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davemac 03-02-2013 22:43

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by susie123 (Post 1040539)
Oh dear, so today it was you with the mucky tush and not Bob! Hope you've dried out.

PS Like the reflections in 6 and 7.

I dried out eventually, I did however have to wash the mud off my coat in the stream using my handkerchief, I did get it clean of sorts, and I did feel as cool as a mountain stream afterwards.

davemac 03-02-2013 22:50

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by mobertol (Post 1040502)
Went for a walk this aft. to Cremona International Airport which is about a mile away from home. Very busy and some great photo opportunities. Here's the first lot -ten more tomorrow.

Now that is something different, any chance you could get a shot just before you leave the plane, then a selection on the way down.

churchfcrules 03-02-2013 22:56

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by davemac (Post 1040538)
Today in Pictures, reservoirs in reverse, and a mucky tush.

1. As we head up the Coppice to start our walk anti-clockwise.
2. This is the waterfall from the fourth reservoir.
3. We are following the stream uphill, I include this shot, not because of its artistic merit, more the fact that seconds after this shot, my feet slipped off the rock I was standing on and I plunged into the stream, it was past the top of my boots. When my feet touched the stream bed I slipped and then plunged buttocks first into the mudslide adjacent to the stream. How I laughed. anyway back to the numbers.
4. A battering ram of fungi (turkey tail)
5. Back to the uphill task to the reservoirs.
6. This is the fourth one as we are going anti-clockwise.
7. This is number three.
8. This would be number two.
9. This is the number one, hidden from view, you have to search it out.
10. Is it something I said.

oh the joys, moments like that make a walk, you and nature at odds, n nature sometimes kicks your a$$ only this time it did it with a great muddy boot, nice shots

davemac 03-02-2013 23:16

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by churchfcrules (Post 1040543)
oh the joys, moments like that make a walk, you and nature at odds, n nature sometimes kicks your a$$ only this time it did it with a great muddy boot, nice shots

Unless I go home wet , dirty, muddy, torn, or in pain I dont think I am having fun.

churchfcrules 03-02-2013 23:40

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by davemac (Post 1040545)
Unless I go home wet , dirty, muddy, torn, or in pain I dont think I am having fun.

on this we are in agreement mon ami

mobertol 04-02-2013 11:39

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by davemac (Post 1040542)
Now that is something different, any chance you could get a shot just before you leave the plane, then a selection on the way down.

I suffer terribly from vertigo so you'd never get me to jump out of a plane Dave! One of the teams that came down were filming their descent with cameras on their helmets as they did some of the acrobatic circles etc -unforunately too high up to photograph. As to the airport being "International" Gremlin, that was just yesterday because I was there and am not Italian! It only has the one small runway and is right next to our national dairy association -if you blow up photo no 7 of yesterday just in front of the guy landing with the orange shute there is a black and white cow and a round sign - the cow is like the ones in Milton Keynes!:rolleyes::D plenty of real ones around the area though - most of the buildings you can see in the background to the shots are dairy farms. My village, Castelverde has over 5000 inhabitants but at least twice as many cows are registered Holsteins with the association in the same area.

mobertol 04-02-2013 11:52

Re: Today in pictures
10 Attachment(s)
More shots from the airport yesterday.

churchfcrules 04-02-2013 14:33

Re: Today in pictures
2 Attachment(s)
Didnt know if I should start a new thread or just bang it in here, im sure mick or neil will move it if its wrong, anyroad as you know I go hiking and try to keep weight down, well have just picked up a small tripod in lidl £8, its a bit flimsyish but it does hold my canon, dont know how well it would do in a gale.
Its meant more for campacts, extends to 105cm, but its a lot lighter and smaller than my others, perfect for them walks and better than balancing camera on cairns n books, they did have about half a dozen in, if you are thinking of getting 1, get it out the box and extend all the legs, just had to exchange mine as it wouldnt extend all the way on 1 leg, putting the legs back in are a bit fiddly too, press in little ball bearings on each section, so if you are a bit bad with fiddly small things (I am sure some of you are thinking something else right now) then I wouldnt bother, hope you find this info usefull

Sorry about the orientation on pics just posted from my phone

davemac 04-02-2013 20:36

Re: Today in pictures
10 Attachment(s)
Today in Pictures, it was a bit bracing today, it kept blowing my skirt up.

