Less 19-12-2012 15:23

Re: Wandering off thread

Originally Posted by DtheP47 (Post 1032995)
Just checked out your fan club website Retlaw impressive;
Men want to be you, women want to sleep with you, children are told to eat their greens and say their prayers that they might one day grow up to be like you, and small animals garland your path with wildflowers whenever you get round to actually leaving the house.
Truly, we should all give tear-stained thanks that we live in an age that is touched by your glorious figure, spreading your gifts so widely and freely.

Not really paying attention are you?
It may be that you are a lost cause, pity really, you can actually throw a sentence together.
However, I have the casting vote, my black balls say no way will you be invited to the clique. (shame really you'd have enjoyed dressing up time).

cashman 19-12-2012 15:26

Re: Wandering off thread
I'm beginning to wonder what DtheP actually stands for?:confused:

susie123 19-12-2012 15:30

Re: Wandering off thread

Originally Posted by Less (Post 1032998)
my black balls

Sorry to hear you are afflicted Less;):rolleyes:

Less 19-12-2012 15:41

Re: Wandering off thread

Originally Posted by susie123 (Post 1033002)
Sorry to hear you are afflicted Less;):rolleyes:

Hey it only means I'm selective not castrated, out of practice, yes, but always willing to have a bath if the chance arises.

susie123 19-12-2012 15:46

Re: Wandering off thread

Originally Posted by Less (Post 1033003)
Hey it only means I'm selective not castrated, out of practice, yes, but always willing to have a bath if the chance arises.

Should I apologise for the thread wander?

Less 19-12-2012 15:55

Re: Wandering off thread

Originally Posted by susie123 (Post 1033004)
Should I apologise for the thread wander?

No, just get over here with your kit off, I'll run a the taps and see if I can get the sap rising, (I hope this is a thread wander, I couldn't stand disappointing yet another woman).

susie123 19-12-2012 16:06

Re: Wandering off thread

Originally Posted by Less (Post 1033005)
No, just get over here with your kit off, I'll run a the taps and see if I can get the sap rising, (I hope this is a thread wander, I couldn't stand disappointing yet another woman).

Best offer I've had in a while, sorry can't oblige, just had chemo and don't want to compromise my immune system with anything nasty - not insinuating anything about you, just thinking about the crowds I might encounter on the way there! :)

Less 19-12-2012 16:12

Re: Wandering off thread
Well here we are, a typical day at the web site, someone starts a thread, not a pleasant thread, the rest of us turn it around, most folk have had fun in here.
What's your reason for not joining in?

Wynonie Harris 19-12-2012 16:31

Re: Wandering off thread
Main reason I haven't joined is that you and the rest of the clique have said what I wanted to say! ;) Didn't we have a similar "this forum isn't to my satisfaction" thread from ChurchFCrules a couple of months ago?

Michael1954 19-12-2012 16:38

Re: Wandering off thread

Originally Posted by Less (Post 1033008)
Well here we are, a typical day at the web site, someone starts a thread, not a pleasant thread, the rest of us turn it around, most folk have had fun in here.
What's your reason for not joining in?

I haven't opened my gob because I am still busy stuffing it with Cadbury's Mini-Rolls.

Less 19-12-2012 16:46

Re: Wandering off thread

Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris (Post 1033011)
Main reason I haven't joined is that you and the rest of the clique have said what I wanted to say! ;) Didn't we have a similar "this forum isn't to my satisfaction" thread from ChurchFCrules a couple of months ago?

Does anyone care?
The site is nothing like what it was in 2003, no one then could have predicted what it would become.
What it doesn't need is restrictions put in place, by new or old members to stop it going where it will...
Join, leave do what you will, the site goes where the members as a whole take it to.

Margaret Pilkington 19-12-2012 18:00

Re: Wandering off thread

Originally Posted by Michael1954 (Post 1033012)
I haven't opened my gob because I am still busy stuffing it with Cadbury's Mini-Rolls.

You won't have any room for your tea.(You lucky josser - I'm only jealous...I'm having bread and scrape)

Margaret Pilkington 19-12-2012 18:03

Re: Wandering off thread

Originally Posted by Less (Post 1033014)
Does anyone care?
The site is nothing like what it was in 2003, no one then could have predicted what it would become.
What it doesn't need is restrictions put in place, by new or old members to stop it going where it will...
Join, leave do what you will, the site goes where the members as a whole take it to.

