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shillelagh 02-08-2012 21:24

Re: Today in pictures
10 Attachment(s)
heres mine from today ....

davemac 02-08-2012 21:24

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by susie123 (Post 1006645)
Yes, the shot really makes your eyes move up towards the light, and the bin gives it some focus. If you look on the RHS I think there were lines there till they crudely covered them up with tarmac. At least you can now park a car on one side!! :rolleyes:

Love that totem pole -you're really getting stuck in to your fungi! If you find a puffball in a field, let me have some - really nice eating if they're fresh.

I know where the puff balls grow, and I am waiting for them to come out the ground, I think its a bit early yet for this specific one. Its in the park, and its who gets to it first, me or kids who give them a kick.

I'm not specifically going out to find fungi, I think when you cant look to landscapes you look to the ground, well I do anyway, and the fungi are all over the dead stuff at the moment.

Some days I go out and have waterfalls and vistas up to the armpits, other days I'm overrun with wickthings, and then its all fungi. I think its not what I am looking for, it what finds me.

davemac 02-08-2012 21:33

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington (Post 1006660)
I think they are seeking me out. I can't really say I go looking for them.......they are just there.
Well, Miss BD wanted a picture of a pond skater(to go in 'What I saw on my Holidays' file, for school) I hope the water boatman and the pondskater are either the same or very similar(so that one can be interchanged with the other, without anyone noticing).
We still have butterflies to find.......I have a range of bees...both in size and colours...fat ones and thin ones, furry ones and ones that aren't so furry.....snails too.
These pics will be printed out for her when she goes back to school and she will present them at an achievement assembly - she has to find out about them and write them she will be doing some work.

Holidays...with work attached, but work that sounds like fun.....that is how to dress up learning.

Is it that you have to see them, or just have photos of them. If you only have to have photos and describe them, please feel free to rummage through my creepy crawly folder on Flickr, and download any that are of use, all of them if you want.
If the rule is that you have to have taken the photo yourself, then can't help on that one, looks like you are going to have to go "Off Road"

davemac 02-08-2012 21:34

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by shillelagh (Post 1006697)
heres mine from today ....

Nice sunsets, did briefly see it myself, but it was to brief and it was raining here.

Margaret Pilkington 02-08-2012 21:45

Re: Today in pictures
Miss BD is supposed to see then herself...well if I take the picture, she has 'seen' them...OK, not in the flesh.....but she has to find out about the things she has seen and write about them.
I think the teachers have given the children this sort of stuff to do to give then some sort of focus....and to get them out of the house and into the fresh air...both admirable intentions. How many of the children will actually do it, is anyone's guess.
She is quite keen and has drawn up a list for herself.
I may use some of your pics from Flickr if we don't see many things...thank you for the very generous offer.
It gets the tinlids interested in nature and the environment around bad thing.

shillelagh 02-08-2012 22:17

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by davemac (Post 1006701)
Nice sunsets, did briefly see it myself, but it was to brief and it was raining here.

i got caught out in the rain ... it started raining while i was taking them and got wet thro running round the side of the house ... :D took some of them from the safety of my back door while it was raining :D:D:D

susie123 03-08-2012 15:09

Re: Today in pictures
9 Attachment(s)
Some more from Lancaster earlier this week:

1 Into the shopping area, with a fine cartouche on the corner
2 Another nice dated gable
3 Pedestrian area
4 A bit further down the street, busy for a Monday afternoon. We didn't go any further than M&S, only headed for their Dine in for £10 offer - very nice - we got two lots!
5 Back up the hill - you can't normally see this junction for cars but they're stopped at the lights to let people go across. On the left, the hospital, with chimney. Middle, the canal. Right, start of the shopping street with big pub on the corner
6 The gatehouse into the old mill comlex where we parked the car
7 Cobbles - with bits in! Newly laid, on a parking area
8 Closeup of the gatehouse, with a fine dated rainwater head
9 My garden gnome carrying the spoils back to the car - he's forgotten his pointy hat

Margaret Pilkington 03-08-2012 16:07

Re: Today in pictures
8 Attachment(s)
Lovely pics Sue......I love the dated gable and the gate house...full of character......sunshine and blues skies do make them much more attractive too.

