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Margaret Pilkington 05-08-2012 20:35

Re: Today in pictures
I will remember that next time I am in the Isle of White...take some nuts.

susie123 05-08-2012 20:49

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by DaveinGermany (Post 1007408)
Couple of Greys, so in balance here's a Dutch Red from last year. :)


Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington (Post 1007412)
Awww...I like those.
I sat in a park on the Isle of White and watched the red squirrels playing.....but as soon as I got my camera out, they disappeared up into the topmost branches of the was almost like they were teasing me.
I never got one useable picture.

He's having you on Margaret, I reckon that second one's stuffed - or it's been on the waccy baccy - it is Dutch after all...

susie123 05-08-2012 20:53

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by davemac (Post 1007393)
9. He might look a bit sheepish, but he is mucky again.

My other half asked me if Bob had been down the treacle mines. He doesn't know much about Accy but he has heard about Sabden and its claim to fame.

davemac 05-08-2012 22:16

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by susie123 (Post 1007420)
My other half asked me if Bob had been down the treacle mines. He doesn't know much about Accy but he has heard about Sabden and its claim to fame.

Its a syrup seam here, they found it when the brickworks closed.

What you can see on bob is, first he went in the Hyndburn brook up to his plimpsole line, then we came back up a very dusty path, the dust then stuck to his wet bits and there were a lot of those. The end result is the same, but it wasn't wet dirt it was dry dirt. Although he still required a hosing down at home

mobertol 06-08-2012 07:23

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by susie123 (Post 1007419)
He's having you on Margaret, I reckon that second one's stuffed - or it's been on the waccy baccy - it is Dutch after all...

I think both look more like "still life" subjects Sue! Cheeky that DiG!;)

susie123 06-08-2012 10:57

Re: Today in pictures
10 Attachment(s)
Glad folks liked my pics of Iceland yesterday. Here's some more of that amazing landscape.

1 The Gullfoss waterfall disappearing
2 It ends up down here in this crack in the rocks
3 The rock face at the side of the chasm
4 Close up of the water as it disappears
5 The water does a 90degree turn to end up in the river below
6 Moving on to Thingvellir, the site of the original outdoor Icelandic parliament a thousand years ago. The rock outcrops provided good acoustics for the reading out of the laws.This is a place where two tectonic plates are pulling the Earth's surface aprt.
7 Close up of rock formation at Thingvellir
8 View across the area, the lines of rocks are where the plates are separating and creating new land in between
9 River and lake at Thingvellir
10 Patterns made in molten rock as it cools

mobertol 06-08-2012 11:15

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by susie123 (Post 1007514)
Glad folks liked my pics of Iceland yesterday. Here's some more of that amazing landscape.

1 The Gullfoss waterfall disappearing
2 It ends up down here in this crack in the rocks
3 The rock face at the side of the chasm
4 Close up of the water as it disappears
5 The water does a 90degree turn to end up in the river below
6 Moving on to Thingvellir, the site of the original outdoor Icelandic parliament a thousand years ago. The rock outcrops provided good acoustics for the reading out of the laws.This is a place where two tectonic plates are pulling the Earth's surface aprt.
7 Close up of rock formation at Thingvellir
8 View across the area, the lines of rocks are where the plates are separating and creating new land in between
9 River and lake at Thingvellir
10 Patterns made in molten rock as it cools

Great geological features and it looks lovely and cool! I particularly like the view with the church.:)

mobertol 06-08-2012 11:23

Re: Today in pictures
10 Attachment(s)
We appear to be living in the middle of a building site -danger at every turn with heavy machinery and vehicles thundering through and men on all the roofs! They are making progress as you will see.

Another large consignment of solar panels today -on the photo of the boxes you can just make out "Made in China" -surely a German investor should be buying European goods! Have found out that we have rented this investor our roof space for something like a cool 400K Euros upfront - that's for 20 years. Plus the farm will be getting it's electricity supply free...that's what is coming over on the jungle drums here:D

Final photo -business as usual on the farm - a newborn calf.

susie123 06-08-2012 11:26

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by mobertol (Post 1007518)
Great geological features and it looks lovely and cool! I particularly like the view with the church.:)

It was actually quite a hot day when we were there - mid August but I think the lack of much vegetation gives the impression of a cool climate. That view with the church is very pretty but not that typical of the landscape! Actually Iceland is not quite in the Arctic Circle so its climate is not that harsh, especially with all the geothermal activity.

Spider61 06-08-2012 11:46

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by susie123 (Post 1007524)
It was actually quite a hot day when we were there - mid August but I think the lack of much vegetation gives the impression of a cool climate. That view with the church is very pretty but not that typical of the landscape! Actually Iceland is not quite in the Arctic Circle so its climate is not that harsh, especially with all the geothermal activity.

The thermal activity would not affect the climate. The population live near to the coast where it would be warmer but once you get inland it can be very harsh.
Photo taken early June

DaveinGermany 06-08-2012 17:00

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by susie123 (Post 1007419)
He's having you on Margaret, I reckon that second one's stuffed - or it's been on the waccy baccy - it is Dutch after all...


Originally Posted by mobertol (Post 1007453)
I think both look more like "still life" subjects Sue! Cheeky that DiG!;)

Grolsch actually :D But as to theses libellous accusations you pair, I've passed these comments to my lawyer, expect post in the next few days. More neck than a herd of E.T's ! :s_aim1:

susie123 06-08-2012 17:19

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by DaveinGermany (Post 1007566)
Grolsch actually But as to theses libellous accusations you pair, I've passed these comments to my lawyer, expect post in the next few days. More neck than a herd of E.T's !

I'm really scared... :w00t: :tongueout :icon_argu :thefinger :tongue8:

DaveinGermany 06-08-2012 17:38

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by susie123 (Post 1007577)
I'm really scared... :w00t: :tongueout :icon_argu :thefinger :tongue8:

You should be, Ill be home soon, then I'll sneak up to Morecambe & widdle on your parsnips ....... that'll show you ! :D

susie123 06-08-2012 18:16

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by DaveinGermany (Post 1007590)
You should be, Ill be home soon, then I'll sneak up to Morecambe & widdle on your parsnips ....... that'll show you ! :D

No parsnips this year Dave... trenches and backfill for the drains instead!

davemac 06-08-2012 20:38

Re: Today in pictures
8 Attachment(s)
Today in Pictures, is a walk done many times before, so no landscape shots, just the opposite.

1. Green-veined butterfly, although it does look a little blue to me!
2. Spider protecting her young.
3. Still protecting her young, from me.
4. Small Skipper butterfly.
5. Same Small Skipper.
6.Rush hour at Fosters Swing Bridge.
7. Fuchsia in St Mary's Burial Ground.
8. Ladybird on a Thistle, with a collection of smaller wickthings lower down.

Nice photos posted from others from around the world.

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