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davemac 12-08-2013 08:43

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by Turtle (Post 1070976)
For once the weather was great, so hubby and I went on a long awaited picnic to a local conservation area.
1. Nice quiet spot, once the kiddies who were fishing in the pond disappeared.
2. Leftovers of the goodies. Should have taken a 'before' shot, but it was fancy cheeses from a local specialty shop, home made cucumber salad, rye bread toasted and buttered, grapes and a nice chilled bottle of wine.
3, 4. I took a stroll around the pond. Hubby decided against it - too many mozzies and a threat of West Nile Virus in the area. I was braver - for a bit!
5. Mozzies were fierce - but I was well armed with 'Deep Woods Off'. Looking back towards hubby and the picnic table.
6. There is a tiddler in there somewhere...
7. Milkweed (I had to look it up). :daisy:

The countryside looks a pleasure to be in, but the insects and viruses do appear to be a bit fierce

Turtle 12-08-2013 11:52

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by davemac (Post 1070998)
The countryside looks a pleasure to be in, but the insects and viruses do appear to be a bit fierce

Just me being super careful. They found an alpaca had died from the virus locally. (I know, what are alpacas doing in Canada?!! LOL). It's only a certain species of mosquito that's a carrier, and they say they prefer breeding in standing water in urban areas. My immune system is good, but wasn't taking any chances. Besides, I get awful itchy welts from any mozzie bite. And I was definitely being 'sampled'!

davemac 12-08-2013 12:24

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by Turtle (Post 1071018)
Just me being super careful. They found an alpaca had died from the virus locally. (I know, what are alpacas doing in Canada?!! LOL). It's only a certain species of mosquito that's a carrier, and they say they prefer breeding in standing water in urban areas. My immune system is good, but wasn't taking any chances. Besides, I get awful itchy welts from any mozzie bite. And I was definitely being 'sampled'!

I don't think we appreciate in this country how nature can be a bit dangerous, one of the most dangerous things here is if the wind changes direction and you are pulling a face it will stick like that, thats what happened to me at an early age.

shillelagh 12-08-2013 12:46

Re: Today in pictures
the wind just blew over my sweetpeas!!!:eek:

Gremlin 12-08-2013 18:42

Re: Today in pictures
10 Attachment(s)
I have now got down to Dunsop Bridge and managed to park just across the river by the grassy area, that way I won't sap my strength walking far. Don't forget I had been stood around and wandering amongst the old lorries for a couple of hours earlier in the day.

No 1. The Bridge at Dunsop from the road.
No 2. Underneath the bridge.
No 3. Puddleducks cafe.
No 4. The phone box is reputed to be at the centre of Great Britain.
No 5. The duck got into a bit of a flap when I pointed the camera at it.
No 6. Drive up to a big house at the edge of the village.
No 7. A bit of water going over a ledge.
No 8. looking down onto the river from the cafe side of the bridge.
No 9. looking at the river from the other side.
No 10. A nice display of flowers by a villagers front door.

All taken on foot after at least a hundred yards walk, make no wonder I was due for a few pints when I got home.

I have just a few more taken coming down Waddington Fell but they are through the windscreen again.

Turtle 12-08-2013 22:45

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by Gremlin (Post 1071068)
I have now got down to Dunsop Bridge and managed to park just across the river by the grassy area, that way I won't sap my strength walking far. Don't forget I had been stood around and wandering amongst the old lorries for a couple of hours earlier in the day.

No 1. The Bridge at Dunsop from the road.
No 2. Underneath the bridge.
No 3. Puddleducks cafe.
No 4. The phone box is reputed to be at the centre of Great Britain.
No 5. The duck got into a bit of a flap when I pointed the camera at it.
No 6. Drive up to a big house at the edge of the village.
No 7. A bit of water going over a ledge.
No 8. looking down onto the river from the cafe side of the bridge.
No 9. looking at the river from the other side.
No 10. A nice display of flowers by a villagers front door.

All taken on foot after at least a hundred yards walk, make no wonder I was due for a few pints when I got home.

I have just a few more taken coming down Waddington Fell but they are through the windscreen again.

I like No.2 especially! The flowers are begonias I think.

Gremlin 13-08-2013 13:07

Re: Today in pictures
10 Attachment(s)
After leaving Dunsop Bridge I came over Waddington Fell and took a few more photos through the windscreen.

