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flashy 11-08-2013 21:10

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington (Post 1070959)
can you eat them as well Jen?
Though if you ate them you wouldn't have such a colourful show in your garden.......unless....Nah don't go there!


Margaret Pilkington 11-08-2013 21:11

Re: Today in pictures
Yes, I know Shaz...but that's why the sewage farm has the best tomato plants :D

Turtle 11-08-2013 21:13

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by davemac (Post 1070898)
Today in Pictures a rotation around the reservoir, looking inward at the water of Jackhouse Reservoir.

Nice walk - is that purple loosestrife in 7? It's become a bit of a problem in my neck of the woods.

Turtle 11-08-2013 21:17

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by Gremlin (Post 1070916)
Today I went to the Crofters Hotel at Garstang The Long Haul Club were showing a lot of vintage lorries our Club members have restored, a nice turn out and having nothing better to do I came home via the Trough of Bowland.
Now you all know what a lazy so and so I am so I didn't do a Dave Mac and walk about through the mud and wet grass but stayed in my car listening to Radio Lancashire with the camera pointing out of the window or through the nearly clean windscreen.
I do admit that I got out at Dunsop Bridge to walk a few yards to the river.

Number 4 is Heysham Power station taken from the climb up to the trough.
Last one is a bit of off roading.

You must admit we live near a very beautiful part of the country.
Tomorrow I will post Dunsop Bridge and Waddington Fell.

Don't worry I won't bore you with the Lorry Photos unless you are a member of the Long haul Club, they will be on that site of which I am the Administrator.

Beautiful countryside - thanks for sharing :)

shillelagh 11-08-2013 21:19

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington (Post 1070959)
can you eat them as well Jen?
Though if you ate them you wouldn't have such a colourful show in your garden.......unless....Nah don't go there!

swiped from a google search ... Fruits & Veggies More Matters : how do you make sunflower seeds or do you eat off the flower : Health Benefits of Fruits & Vegetables

the seeds aren't ripe till the flowers have died off ... :p

Turtle 11-08-2013 21:20

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by flashy (Post 1070946)
it certainly is Marg, if you ever go again i recommend taking a tour bus, we did the same tour 3 times yesterday (pay once and hop on and off) i would have gone around a forth time but for Reece telling me to grow up ;)

I thought it might be Edinburgh - I was there in 1985 on the back of a motorbike. Not the best climate for that mode of transport, but a fascinating city!

shillelagh 11-08-2013 21:21

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington (Post 1070962)
Yes, I know Shaz...but that's why the sewage farm has the best tomato plants :D

you sure about that Margaret ... have you seen micks pics of his tomatoes .. and ive got tomatoes growing in the back garden .. as well as a pumpkin ....:D

Turtle 11-08-2013 21:23

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by shillelagh (Post 1070939)
heres mine ... theres plenty of bees around the sunflowers ... :p and the last of the lilies

Kudos to you for your wonderful sunflowers! :). I planted a whole packet of seeds, only to get one lonely little plant. Too late in the season, I think. It'll be a race to see if it can bloom before the inevitable frost. But I live in hope LOL!

Turtle 11-08-2013 21:34

Re: Today in pictures
7 Attachment(s)
For once the weather was great, so hubby and I went on a long awaited picnic to a local conservation area.
1. Nice quiet spot, once the kiddies who were fishing in the pond disappeared.
2. Leftovers of the goodies. Should have taken a 'before' shot, but it was fancy cheeses from a local specialty shop, home made cucumber salad, rye bread toasted and buttered, grapes and a nice chilled bottle of wine.
3, 4. I took a stroll around the pond. Hubby decided against it - too many mozzies and a threat of West Nile Virus in the area. I was braver - for a bit!
5. Mozzies were fierce - but I was well armed with 'Deep Woods Off'. Looking back towards hubby and the picnic table.
6. There is a tiddler in there somewhere...
7. Milkweed (I had to look it up). :daisy:

shillelagh 11-08-2013 21:34

Re: Today in pictures
thanks turtle .. I started some of them off on my bedroom windowsill and planted some straight in the border ... the ones that were started off on the windowsill are the ones that are flowering .. the ones straight in the border well theyre still growing ...:p

