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mobertol 18-09-2012 19:22

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by susie123 (Post 1017197)
Dianne you suggested I play around with the mosaic shots and having done so only one came out well - the others are either too blurred or shot at funny angles to make good closeups. Here it is together with a few more tower shots.

1 The mosaic closeup -Three wise men and the star (note their names are picked out above), 6th century in San Apollinare Nuovo. Thought this might make a good Christmas card... Love their fancy leggings - and they are wearing Phrygian caps, symbol of freedom and liberty, adopted also during the French Revolution
2 - 4 Torre Civico (town tower in Ravenna) still standing - just.
This visibly leaning tower is the sole survivor of many mediaeval towers that once dotted the city of Ravenna. It was built in the 12th century, when prominent families raced to build such towers to assert their power and dominance all over central Italy. The towers of Ravenna were deliberately destroyed in the 13th century when the city came under papal rule, as a way to exert control over the city. Only la Torre Civica was spared because it had been taken over by the local government of Ravenna. The tower rises 39 metres and is reinforced with steel in order to prevent it from collapsing.
Fun Things To Do in Ravenna - Attractions & Must See - VirtualTourist
5 San Marino, Palazzo Pubblico -town hall and government building
6 Tower of 5, seen above the rooftops
7 Urbino, Ducal Palace
8 Close up of above
9 Torre del Mangia, Siena at dusk. The name, (meaning "Tower of the Eater") derives from its first guardian, Giovanni di Balduccio, nicknamed Mangiaguadagni for his tendency to spend all his money on food. Built in 1338-1348, it is located in the Piazza del Campo, adjacent to the Palazzo Pubblica. When built it was one of the tallest secular towers in medieval Italy. At 88 m, it is now second only to Cremona's Torrazzo - Dianne, over to you!
10 San Gimignano - the medieval Manhattan - this is where most tourists go to see towers but we couldn't get closer than 2km in our motorhome, even to park so we didn't bother. Same in Assisi, but other paces such as Loreto (pilgrimage centre), Pienza (Renaissance gem) and San Marino, were positively welcoming. Could do a whole post of pics of our van parked in various Italian towns!

Nice set of pics -spotted Richard in his Panama!

The three kings mosaic is brilliant -would make a lovely personalised xmas card!:)

mobertol 18-09-2012 19:24

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by davemac (Post 1017214)
The first photo, I can see your wife in the window, but the large window, around the area of the chairs I can see a face in the reflection, no body just a face with blue eyes. Is it me or can someone else see it?

Now you've said it -yes!:D

mobertol 18-09-2012 19:25

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by davemac (Post 1017230)
Today in Pictures, a wet slippy muddy day, up to 5 arches and back down the other side, I fell over twice in the mud. The things I go through, at my age.

1. The start point, the last bit of the Ashton Frost Engine.
2. On the way up a view across the Clough, its going brown now.
3. What was once 5 arches, there is a large amount of water today.
4. I just cant stop myself, I used to go to school with her.
5. Shoe mill on a wet day.
6. Another look across the clough on the way back down.
7.This is what's called an Oak Apple, its actualy the Gall wasp injecting the Oak bud with an egg, and the tree forms this gall as protection.
8. Bath night again.
9. I know, another one, this time I'm up a tree, and one of my "fall over" points.
10.Almost out of the clough, this is behind the area that was once Highams bleach works.

All looking autumny -waiting for the leaves to change -should be some great colours!

susie123 18-09-2012 19:25

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by mobertol (Post 1017233)
Nice set of pics -spotted Richard in his Panama!

The three kings mosaic is brilliant -would make a lovely personalised xmas card!:)

Yes - he gives a good scale to the Urbino pic. Panama is better than the back of his bald head in the previous Ravenna shots!