No.1 Nearly at the summit of Waddington Fell.
No.2 View from the top.
No.3 Clitheroe with the Radio masts on Hambledon hill in the distance.
No.4 Clitheroe cement works with Pendle Hill behind.
N0.5 Looking down over Clitheroe.
No.6 Ditto
No.7 Ossy wind turbines are just visible in the distance from Waddington Fell.
No.8 Back down to reallity.

and just a couple taken at Garstang, the main reason for my trip out.
No.9 Tony Brierley's Leyland Buffalo. Local lad and a mate of mine.
No.10 That dog stared out of the cab window for three hours and never moved.

mobertol 13-08-2013 14:01

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by Gremlin (Post 1071178)
After leaving Dunsop Bridge I came over Waddington Fell and took a few more photos through the windscreen.

No.1 Nearly at the summit of Waddington Fell.
No.2 View from the top.
No.3 Clitheroe with the Radio masts on Hambledon hill in the distance.
No.4 Clitheroe cement works with Pendle Hill behind.
N0.5 Looking down over Clitheroe.
No.6 Ditto
No.7 Ossy wind turbines are just visible in the distance from Waddington Fell.
No.8 Back down to reallity.

and just a couple taken at Garstang, the main reason for my trip out.
No.9 Tony Brierley's Leyland Buffalo. Local lad and a mate of mine.
No.10 That dog stared out of the cab window for three hours and never moved.

Some heavy skies on those photos, especially nice on the first one of Dunsop Bridge... better weather predicted for you on Sky from tomorrow
. I will be arriving in Accy on Friday afternoon and plan to fill my suitcase with Italian sunshine which will be tempered by Lanky breezes hopefully -can't wait to get away from the constant heat we've been having here! :hothothot:hothothot:hothothot

Gremlin 13-08-2013 14:15

Re: Today in pictures
I hope I can meet you and whoever comes with you.
You are welcome to call for a brew.

shillelagh 13-08-2013 15:42

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by mobertol (Post 1071184)
Some heavy skies on those photos, especially nice on the first one of Dunsop Bridge... better weather predicted for you on Sky from tomorrow
. I will be arriving in Accy on Friday afternoon and plan to fill my suitcase with Italian sunshine which will be tempered by Lanky breezes hopefully -can't wait to get away from the constant heat we've been having here! :hothothot:hothothot:hothothot

will you be in the railway on Saturday? :p

susie123 13-08-2013 23:06

Re: Today in pictures
9 Attachment(s)
The shots of aeroplanes going over our house were taken by my other half at the weekend. We don't know if they were part of an event in Morecambe or were on their way to/from somewhere else.

The other two photos are of the pickle in Richard's ham & cheese ploughman's at the pub in Ravenglass the week before, and of a diesel locomotive on the turntable at the Ravenglass and Eskdale Railway. They also have steam engines for the trip up the valley to Boot but we didn't go on any of them this time. Last time we were in Ravenglass was for a Morris event and it was the day after the 2010 shootings. The people of Boot were glad that the Morris dancers had not cancelled as it helped to keep things normal at the time.

Gremlin 13-08-2013 23:50

Re: Today in pictures
I think the planes would be part of the Blackpool air show, it was on Sunday and Monday.
The Lancaster bomber came over Accrington, probably on the way back to it's base in Lincolnshire.
I wouldn't mind a trip to the railway at Ravensglass, I have only ever passed on the main line which runs up the coast to Carlisle.
It's good to know you are getting out and about again Susie, keep it up.

DaveinGermany 14-08-2013 05:21

Re: Today in pictures
The Aircraft are the "Battle of Britain memorial flight" Lancaster bomber, Hurricane & Spitfire, an inspiring sight & sound.

Gremlin 14-08-2013 08:08

Re: Today in pictures
3 Attachment(s)
Spot on there Dav I G.
I saw them a couple of years ago at the Southport Air show when we stayed at the British Legion Hotel, fantastic sight and sound, especially the last plane to arrive, the star of the show, The Vulcan.
I must have had a senior moment and left my long lens at home so the photos I managed to get were very poor.
We watched the show from the upstairs lounge of the hotel on the second day and the sight of the Red Arrows heading straight at us before they swooped upwards was something to remember. I had a hand held Ham radio receiver with me and it was great fun listening to the squeaky voices of the pilots in their pressure suits on the air show frequencies.
The Southport air show is being held later this year, 14 and 15th September. I am planning to go and this time I will make sure I take the long lens.

No 1. Spitfire and Lancaster
No 2. Lancaster cropped from a bigger picture.
No 3. Vulcan.

susie123 14-08-2013 15:23

Re: Today in pictures
Thanks for the input Russell and Dave. We thought they might be something to do with Blackpool. Richard said that the wing shape of the Spitfire and Hurricane looked very similar.

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