Spot on Less. The forum is bigger than the sum of the parts made up by members...and it will continue to be so.
Some members who thought the site would fold if they left, have gone and they are not missed....I can think of one in particular..who shall be nameless, but his initials were JB.

Retlaw 19-12-2012 19:04

Re: Wandering off thread

Originally Posted by DtheP47 (Post 1032995)
Just checked out your fan club website Retlaw impressive;
Men want to be you, women want to sleep with you, children are told to eat their greens and say their prayers that they might one day grow up to be like you, and small animals garland your path with wildflowers whenever you get round to actually leaving the house.
Truly, we should all give tear-stained thanks that we live in an age that is touched by your glorious figure, spreading your gifts so widely and freely.

More light bending observations, keep going you might improve in a year or two. Only people with 1/2 a brain could have a proper converstion with you.
You make 44 posts in four years, then start stirring it because some one wanders from the thread, who do you think you are any way.

Barrie Yates 19-12-2012 19:44

Re: Wandering off thread
Just ignore the prat - don't feed his over inflated ego by responding to his obvious attempts to wind people up.

Margaret Pilkington 19-12-2012 20:07

Re: Wandering off thread
Barrie, what you are saying is DNFTT(do not feed the troll)...bit ironic isn't it...? in view of the subject matter of the thread.

Retlaw 19-12-2012 20:51

Re: Wandering off thread

Originally Posted by cashman (Post 1033000)
I'm beginning to wonder what DtheP actually stands for?:confused:

Could it be Richard le Prat, or Dick le Plank

Margaret Pilkington 19-12-2012 21:21

Re: Wandering off thread
He speaks very highly of you Retlaw!

cashman 19-12-2012 22:48

Re: Wandering off thread
just thought i'd wander by, but no-one here so will wander off.

heth 19-12-2012 23:31

Re: Wandering off thread

Originally Posted by cashman (Post 1033088)
just thought i'd wander by, but no-one here so will wander off.

I will wander with you Cashy! ;)

cashman 19-12-2012 23:53

Re: Wandering off thread

Originally Posted by heth (Post 1033098)
I will wander with you Cashy! ;)

oh cheers heth i'm in need of company,:D

Restless 20-12-2012 00:27

Re: Wandering off thread

Originally Posted by DtheP47 (Post 1032754)

Why has it took you four years to write this post


Originally Posted by Less (Post 1033014)
Join, leave do what you will, the site goes where the members as a whole take it to(if fairly administrated/moderated)

Exactly(edited). Clique or no Clique...

Wynonie Harris 20-12-2012 01:15

Re: Wandering off thread
Quiet, init, Restless? Let's go and beat some newbies up! :D

Mog 20-12-2012 07:47

Re: Wandering off thread

Originally Posted by DtheP47 (Post 1032976)
I am sure the “sainted” Maggie used the word about Arthur Scargill in 1984, Mog, maybe check your back copies of the NUM newsletter?

Dave by 1984 I was Managing the Coal Mine so Scargill was nothing to do with me. Also when I met Maggie and her Husband and My Queen at the Channel Tunnel, where I was Technical Advisor. There was no requirement for me to act in that kind of manner because, I was very important to the project. So I didnt have to try any harder to increase my own importance.

Margaret Pilkington 20-12-2012 07:51

Re: Wandering off thread
Steve, he joined in February I don't think he really qualifies as 'new'...except, in the time since he joined he hasn't made many posts. Now it is clear to see why. He doesn't like us very much...he thinks he is superior to the virtual world that is.

shillelagh 20-12-2012 19:09

Re: Wandering off thread
1 Attachment(s)
ah well the goldfish needs feeding ...

walkinman221 20-12-2012 21:41

Re: Wandering off thread
After reading all that from dp whatsisname i am also wondering or is that wandering?????????? Not sure with me being one of the idiots.

DtheP47 21-12-2012 00:45

Re: Wandering off thread

Originally Posted by cashman (Post 1033101)
oh cheers heth i'm in need of company,:D

So your carers gone off to look after another window licker has he ?

Less 21-12-2012 01:53

Re: Wandering off thread

Originally Posted by DtheP47 (Post 1033270)
So your carers gone off to look after another window licker has he ?