Am investigating the Christmas card angle - have done it before with one of my Greenland shots.

mobertol 18-09-2012 19:29

Re: Today in pictures
Sue, you mentioned the idea of an Accyweb calendar once -have you thought of taking the idea further - perhaps with the mods and some kind of selection among members of photos of ours -could be a good one! Just a thought...

susie123 18-09-2012 19:36

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by davemac (Post 1017214)
The first photo, I can see your wife in the window, but the large window, around the area of the chairs I can see a face in the reflection, no body just a face with blue eyes. Is it me or can someone else see it?

Bottom of the lamppost RHS? Dave are you on the same stuff as me? Been for treatment today, nearly high as a kite, not quite yet!

To Lancaster today so more pics to post soon - took over a hundred, need sorting!

susie123 18-09-2012 19:38

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by davemac (Post 1017223)
Nice set of buildings again, picture 5 smashing set of candle widgets right up the front of the building

Ha ha candle widgets, like it but bet they're not as ancient as the Florence ones. You must have enlarged the pic to see those.

susie123 18-09-2012 19:42

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by davemac (Post 1017230)
4. I just cant stop myself, I used to go to school with her.

You are awful... but I like you!


Originally Posted by davemac (Post 1017230)
9. I know, another one, this time I'm up a tree, and one of my "fall over" points.

Never seen a tree sticking its tongue out before...

susie123 18-09-2012 19:48

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by mobertol (Post 1017239)
Sue, you mentioned the idea of an Accyweb calendar once -have you thought of taking the idea further - perhaps with the mods and some kind of selection among members of photos of ours -could be a good one! Just a thought...

Yes I did didn't I... remember saying someone's pic ought to be on the front of a calendar - but can't remember who or what!

Getting it made wouldn't be a problem but there are other issues - finance, distribution, numbers, subject - Accy, wildlife, people & places...???

Some things to mull over, probably a bit late for this year (I mean 2013) but could be thought about for next.

davemac 18-09-2012 21:43

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by susie123 (Post 1017244)
Bottom of the lamppost RHS? Dave are you on the same stuff as me? Been for treatment today, nearly high as a kite, not quite yet!

To Lancaster today so more pics to post soon - took over a hundred, need sorting!

I do tend to look at all the pictures posted in detail.


Originally Posted by susie123 (Post 1017245)
Ha ha candle widgets, like it but bet they're not as ancient as the Florence ones. You must have enlarged the pic to see those.

The number of widgets on that picture is impressive, it must have taken ages to put in and light all the candles, also all the stairs to climb as well


Originally Posted by susie123 (Post 1017248)
You are awful... but I like you!

Never seen a tree sticking its tongue out before...

If you look at the out of focus background, you will see that I am to high for my own good, and its no wonder I slid down the muddy slope on my tush

davemac 18-09-2012 21:45

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by susie123 (Post 1017252)
Yes I did didn't I... remember saying someone's pic ought to be on the front of a calendar - but can't remember who or what!

Getting it made wouldn't be a problem but there are other issues - finance, distribution, numbers, subject - Accy, wildlife, people & places...???

Some things to mull over, probably a bit late for this year (I mean 2013) but could be thought about for next.

It might be a good idea for a competition, it might get more people posting pictures.

susie123 18-09-2012 21:48

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by davemac (Post 1017323)
I do tend to look at all the pictures posted in detail.

No wonder it takes you a long time to view this thread! Was I right about the face in the lodge window?


Originally Posted by davemac (Post 1017323)
If you look at the out of focus background, you will see that I am to high for my own good, and its no wonder I slid down the muddy slope on my tush

Did you get in the bath with Bob?

susie123 18-09-2012 21:50

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by davemac (Post 1017324)
It might be a good idea for a competition, it might get more people posting pictures.

Perhaps we should just run back through this thread and pick out the best - there are enough to choose from!

Restless 18-09-2012 21:53

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by susie123 (Post 1017326)
Did you get in the bath with Bob?

Imagine any new members stumbling into this thread and reading this question without reading the rest :eek::o:)

davemac 18-09-2012 22:05

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by Restless (Post 1017330)
Imagine any new members stumbling into this thread and reading this question without reading the rest :eek::o:)

I don't think its against the law, well thats what my therapist says.

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