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susie123 11-08-2013 00:18

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by Turtle (Post 1069957)
They have Morris dancers in our little Canada Day parade - always a highlight for me! Sadly, our 'strapping lads' are getting a little long in the tooth. Not like the young things in #3 and 4 :)

That's the problem here as well... beards are getting greyer and joints stiffer. The team that my other half was with in the Midlands before we came up here six years ago had a young lad who used to hide if he saw any of his mates in the vicinity. He went on to do a folk music degree and is now a very talented musician.

davemac 11-08-2013 18:58

Re: Today in pictures
10 Attachment(s)
Today in Pictures a rotation around the reservoir, looking inward at the water of Jackhouse Reservoir.

Gremlin 11-08-2013 19:56

Re: Today in pictures
10 Attachment(s)
Today I went to the Crofters Hotel at Garstang The Long Haul Club were showing a lot of vintage lorries our Club members have restored, a nice turn out and having nothing better to do I came home via the Trough of Bowland.
Now you all know what a lazy so and so I am so I didn't do a Dave Mac and walk about through the mud and wet grass but stayed in my car listening to Radio Lancashire with the camera pointing out of the window or through the nearly clean windscreen.
I do admit that I got out at Dunsop Bridge to walk a few yards to the river.

Number 4 is Heysham Power station taken from the climb up to the trough.
Last one is a bit of off roading.

You must admit we live near a very beautiful part of the country.
Tomorrow I will post Dunsop Bridge and Waddington Fell.

Don't worry I won't bore you with the Lorry Photos unless you are a member of the Long haul Club, they will be on that site of which I am the Administrator.

flashy 11-08-2013 20:05

Re: Today in pictures
6 Attachment(s)
yesterday in Pictures

can anyone guess where we went? (if you're on my fb friends no need to cheat ;))

Gremlin 11-08-2013 20:14

Re: Today in pictures
I think it would involve crossing a Border at Gretna.

I have been on the battlements of the Castle with my late wife and they fired a ten gun salute on her birthday, she wasn't fooled when I told her I had set it up specially for her.
She knew it was also Prince Phil the Greek's birthday as well.

Hope I am not wrong after all that tosh.

flashy 11-08-2013 20:17

Re: Today in pictures
you are quite right, it's the Duke's area ;), such a gorgeous City

shillelagh 11-08-2013 20:47

Re: Today in pictures
10 Attachment(s)
heres mine ... theres plenty of bees around the sunflowers ... :p and the last of the lilies

Margaret Pilkington 11-08-2013 20:50

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by flashy (Post 1070920)
yesterday in Pictures

can anyone guess where we went? (if you're on my fb friends no need to cheat ;))

It looks like Edinburgh...a lovely place to visit, if a bit hard on the tootsies.
Brought back some memories for me there Shaz.

Margaret Pilkington 11-08-2013 20:51

Re: Today in pictures
I noticed your fine show of sunflowers when we passed on the bus yesterday Jen.
Lovely sunny pics.

shillelagh 11-08-2013 20:57

Re: Today in pictures
thanks Margaret .. Ive tried my best .. .when they all come out hopefully they'll be looking good ..

flashy 11-08-2013 20:57

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington (Post 1070940)
It looks like Edinburgh...a lovely place to visit, if a bit hard on the tootsies.
Brought back some memories for me there Shaz.

it certainly is Marg, if you ever go again i recommend taking a tour bus, we did the same tour 3 times yesterday (pay once and hop on and off) i would have gone around a forth time but for Reece telling me to grow up ;)

flashy 11-08-2013 20:58

Re: Today in pictures
Jen, those pics are gorgeous, the brightest flowers i've seen this year, great work

Margaret Pilkington 11-08-2013 21:01

Re: Today in pictures
I went a few years ago with was a train trip......It nearly killed me getting Ma up to Princes Street from Waverly station......I needed two paramedics and oxygen by the time I got to the top....going down was easier and a lot more fun. I think they heard Ma's screams in the cairngorms.:D
The cobbles aren't kind either when you are pushing a wheel chair. I nearly unseated Ma a couple of times...she was not impressed!

shillelagh 11-08-2013 21:06

Re: Today in pictures
by the way if anyone wants any sunflower seed heads .. for next year ... I will have plenty of spares ...

Margaret Pilkington 11-08-2013 21:09

Re: Today in pictures
can you eat them as well Jen?
Though if you ate them you wouldn't have such a colourful show in your garden.......unless....Nah don't go there!

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