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davemac 09-08-2012 18:22

Re: Today in pictures
10 Attachment(s)
Today in Pictures, Castle Clough re-visited, not a walk for people in flip flops.

1. In the middle of nowhere, tractors racing up and down fields.
2. Top path down to the waterfall.
3. Waterfall with only a small amount of water falling.
4. Liverworts growing on a vertical wall, next to the waterfall.
5. This is where the stream dives underground to go under the railway line and the motorway.
6. Heading back along the stream footpath, a wall of ferns.
7. All this was part of the quarry.
8. Looking back down the direction we just came up.
9. Part of the stream close to the road.
10. The ford, from here its a right turn and a march back to Huncoat Stocks.

shillelagh 09-08-2012 21:04

Re: Today in pictures
10 Attachment(s)
had to be in rawtenstall for 9am this morning .. it was scary ... anyway heres my piccies from today ....

1. Weavers Cottage in Rawtenstall
2. Bocholt tree dressed for the olympics
3. the ducks fighting in the river
4. train in the station at rawtenstall
5. butterfly in the wildflowers bit in whittaker park
6. the wildflowers bit in whittaker park
7. bee on a wildflower in whittaker park
8. sunset on rising bridge boulevard tonight 8.40pm
9. sunset on rising bridge boulevard tonight about 8.55pm
10. sunset on rising bridge boulevard tonight about 9.10pm

susie123 09-08-2012 21:20

Re: Today in pictures
8 Attachment(s)
Jen having seen yours not sure I want to post my sunset pictures - we're supposed to get spectacular ones in Morecambe but can't see the actual sun from our house cos of the buildings along the prom. Anyway today's the first time I've seen one for ages so caught the tail end of it using the sunset setting on my new camera - not wonderful really. The first pic is through the famous loo window...

Jen love that wildflower shot...

shillelagh 09-08-2012 21:28

Re: Today in pictures
i like em susie ... theyre different from up here ... i had spots in front of my eyes when i was out taking the sunset ones ...:p

susie123 09-08-2012 21:30

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by shillelagh (Post 1008172)
i like em susie ... theyre different from up here ... i had spots in front of my eyes when i was out taking the sunset ones ...:p

Thank you Jen... they're certainly different from Rising Bridge - not sure why...

shillelagh 09-08-2012 23:01

Re: Today in pictures
might be because i might have took mine earlier, plus morecambe is further north and rising bridge is higher than morecambe ... we'll have to find a science forum and pose the question ... lol

susie123 09-08-2012 23:06

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by shillelagh (Post 1008181)
might be because i might have took mine earlier, plus morecambe is further north and rising bridge is higher than morecambe ... we'll have to find a science forum and pose the question ... lol

Yes you defo took yours earlier than I did - I didn't look out the window till it was nearly too late - was rushing from window to window trying to find the colours before they faded! And we're definitely on the flat here... :)

mobertol 10-08-2012 08:51

Re: Today in pictures
Nice pics from yesterday -particularly like the dappled light in No.2 of Dave's.

Shillelagh -lovely sunsets and wildflowers, particularly like cornflowers, don't see many over here.

Sue just to be nosey what is that on your windowsill to the right? Like the way you've framed the outside scene using the window-frame.

mobertol 10-08-2012 08:58

Re: Today in pictures
10 Attachment(s)
A selection taken this morning round the farm again -following up the arches theme in the architecture of the old farm.
1 New roofing
2 Original old milking barm (finished 1760 note old terracotta tiles on the floor)
3 Under the arches -surprising what you can find!
4 Old tackle!
5 The Stables (Original cobbled floor and beams)
6 The courtyard looking towards my house
7 More arches - the pile of wood in the background is what came out during the re-roofing on the opposite side of the courtyard.
8 Original roofing - contrast with photo 1 - the old tiles drop through sometimes, very dangerous!
9 Entrance to the farm
10 Courtyard looking towards the owners house.

Gremlin 10-08-2012 10:12

Re: Today in pictures
4 Attachment(s)
Your farm looks nice and tidy mobertol.
here are some more farm photos.

The mooey things that make the slurry I spread.

Veiw from the rear window of the John Deere tractor while I was slurry spreading by the River Calder through Read.

I don't get involved with the animals, I am just a machine man.

susie123 10-08-2012 12:40

Re: Today in pictures
9 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Gremlin (Post 1008220)
Your farm looks nice and tidy mobertol.
here are some more farm photos.

The mooey things that make the slurry I spread.

Veiw from the rear window of the John Deere tractor while I was slurry spreading by the River Calder through Read.

I don't get involved with the animals, I am just a machine man.

Ha ha gremlin I like the mooey things! Didn't realise you were a tractor boy


Originally Posted by mobertol (Post 1008212)
A selection taken this morning round the farm again -following up the arches theme in the architecture of the old farm.