Jen your flower pics are beautiful. I spotted the sunset last night but the battery was I didn't get a pic of that.
I have been out along the canal bank...down through Mercer park and then mhrough the fields to Rishton bottoms.
Himself thought I had fallen down a hole somewhwere. I was out for two and a half hours.

The family of swans which were in residence on the far bank further up the canal, have moved house....they are now quite close to the bridge near the Con club.
Dog walkers are taking no chances. I saw one poor chap lift a big dog up(almost gave himself a hernia) to save having to walk past the male swan(cob) who was taking an aggressive stance to protect the cygnets - even though they are well grown.

1) Swans Head....good name for a pub.
2) Cygnet having a siesta.
3) cygnet stretching its wings.
4) swan family on the canal bank - see the man in the background with the dog...that was one big dog.
5) More of the swans
6) A wildflower....don't know what it is....a ground hugger.
7) Common Burdock (I think).
8) One of yesterdays pics that I have 'fiddled' with.

susie123 03-08-2012 16:21

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington (Post 1006819)
Lovely pics Sue......I love the dated gable and the gate house...full of character......sunshine and blues skies do make them much more attractive too.

Jen your flower pics are beautiful. I spotted the sunset last night but the battery was I didn't get a pic of that.
I have been out along the canal bank...down through Mercer park and then mhrough the fields to Rishton bottoms.
Himself thought I had fallen down a hole somewhwere. I was out for two and a half hours.

The family of swans which were in residence on the far bank further up the canal, have moved house....they are now quite close to the bridge near the Con club.
Dog walkers are taking no chances. I saw one poor chap lift a big dog up(almost gave himself a hernia) to save having to walk past the male swan(cob) who was taking an aggressive stance to protect the cygnets - even though they are well grown.

1) Swans Head....good name for a pub.
2) Cygnet having a siesta.
3) cygnet stretching its wings.
4) swan family on the canal bank - see the man in the background with the dog...that was one big dog.
5) More of the swans
6) A wildflower....don't know what it is....a ground hugger.
7) Common Burdock (I think).
8) One of yesterdays pics that I have 'fiddled' with.

Thank you Margaret - I do like my buildings... and I was very pleased with my shots with the new camera, mostly taken on the fly with no fiddling.

I love that swan in hiding - and I loved the sleepy duck the other day - I think Gremlin had a pic of the same duck waking up! (yes I know that one was in Nelson...)

Those swans do look a bit scary - when I was out by the canal the other day without my camera a whole family of them with five cygnets came gliding along line astern - looked so serene and beautiful.

Was on to flower no6 straight away - it's self heal, Prunella vulgaris...


And yes it's a burdock at No7.

Restless 03-08-2012 17:00

Re: Today in pictures
10 Attachment(s)
This post is more like This week in pictures. There is more than ten so rest are on flickr

susie123 03-08-2012 17:05

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by Restless (Post 1006830)
This post is more like This week in pictures. There is more than ten so rest are on flickr

Rob you have been busy on Flickr - and I stil want that bunny!

That horse's blue eyes are really creepy.

susie123 03-08-2012 17:07

Re: Today in pictures
1 Attachment(s)
Margaret they say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery - and as I only posted 9 pics earlier today - here's another take on your purple pillar box...

Restless 03-08-2012 17:33

Re: Today in pictures
I read somewhere that horses can eat pineapple; I was feeding them grass from over the fence and some pineapple. That horse's eyes are penetrating. I don't find them creepy though, more like out of place beauty


Originally Posted by susie123 (Post 1006831)
Rob you have been busy on Flickr - and I stil want that bunny!

That horse's blue eyes are really creepy.

Margaret Pilkington 03-08-2012 17:34

Re: Today in pictures
Love it Sue....similar yet different.
It is about seeing things with a new can have two pictures which are essentially the same...and yet their impact is adding colour then removing some of it.

susie123 03-08-2012 17:36

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by Restless (Post 1006842)
That horse's eyes are penetrating. I don't find them creepy though, more like out of place beauty

What a great description - I'll have to remember that!

Think it was Davemac's comment a while back that said the horse reminded him of Jimmy Savile that put me off...

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