Is that as good as you've got?
I'd give up now if I were you, four pages explaining what type of head you are and you've still not learnt anything.

shillelagh 21-12-2012 03:50

Re: Wandering off thread

Originally Posted by Less (Post 1033274)
Is that as good as you've got?
I'd give up now if I were you, four pages explaining what type of head you are and you've still not learnt anything.

never learn ....:D

Margaret Pilkington 21-12-2012 07:39

Re: Wandering off thread

Originally Posted by DtheP47 (Post 1033270)
So your carers gone off to look after another window licker has he ?

With not even a 'smiley' attached to signify it was tongue in cheek....but then, perhaps you meant wouldn't surprise me.
You certainly aren't out to win friends and influence people are you?

cashman 21-12-2012 08:27

Re: Wandering off thread
It don't really bother me, if they need to feel superior,then thats fine, its pretty easy fer the ordinary person to suss out the score.;)

Less 21-12-2012 08:36

Re: Wandering off thread

Originally Posted by cashman (Post 1033291)
It don't really bother me, if they need to feel superior,then thats fine, its pretty easy fer the ordinary person to suss out the score.;)

Knowing what you are like, of course it doesn't bother you.

It's just a shame that some folk are as he is, There's plenty in the thread he could have commented on, but no, he just carries on in his arrogant way, of no use to the site at all.

cashman 21-12-2012 08:51

Re: Wandering off thread

Originally Posted by Less (Post 1033295)
Knowing what you are like, of course it doesn't bother you.

It's just a shame that some folk are as he is, There's plenty in the thread he could have commented on, but no, he just carries on in his arrogant way, of no use to the site at all.

Yeh but going off the time he returned n posted, right or wrong,i can only assume theres n alcohol problem? I mean some people do need it.:D

Less 21-12-2012 09:02

Re: Wandering off thread

Originally Posted by cashman (Post 1033296)
Yeh but going off the time he returned n posted, right or wrong,i can only assume theres n alcohol problem? I mean some people do need it.:D

Wow! now there's a heck of a leap into the land of conclusions.:D
As for needing it, Some folk drink to be sociable some because it's their only friend. Cheers.

DtheP47 21-12-2012 11:30

Re: Wandering off thread

Originally Posted by Neil (Post 1032985)
Where is above and where is below the lamp?

Seeing as most people born around here are born in Burnley General there are not many true Gobbinners left

Sorry Neil I wasn’t ignoring you but with all the cyber shin kicking* and click baiting** going on here your post got shunted down the thread.
The Gobbin Lamp is situated outside the Oswaldtwistle library, I feel sure there’s a thread on here dealing with the very subject but back in the day it used to stand in the gardens at the front of the library.
It’s my understanding that you were defined a “gobbinner” not by birth but by location, if I am wrong I am sure somebody (Retlaw ***) will put me right. So it’s not like the cockney born within the sound of Bow Bells thing, because for one thing a lamp has no sound (cb alert**** here) and if it was under the light of the lamp one would have had to be born either in the gardens or at best on the pavement. I am sure there will be a clamour of real real gobbinners telling me they were indeed born on the pavement but I think it best to ignore those attention seekers and dolichocecephalics (cb alert here Mog)

· * Cyber shin kicking, a bit like the the Bacup Coconutters but without the clogs, bells and black faces.
· ** Click baiting, miss spelling something or wrongly identifying a place e.g typing Atlas Street instead of Wellington Street and then waiting for somebody (usually Retlaw) to shout in his big bad bold font and throw his bag of pendant dust at you)

Note to self: get Retlaw some finer grain pedant dust for Christmas.

Margaret Pilkington 21-12-2012 11:32

Re: Wandering off thread work here is done!

cashman 21-12-2012 12:18

Re: Wandering off thread
Well as i never P.Md yeh wi a guess heres mine, D would be First Name,P would be last,47 would be year of birth, hardly n enigma code i know, but thats my thoughts.

Less 21-12-2012 13:28

Re: Wandering off thread

Originally Posted by DtheP47 (Post 1033337)
Well yes alcohol was involved Mr C, I'd been to the Forts Christmas Quiz and JBE's questions on Christmas smells were ****e ;) sh one t

No real reason to quote this post, except it's the shortest of your juvenile rants.
Could I just draw the attention of the don't knock the newbie crowd, (all of whom have been very quiet).
That i did state you are a troll in my what I don't want for Christmas thread.
You are now in rant mode, obviously the world is against you, but fear not, some daft sod will come to your defence and claim you've still been bullied.
Actually compared to most nutters you've been treated with far too much tolerance, I think its time the gloves came off.