Turtle 11-08-2013 21:37

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by shillelagh (Post 1070977)
thanks turtle .. I started some of them off on my bedroom windowsill and planted some straight in the border ... the ones that were started off on the windowsill are the ones that are flowering .. the ones straight in the border well theyre still growing ...:p

I'll give it another go next year - yours are an inspiration :)

susie123 11-08-2013 22:19

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by Gremlin (Post 1070916)
Today I went to the Crofters Hotel at Garstang The Long Haul Club were showing a lot of vintage lorries our Club members have restored, a nice turn out and having nothing better to do I came home via the Trough of Bowland.
Now you all know what a lazy so and so I am so I didn't do a Dave Mac and walk about through the mud and wet grass but stayed in my car listening to Radio Lancashire with the camera pointing out of the window or through the nearly clean windscreen.
I do admit that I got out at Dunsop Bridge to walk a few yards to the river.

Number 4 is Heysham Power station taken from the climb up to the trough.
Last one is a bit of off roading.

You must admit we live near a very beautiful part of the country.
Tomorrow I will post Dunsop Bridge and Waddington Fell.

Don't worry I won't bore you with the Lorry Photos unless you are a member of the Long haul Club, they will be on that site of which I am the Administrator.

A favourite trip of ours is on a Friday night, from here through the Trough to the Hark to Bounty at Slaidburn where a fish supper for 6.90 awaits. Last time we had fresh grilled plaice with chips and salad, could have had sea bass or one or two other things. Then there are the puddings - and good beer as well...

BTW that's a great pic of the power station.

mobertol 12-08-2013 06:21

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by Gremlin (Post 1070916)
Today I went to the Crofters Hotel at Garstang The Long Haul Club were showing a lot of vintage lorries our Club members have restored, a nice turn out and having nothing better to do I came home via the Trough of Bowland.
Now you all know what a lazy so and so I am so I didn't do a Dave Mac and walk about through the mud and wet grass but stayed in my car listening to Radio Lancashire with the camera pointing out of the window or through the nearly clean windscreen.
I do admit that I got out at Dunsop Bridge to walk a few yards to the river.

Number 4 is Heysham Power station taken from the climb up to the trough.
Last one is a bit of off roading.

You must admit we live near a very beautiful part of the country.
Tomorrow I will post Dunsop Bridge and Waddington Fell.

Don't worry I won't bore you with the Lorry Photos unless you are a member of the Long haul Club, they will be on that site of which I am the Administrator.

Some nice shots, number 3 is my favourite -would never have known you hadn't done a 5 mile hike! Look forward to seeing the photos of Dunsop Bridge and the Trough -old haunts. Used to go there for picnics with my grandparents as a little girl and Dunsop Bridge was a Sunday treat sometimes -mass at the church followed by tea in the Village hall!:hothothot

Gremlin 12-08-2013 08:27

Re: Today in pictures
I can assure you Dianne that I didn't leave the car to take photo number three, I pointed the lens through the rails of the bridge in photo number one.
The rest were taken from the car after backing off road onto little bits of places where it widened a bit. The car is a 4X4 and higher than a normal car so I was able to get that bit further off road.

davemac 12-08-2013 08:35

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by Gremlin (Post 1070916)
Today I went to the Crofters Hotel at Garstang The Long Haul Club were showing a lot of vintage lorries our Club members have restored, a nice turn out and having nothing better to do I came home via the Trough of Bowland.
Now you all know what a lazy so and so I am so I didn't do a Dave Mac and walk about through the mud and wet grass but stayed in my car listening to Radio Lancashire with the camera pointing out of the window or through the nearly clean windscreen.
I do admit that I got out at Dunsop Bridge to walk a few yards to the river.

Number 4 is Heysham Power station taken from the climb up to the trough.
Last one is a bit of off roading.

You must admit we live near a very beautiful part of the country.
Tomorrow I will post Dunsop Bridge and Waddington Fell.

Don't worry I won't bore you with the Lorry Photos unless you are a member of the Long haul Club, they will be on that site of which I am the Administrator.

Some nice green lumpy bits there.

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