1. After parking on the road up, a quick look at the eventual destination.
2. Looking back at the road just walked.
3. Some type of building with at least two rooms.
4. We can still see the reservoir.
5. Found the wet bits.
6. Another wet bit.
7. He says he's seen a Haddock.
8. Yet another wet bit.
9. The last wet bit before the reservoir.
10. Once at the reservoir, I wasn't sure if I would get back to the car without wet knickers. So I put them in my handbag.

davemac 05-02-2013 20:14

Re: Today in pictures
9 Attachment(s)
Today in Pictures. once again, on a day you wouldn't take a dog out......I took a dog out, but not for long.

1.Start point. ( O.H.P. )
2. Heading for the rockery.
3. I dont think anyone else is about.
4. Just snook a droplet in.
5. I got my baubles out when I saw this.
6. I am going up there, I might be down in a moment.
7. I took the same shot in Autumn.
8. Its all downhill from here.
9. Thats is it for today, time to go and dry out.

churchfcrules 06-02-2013 11:26

Re: Today in pictures
1 Attachment(s)
Having a wander round glasson dock took this with my phone will post a few more when I get home

shillelagh 06-02-2013 14:15

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by davemac (Post 1040809)
Today in Pictures. once again, on a day you wouldn't take a dog out......I took a dog out, but not for long.

1.Start point. ( O.H.P. )
2. Heading for the rockery.
3. I dont think anyone else is about.
4. Just snook a droplet in.
5. I got my baubles out when I saw this.
6. I am going up there, I might be down in a moment.
7. I took the same shot in Autumn.
8. Its all downhill from here.
9. Thats is it for today, time to go and dry out.

wheres bob? running to keep warm ... :D you were a lot braver than me .. i werent going out in that ... :D:D:D

churchfcrules 06-02-2013 14:23

Re: Today in pictures
9 Attachment(s)
ok game was cancelled so didnt get as long as i would have liked wandering around, but hey ho

here are a few snaps
1 picture of dredger, (i think) taken from the quayside outside of shop that does bacon buttes, except they had stopped serving when i got there, so a pasty n a kit kat had to do :(
2 taken from the bridge over canal on approach to dock
3 had a wander around the marina, this is taken from marina side of Glasson
4 do you fancy living here?, just at side of main car park, from memory i think this is where the Babagee (floating cafe) used to be moored, its not there now, was a little disappointed to be honest!
5 the advert in the window of No.4, do we have any takers?
6 is this a ship or a boat, it looked quite "naval", all white and with no "up top" cabins n stuff, nice though!
7 for the birdbrains
8 taken from other side of marina, car park side
9 snapping into the sun, testing the limits without a UV filter!

trip down memory lane, todays visit, remembering mi mam n dad, n good times when they were with us.

out of my normal comfort zone, but the peaks were calling me, could just see the snowy white peaks off in the distance, calling me! will be with them soon as soon as mrs church lets me play out again (im grounded from stopping out on my own whilst there is snow up there, her rules)


susie123 06-02-2013 15:31

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by churchfcrules (Post 1040860)
ok game was cancelled so didnt get as long as i would have liked wandering around, but hey ho

here are a few snaps
1 picture of dredger, (i think) taken from the quayside outside of shop that does bacon buttes, except they had stopped serving when i got there, so a pasty n a kit kat had to do :(
2 taken from the bridge over canal on approach to dock
3 had a wander around the marina, this is taken from marina side of Glasson
4 do you fancy living here?, just at side of main car park, from memory i think this is where the Babagee (floating cafe) used to be moored, its not there now, was a little disappointed to be honest!
5 the advert in the window of No.4, do we have any takers?
6 is this a ship or a boat, it looked quite "naval", all white and with no "up top" cabins n stuff, nice though!
7 for the birdbrains
8 taken from other side of marina, car park side
9 snapping into the sun, testing the limits without a UV filter!

trip down memory lane, todays visit, remembering mi mam n dad, n good times when they were with us.

out of my normal comfort zone, but the peaks were calling me, could just see the snowy white peaks off in the distance, calling me! will be with them soon as soon as mrs church lets me play out again (im grounded from stopping out on my own whilst there is snow up there, her rules)


Lovely pics Darren, Glasson is such a nice peaceful place for a wander. Love the houseboat in 4, think you're right, that's where the cafe was. And isn't the vessel in 6 what they call a steam yacht, very nice whatever it is!

Yes I can see the snowy peaks from here on the other side of the bay... very inviting - had hardly any snow here at all and certainly none this week.

susie123 06-02-2013 15:41

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by susie123 (Post 1040864)
And isn't the vessel in 6 what they call a steam yacht, very nice whatever it is!

A bit like this one...

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