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davemac 23-07-2013 11:15

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by cashman (Post 1068001)
9-19 n yer expecting jen to be alive?? dream on dave.:D

originaly she was posting after midnight which is more her time zone, she must have fallen asleep.

mobertol 23-07-2013 11:16

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by DaveinGermany (Post 1067872)
And so our Danish (for those of you who hadn't clocked it :)) jaunt is done & with a desperate few last snaps our journey of discovery is over & we're now back in the heart of the Reich once more. ;)

Fyn, Horne, Round Church - South Jutland, Sonderborg, Yachties Harbour - Sonderborg, a couple of traditionally designed streets.

Lovely buildngs and colours -it all looks so clean!

mobertol 23-07-2013 11:23

Re: Today in pictures
3 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by shillelagh (Post 1067905)
yesterday .. tramsunday at Fleetwood ...finally sorted the pics out .... :D

1. opposite Freeport .. im sure accylass has been to Fleetwood on her driving lessons .... lol
4. asking directions?
6. that was dancing to Motown ...
9. there was a bloke doing a dj bit on an old lorry .. he was playing YMCA when these emerged from a shop .. and when they got upright proper .. they started dancing ..

there is plenty more yet ..:D

The best fish'n'chips I've ever had were in the North Euston Hotel in Fleetwood (it's in one of your shots Jen) -did you go in and try them? Am adding some evidence and I ate the lot! :D

mobertol 23-07-2013 11:44

Re: Today in pictures
6 Attachment(s)
A few shots taken this morning
1-4 An intrepid preying mantis as it climbs up the curtain over my front door
5-6 Sunny flowers outside the farm office

shillelagh 23-07-2013 12:57

Re: Today in pictures
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by shillelagh (Post 1067962)
I would take a guess that dave wasn't far wrong but ... I do have a photo ... will post it after midnite .. which may give you a clue. ...:p


Originally Posted by davemac (Post 1067998)
Been up all night waiting, can't wait any longe...........zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzz


Originally Posted by cashman (Post 1068001)
9-19 n yer expecting jen to be alive?? dream on dave.:D

well it is after midnite ... :D if you notice the tram he's standing on is behind the tram at the front .. so he could be taking a pic of the clock ... :D

davemac 23-07-2013 19:04

Re: Today in pictures
10 Attachment(s)
Today in Pictures, more a close up look at wickthings towards the end.

1. My monthly edition of Dewdrop arrived today, bringing to mind droplets.
2. I got sidetracked to come this way, a bridge to far.
3. Not so much a wet gusset, but my socks are moist.
4. Bracken fern has taken over this part of the wood.
5. The Orchids are still flowering here.
6. Goats Beard.
7. A glance down the site makes me think I may have a moist gusset before I get back to the car.
8. Don't know this, but there is a drift growing on a pile of rubble.
9. Form a queue there's enough for everyone.
10. The caterpillar of the Cinnabar Moth, feeding on ragwort, a plant thats poisonous to animals. Wear gloves if you pull this up, it can cause liver failure.

maxthecollie 23-07-2013 19:46

Re: Today in pictures
Love no 9 Dave .What luck to get 3 butterflies to pose for you

davemac 23-07-2013 20:32

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by maxthecollie (Post 1068099)
Love no 9 Dave .What luck to get 3 butterflies to pose for you

If you have a close look you can see two butterfly's, two Burnet moths a Hoverfly and a Ladybird.

susie123 23-07-2013 21:11

Re: Today in pictures
10 Attachment(s)
Some more shots of my garden, taken yesterday.

1 Wheat and barley, from the bird seed, with a leek ready to burst into flower
2 Sage in a pot
3 Sage and marjoram
4 Rosa Gallica officinalis and Stachys lanata
5 Rosa Gallica
6 Stachys
7 Yes this really is our raspberry patch - and there's lots of fruit not quite ripe - you can just make out the red blobs
8 Ox eye daisies
9 Cooking apples on an unpruned cordon
10 Eating apples on an espalier - again unpruned!

shillelagh 23-07-2013 22:59

Re: Today in pictures
9 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by mobertol (Post 1068008)
The best fish'n'chips I've ever had were in the North Euston Hotel in Fleetwood (it's in one of your shots Jen) -did you go in and try them? Am adding some evidence and I ate the lot! :D

when you go to Fleetwood with your older brother and your little nephew (even tho he's 21 and just finished uni .. he still gets called little!! :D) you don't get much chance to go in places .. especially when someone has walked past a motorbike .. fallen for it .. asked a load of questions of the owner ie half an hour later ..finding out a new one is £24,500 .. oh and carries on walking then finds another group of these motorbikes .. and then starts asking questions of the owners again .. one of which had only bought this 2 years ago .. and spent £5000 on additions .. one of which is a dvd player .. (on a motorbike!! :eek:) anyway heres some more from sunday ...

1 couldn't decide what it was .. and no one was around to ask ..
2. saw it in action on its way home .. lol
3. one way if you had a hangover not to listen to them .. they were very loud but very good .. drumming ...
4 we will exterminate you ...
5 taaaaaxxxxxxxxxxiiiiiiiiiii

gpick24 23-07-2013 23:03

Re: Today in pictures
Love the old style mini`s.

shillelagh 23-07-2013 23:10

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by gpick24 (Post 1068131)
Love the old style mini`s.

you would have been in your element .. there was two mini clubs there .. and others scattered around ... the old ones and the new ones ... then there were the ones who had their matching trailers ... :D

gpick24 23-07-2013 23:18

Re: Today in pictures
I`ve had both a new one and an old one. I know which I prefer. The old one was like driving a go cart around, wasn`t the fastest but great fun. The new style one was a lot faster, but they are minis in name only. When I`m done with the jobs on the house, I want an old one to do up.

maxthecollie 24-07-2013 06:03

Re: Today in pictures
I use to have an old minivan, with a factory fitted rear seat. Great little van

mobertol 24-07-2013 07:51

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by shillelagh (Post 1068133)
you would have been in your element .. there was two mini clubs there .. and others scattered around ... the old ones and the new ones ... then there were the ones who had their matching trailers ... :D

We had a red mini clubman back in the 70's with a matching red and black trailer -we went all over France in it on camping holidays. My sister and I were squashed in the back sitting on 4 pillows and it also had a roof-rack on with our cases!!!

Stuck in traffic on our way down to Dover, a London cabbie leaned out and shouted to my dad, "Oy, Mate! You forgot the bleedin' kitchen sink!" :D

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