susie123 21-12-2012 13:30

Re: Wandering off thread

Originally Posted by DtheP47 (Post 1033319)
I am sure there will be a clamour of real real gobbinners telling me they were indeed born on the pavement but I think it best to ignore those attention seekers and dolichocecephalics (cb alert here Mog)

· * Cyber shin kicking, a bit like the the Bacup Coconutters but without the clogs, bells and black faces.
· ** Click baiting, miss spelling something or wrongly identifying a place e.g typing Atlas Street instead of Wellington Street and then waiting for somebody (usually Retlaw) to shout in his big bad bold font and throw his bag of pendant dust at you)


Originally Posted by DtheP47 (Post 1033324)
"An interesting fact about Greylag geese is that they were once considered sacred by the Romans after reportedly saving the city of Rome in 390 BC. When the Gauls tried to climb in, the geese warned the Romans with their loud calls about the attempted invasion. After this, believed that the geese were sacred and it was ordered that the geese were to not be eaten in Pre-Roman Britain."
(cb alert here Retlaw) see below.

Sodit Retlaw I’ll do it for you:

I would doubt the validity of the last sentence in that quote.
Caesar was about 300 years later to start with,
and he only spent three months in Britain anyway.
How he could order that geese not be eaten in Pre-Roman
Britain is quite beyond me....
(I know it says 'it was ordered' not 'he ordered'
but the Ancient Brits wouldn't have heard of this edifying tale,
and wouldn't have stopped eating greylags, brents or
pinkfeet as a result of it. It's another of those unchecked 'facts'.

Oh I am enjoying this thread and learning so much too...

If I maybe allowed to throw a little pedant dust as well...
a) because I can
b) because I want to
c) it's Christmas and I just feel like it

First, our esteemed local(ish) Morris dancers go by the name of the Britannia Coco-nut dancers of Bacup, or just Coco-nutters. The hyphen appears to not be mandatory and is sometimes not seen. But not the Bacup Coconutters please.

Second, I would be interested to know what dolichocephaly (check your spelling BTW) has to do with attention-seeking gobbiners. If you are implying any sort of abnormality or deficiency on their part I find that rather offensive.

Third, you rather spoilt your attempt at a dig at Retlaw by missing out the word "Caesar" from the last sentence of the first part of your reply about geese. Yes I have checked your reference and it's there.

What bird was credited with saving Rome from the Gauls in 390BC?

Phew I feel better after that!

susie123 21-12-2012 13:32

Re: Wandering off thread

Originally Posted by cashman (Post 1033338)
Well as i never P.Md yeh wi a guess heres mine, D would be First Name,P would be last,47 would be year of birth, hardly n enigma code i know, but thats my thoughts.

Top of the class Cashy, my thoughts too or are we not thinking outside the box?

Margaret Pilkington 21-12-2012 13:48

Re: Wandering off thread
well, I have a D.P. living with me(married -sigh)...but I can assure you it isn't him that is posting this stuff.

Less 21-12-2012 13:56

Re: Wandering off thread

Originally Posted by susie123 (Post 1033348)
Top of the class Cashy, my thoughts too or are we not thinking outside the box?

I don't care what it means, I just wish folk like this had their fingers chopped off preventing them using a keyboard.

Gordon Booth 21-12-2012 14:12

Re: Wandering off thread
Wow, 'dolichocephalic'- what a grand word, especially when you throw in a spare 'ce' just for good measure.
Imagine holding a conversation with DtheP- either you wait ages while he looks up all these grand words and tries to make a coherent sentence out of them or- God forbid, he doesn't need to look them up so talks like that all the time!
Either way must be seriously boring.

susie123 21-12-2012 14:23

Re: Wandering off thread

Originally Posted by Gordon Booth (Post 1033356)
Wow, 'dolichocephalic'- what a grand word, especially when you throw in a spare 'ce' just for good measure.
Imagine holding a conversation with DtheP- either you wait ages while he looks up all these grand words and tries to make a coherent sentence out of them or- God forbid, he doesn't need to look them up so talks like that all the time!
Either way must be seriously boring.

Well showing off a bit I know what it means but don't feel the need to broadcast it by throwing it and its fellows in to a conversation unless it's really called for in the subject matter under discussion (and believe me that might be a discourse that would lull one to sleep very easily!).

To round this off, let's go for sesquipedalian (literally "a foot and a half long"):

Pertaining to or given to the use of overly long words: Our dinner guest was so sesquipedalian that no one could understand what he said.

