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davemac 10-05-2013 15:38

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by mobertol (Post 1058106)
Yesterday evening's walk round Casalbuttano while I was waiting for the car to be ready at the mechanics. Had never seen the old tower before - looked it up and found that it's called "La Torre della Norma" and was part of an 18th century neogothic building named after the famous opera by Vincenzo Bellini.
1 Town Hall
2 Commemorating Garibaldi's visit to the town
3 Church square
4 Religious fresco
5 Bar in main square
6 Osteria La Granda - dating back to 1760's
7 Aperitif time in the courtyard of "La Granda"
8 Memorial gardens dedicated to the Alpine Regiment
9 Torre della Norma
10 Torre della Norma

Those architectural features would keep me busy for months, I would be walking around with a ladder permanently

davemac 10-05-2013 18:39

Re: Today in pictures
10 Attachment(s)
Today in Pictures, a walk around the woodlands proved to be greener than a big green thing with extra green bits.

1. The stream as it enters the woodlands.
2. Looking toward the carving.
3. And here it is.
4. Its just a green curtain.
5. Another carving in the distance.
6. Am I the only one here.
7. Top corner and the point of return.
8. Waiting for the sun to shine, looks like a long wait.
9. There is a small patch of these, but not many.
10. Back to the stream, as it heads through the woodlands.

shillelagh 10-05-2013 22:19

Re: Today in pictures
be careful dave when you next go round calf hey ...

Bury woman's Adder bite hell ? while walking the dog - Rossendale Free Press

and everyone else ...

mobertol 11-05-2013 07:40

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by davemac (Post 1058110)
Those architectural features would keep me busy for months, I would be walking around with a ladder permanently

You mean you don't really have hover boots Dave? :D
It certainly does look greener over there -some lovely sprng flowers around -I love bluebells especially.

As to adders being in the vicinity I had no idea, :eek: good post Jen - I think the lady in question was really unlucky to be bitten but better to know they are around. Normally they disappear if you make some noise. I have encountered one once when out walking in the a valley in the Alps with my boys who were little at the time. Eldest son was running ahead and nearly trod on it in the middle of the path sunning itself. He called out to me and we watched it disappear and then turned back off that path as we were scared! Here they advise you walk in the mountains with boots and use a stick -if you tread on one by accident they tend to hit out low down and boots are a line of protection.

davemac 11-05-2013 09:04

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by shillelagh (Post 1058180)
be careful dave when you next go round calf hey ...

Bury woman's Adder bite hell ? while walking the dog - Rossendale Free Press

and everyone else ...

I was surprised when I read it, It is a nice place to walk and I don't think there is much you can do to detect or avoid these things, I think she just had bad luck. I wont avoid the place, but being aware may make me change routes to well trod paths now.

davemac 11-05-2013 09:15

Re: Today in pictures
[QUOTE=mobertol;1058195]You mean you don't really have hover boots Dave? :D
It certainly does look greener over there -some lovely sprng flowers around -I love bluebells especially.

I do have hover boots, but due to the high pressure combustion chamber, and the fuel used (chip fat ) I am unable to take them on a plane. Unless you can buy them over there, are there any "HoverbootiRUs" shops or Shoes-for-the-vertically-challenged stores.

mobertol 11-05-2013 16:25

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by mobertol (Post 1058195)
You mean you don't really have hover boots Dave? :D
It certainly does look greener over there -some lovely sprng flowers around -I love bluebells especially.

I do have hover boots, but due to the high pressure combustion chamber, and the fuel used (chip fat ) I am unable to take them on a plane. Unless you can buy them over there, are there any "HoverbootiRUs" shops or Shoes-for-the-vertically-challenged stores.

Don't know about that Dave but the latest thing here at the moment are trainers that have hidden platform heels inside them if you could make do with those perhaps... :D

davemac 11-05-2013 19:13

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by davemac (Post 1058220)
Don't know about that Dave but the latest thing here at the moment are trainers that have hidden platform heels inside them if you could make do with those perhaps... :D

Tried the platform trainers, they made my nose bleed, also tried the wheelie trainers and they also made my nose bleed as well, by falling over.
I find stilts will do at a pinch, but if its wet I do the splits, and then wet myself.

davemac 11-05-2013 20:19

Re: Today in pictures
10 Attachment(s)
Today in Pictures. A day when it was wet from above and below.

1. The Jackhouse overflow with a bit of water coming down.
2. A burst of colour.
3. And a bit more.
4. Past the reservoir.
5. An old stone footbridge over one of the streams that feeds Jackhouse.
6. Time to get my socks wet.
7. Go on then, get your socks wet.
8. So there we have it, wet socks.
9. Yet another feeder stream.
10. A view of Pendle Hill.

mobertol 11-05-2013 21:27

Re: Today in pictures
10 Attachment(s)
Some photos recording the passage of a storm this evening -one of many today! Dark skies, thunder, lightening and hailstones followed by heavy rains - blows up and blows over in no time at all -typical mid-season weather off the Alps. There is a rainbow in a couple of shots though it was only faint...

davemac 11-05-2013 21:47

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by mobertol (Post 1058327)
Some photos recording the passage of a storm this evening -one of many today! Dark skies, thunder, lightening and hailstones followed by heavy rains - blows up and blows over in no time at all -typical mid-season weather off the Alps. There is a rainbow in a couple of shots though it was only faint...

thats some dramatic change dark sky, them sunshine.

davemac 12-05-2013 16:29

Re: Today in pictures
10 Attachment(s)
Today in Pictures, was a day when dubbin around the gusset didn't just go far enough. So here is a collection of a movement in moisture, down to the river and back again.

And with that it was time to get home and put the dog through the mangle...on wide setting, I'm not cruel.

davemac 13-05-2013 21:48

Re: Today in pictures
10 Attachment(s)
Today in Pictures, just before I took these snaps the hailstones were bouncing off the windscreen.

1.The Rhododendrons are flowering all over the place now.
2. The larger and double flowering cherries are out.
3. Whitaker Park, Rawtenstall.
4. A wide view, with the moor beyond.
5. And again.
6. Primroses, hidden in the bushes.
7. Looking across the park.
8. Around the main gate.
9. The museum.
10. Bluebells adjacent the car park.

davemac 14-05-2013 09:22

Re: Today in pictures
I noticed when I was checking the thread this morning that the statistics to the right of the thread before you open it says this thread has, to date, received 99,999 views to the thread. Although this is not the most viewed thread, it is among the top ones. So I would just like to thank all contributers and followers of this thread, it makes all the wet socks and gussets worth it.

Thanks people.

maxthecollie 14-05-2013 11:12

Re: Today in pictures
Keep up the good work Dave "Swampy" Mac

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