Lovely - presume that tree with pink flowers is the Lagerstroemia you showed us recently? When I showed Richard the picture of the arched roof you posted earlier he asked me if it was Roman!

Have been looking at Castelverde on Google satellite and an educated guess tells me that your farm is on the Via Enrico Fermi/Via Livrasco - I know you have mentioned Livrasco in the past. Interesting that there are all those fields and not a single animal to be seen - not even your donkeys! I couldn't work out where the castle is even though I know what it looks like...

Originally Posted by mobertol (Post 1008209)
Sue just to be nosey what is that on your windowsill to the right? Like the way you've framed the outside scene using the window-frame.

Ha ha I wondered if anyone would pick up on that! They are shells, probably very large barnacles, left behind there by the previous owner... don't think they came from Morecambe beach, more likely the shell shop on the prom! I have added to the collection of seaside related things on the windowsill and if we ever get round to decorating the room I have loads of old prints of crabs etc from an old book of anatomical drawings of sea creatures. Plenty of wall space - the room's only about 3 feet square but ten feet high!

So as I have nothing else to post today, my day in pictures is - my loo windowsill! and the things on it

1, 2, 3, 4 The big barnacles
5 Picture of yachts through a window by Matisse - my view from that window is yachts in the yacht club pound
6 Glass shrimps and a toy ship
7 Shells and souvenir china from Morecambe
8 Shrimp up close
9 Magnetic lobster on the mirror bracket

mobertol 10-08-2012 14:43

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by susie123 (Post 1008232)
Lovely - presume that tree with pink flowers is the Lagerstroemia you showed us recently? When I showed Richard the picture of the arched roof you posted earlier he asked me if it was Roman!

Have been looking at Castelverde on Google satellite and an educated guess tells me that your farm is on the Via Enrico Fermi/Via Livrasco - I know you have mentioned Livrasco in the past. Interesting that there are all those fields and not a single animal to be seen - not even your donkeys! I couldn't work out where the castle is even though I know what it looks like...

So as I have nothing else to post today, my day in pictures is - my loo windowsill! and the things on it

1, 2, 3, 4 The big barnacles
5 Picture of yachts through a window by Matisse - my view from that window is yachts in the yacht club pound
6 Glass shrimps and a toy ship
7 Shells and souvenir china from Morecambe
8 Shrimp up close
9 Magnetic lobster on the mirror bracket

I love the barnacles (now I know what they are!) -could they be used as tea-light holders or perhaps for flower arrangements?

We are on Via Livrasco - great detective work! Yes , it is the Lagerstroemia -there are about 6 of them in front of the houses.

Not many animals in the fields -we have a few on the green spaces around inside the farm but it's very unusual here to see them out. Reason : extreme pressure for land -it's very intensively cultivated and mostly used for maize in this area and some hay. A lot of building is going on in Italy too (so much for the recession!) which has pushed land prices through the roof therefore it is not economically viable to have livestock out on grass!

The Castle is at Cascina Breda dei Bugni - outside the village between Castleverde and Cremona (less than 1 km I think) it could be called Via Breda but i'm not 100% sure.

Have been trying some seppia effects on some of my shots round the farm -very effective -makes it looks like they could have been taken 100 yrs ago! Will post some tomorrow...:hothothot

maxthecollie 10-08-2012 16:18

Re: Today in pictures
6 Attachment(s)
Today we went for a short walk in the woods above Read with our seven year old granddaughter . She wanted to take her camera and for us both to capture the same things so here goes.
Attachment 23704 Attachment 23705 Attachment 23706 Attachment 23707 Attachment 23708 Attachment 23709

Gremlin 10-08-2012 18:13

Re: Today in pictures
Thanks for the compliment Susie, me a tractor "boy".

I retired from my job at 60 and a friend in Read who owned Dunkirk farm knew I was a good with mechanical things and a good machine man, more or less talked me in to tractor driving, I spent the next 10 or 11 years on the farm by the Calder and gave it up about 3 years ago.

"Boy"; I like that.

susie123 10-08-2012 18:25

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by Gremlin (Post 1008277)
Thanks for the compliment Susie, me a tractor "boy".

I retired from my job at 60 and a friend in Read who owned Dunkirk farm knew I was a good with mechanical things and a good machine man, more or less talked me in to tractor driving, I spent the next 10 or 11 years on the farm by the Calder and gave it up about 3 years ago.

"Boy"; I like that.

Gremlin, glad I made your day! Sounds like you enjoyed it and I imagine it can be quite satisfying, working on the land like that. We used to live in a cottage on the edge of a big estate in Wiltshire, surrounded by fields, and the only traffic past our front door was tractors most of the time.

Funnily enough today we were driving from Morecambe into Lancaster and came across a sponsored tractor drive from John O'Groats to Land's End - with a woman at the wheel!

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