(Sound familiar?)
Synonyms: bombastic, grandiloquent, long-winded, florid, prolix

Michael1954 21-12-2012 14:28

Re: Wandering off thread

Originally Posted by Gordon Booth (Post 1033356)
Wow, 'dolichocephalic'- what a grand word, especially when you throw in a spare 'ce' just for good measure.
Imagine holding a conversation with DtheP- either you wait ages while he looks up all these grand words and tries to make a coherent sentence out of them or- God forbid, he doesn't need to look them up so talks like that all the time!
Either way must be seriously boring.

Or maybe self-aggrandisement? Like Susie, I am enjoying this thread. I suspect it's all a gentle wind-up on DtheP's part. After all, it's in the Anything Goes section.

Gordon Booth 21-12-2012 14:34

Re: Wandering off thread

Originally Posted by susie123 (Post 1033358)

To round this off, let's go for sesquipedalian (literally "a foot and a half long"):

Pertaining to or given to the use of overly long words: Our dinner guest was so sesquipedalian that no one could understand what he said.

(Sound familiar?)
Synonyms: bombastic, grandiloquent, long-winded, florid, prolix


Originally Posted by Michael1954 (Post 1033360)
Or maybe self-aggrandisement? Like Susie, I am enjoying this thread. I suspect it's all a gentle wind-up on DtheP's part. After all, it's in the Anything Goes section.

You may be right, Michael1954. I have wondered if he's trolling. After all, no one could be all those grand words you and Susie mention in real life.
Could they?

Margaret Pilkington 21-12-2012 14:34

Re: Wandering off thread you mean to tell me that in 'anything goes' anything goes?...well, I never(OK - I might have done, but only the once)

Michael1954 21-12-2012 14:34

Re: Wandering off thread

Originally Posted by susie123 (Post 1033358)
Well showing off a bit I know what it means but don't feel the need to broadcast it by throwing it and its fellows in to a conversation unless it's really called for in the subject matter under discussion (and believe me that might be a discourse that would lull one to sleep very easily!).

To round this off, let's go for sesquipedalian (literally "a foot and a half long"):

Pertaining to or given to the use of overly long words: Our dinner guest was so sesquipedalian that no one could understand what he said.

(Sound familiar?)
Synonyms: bombastic, grandiloquent, long-winded, florid, prolix

I now know what it means - I had to look it up!

Michael1954 21-12-2012 14:36

Re: Wandering off thread

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington (Post 1033365) you mean to tell me that in 'anything goes' anything goes?...well, I never(OK - I might have done, but only the once)

You've got me humming the song now.

Gordon Booth 21-12-2012 14:43

Re: Wandering off thread

Originally Posted by susie123 (Post 1033358)
To round this off, let's go for sesquipedalian (literally "a foot and a half long"):


Originally Posted by Michael1954 (Post 1033366)
I now know what it means - I had to look it up!

I thought it was a five wheeled bike 'til Sue explained.

cashman 21-12-2012 14:44

Re: Wandering off thread

Originally Posted by Michael1954 (Post 1033360)
Or maybe self-aggrandisement? Like Susie, I am enjoying this thread. I suspect it's all a gentle wind-up on DtheP's part. After all, it's in the Anything Goes section.

I also think the same Michael.

** Flipping heck, I am starting to type in a cod lanky accent like Mr C, I know we went to the same school but I for one enjoyed my English lessons. Mammy Archer will be spinning in her grave Stephen.
[/QUOTE]See what happened at school, The rabble started the year after you genius type,Mammy Archer had me puzzled fer a short while....Then i remembered, us rabble ungraciously called her Fat Alice.:D

Margaret Pilkington 21-12-2012 14:45

Re: Wandering off thread

Originally Posted by Michael1954 (Post 1033367)
You've got me humming the song now.'s annoying, isn't it?

Margaret Pilkington 21-12-2012 14:47

Re: Wandering off thread
He needs to be told that his worm isn't long enough :)

susie123 21-12-2012 14:58

Re: Wandering off thread

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington (Post 1033370)'s annoying, isn't it?

If you want another annoying song, apposite to this thread...

3 Billy Goats Gruff song (Grumpy Old Troll) - YouTube

Have posted it before, but I like it!

Less 21-12-2012 15:35

Re: Wandering off thread

Originally Posted by DtheP47 (Post 1033337)
Well yes alcohol was involved Mr C, I'd been to the Forts Christmas Quiz and JBE's questions on Christmas smells were ****e ;) sh one t

Must have seemed an awful long time for those having to put up with you.

Their one time out, looking forward to a good time...

and you turn up.

cashman 21-12-2012 16:48

Re: Wandering off thread
Right DtheP47, i have now sussed who yeh are 95% certain. In fact yer younger brother would be in my class at the Tech n was a great cross country runner?;) Can i ask yeh who this Stephen is yeh mentioned? cos it sure as hell aint me. as many on here who actually do know me will be aware.:D But never mind, if thats what yeh reckon, then its gives me the edge.:D:D:D:D

walkinman221 21-12-2012 18:23

Re: Wandering off thread

Originally Posted by DtheP47 (Post 1033270)
So your carers gone off to look after another window licker has he ?

Listen carefully for the doorbell:ptongue:

Eric 21-12-2012 19:03

Re: Wandering off thread

Originally Posted by Gordon Booth (Post 1033356)
Wow, 'dolichocephalic'- what a grand word, especially when you throw in a spare 'ce' just for good measure.
Imagine holding a conversation with DtheP- either you wait ages while he looks up all these grand words and tries to make a coherent sentence out of them or- God forbid, he doesn't need to look them up so talks like that all the time!
Either way must be seriously boring.

Sounds like he escaped from the "Dunciad".

cashman 21-12-2012 19:14

Re: Wandering off thread

Originally Posted by Eric (Post 1033419)
Sounds like he escaped from the "Dunciad".

More than possible Eric.:D

Gordon Booth 21-12-2012 19:23

Re: Wandering off thread

Originally Posted by Eric (Post 1033419)
Sounds like he escaped from the "Dunciad".

I had to look that up as well.
Sounds like light holiday reading?

cashman 21-12-2012 19:27

Re: Wandering off thread

Originally Posted by Gordon Booth (Post 1033427)
I had to look that up as well.
Sounds like light holiday reading?

See yer aint as cultured as Eric @ I Gordon.:D

Gordon Booth 21-12-2012 20:06

Re: Wandering off thread

Originally Posted by cashman (Post 1033430)
See yer aint as cultured as Eric @ I Gordon.:D

Something I've never been accused of, cashman. Must look that up as well.

DaveinGermany 21-12-2012 20:17

Re: Wandering off thread

Originally Posted by DtheP47 (Post 1033319)
tand throw his bag of pendant dust at you)

Oh goody, free chains ! :)

DtheP47 23-12-2012 13:47

Re: Wandering off thread

Originally Posted by cashman (Post 1033398)
Right DtheP47, i have now sussed who yeh are 95% certain. In fact yer younger brother would be in my class at the Tech n was a great cross country runner?;) Can i ask yeh who this Stephen is yeh mentioned? cos it sure as hell aint me. as many on here who actually do know me will be aware.:D But never mind, if thats what yeh reckon, then its gives me the edge.:D:D:D:D

Let's keep this a secret between us two then. :cool: and I was a better runner matey

DtheP47 23-12-2012 13:49

Re: Wandering off thread

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington (Post 1033372)
He needs to be told that his worm isn't long enough :)

I see you have un friended me facebook Margaret... shame :egged:

DtheP47 23-12-2012 13:53

Re: Wandering off thread

Originally Posted by cashman (Post 1033369)

See what happened at school, The rabble started the year after you genius type,Mammy Archer had me puzzled fer a short while....Then i remembered, us rabble ungraciously called her Fat Alice.:D[/QUOTE]
No we never called her Fat Alice, I think she got the sobriquet Mammy cos she favoured one of those large women in servitude in the US deep south that Al Jolson sang about.

Margaret Pilkington 23-12-2012 13:55

Re: Wandering off thread
Not true. If you knew anything at all about me, you will know that I hate FB with a who-ever the Margaret Pilkington is on facebook, who has wiped you off their friends isn't me.
I would not have put you on my friends list in the first place...I do not know you.

DtheP47 23-12-2012 13:58

Re: Wandering off thread

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington (Post 1033731)
Not true. If you knew anything at all about me, you will know that I hate FB with a who-ever the Margaret Pilkington is on facebook, who has wiped you off their friends isn't me.
I would not have put you on my friends list in the first place...I do not know you.

clickbait alert Margaret... sorry I forgot to post it here's the emoticon now :-7

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