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maxthecollie 29-12-2013 21:38

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by gpick24 (Post 1088798)
Another long walk for us today, longer than I expected i`m now nursing blisters on my feet.
1. Don`t look, he`s flashing again.
2. Saint James Church.
3. He`s found something under there.
4. His nose barely came off the ground in tis field.
5. What a waste of a nice building and location.
6. A lonely tree.
7. Further down the river.
8. A Viaduct.
9. We leave the Calder at this point.
10. Time to get a move on, we`ve still a long way to go.

No3 Head down a rabbit hole?

gpick24 29-12-2013 21:54

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by maxthecollie (Post 1088805)
No3 Head down a rabbit hole?

No, there was no hole, just kept sniffing and digging around that area.

maxthecollie 29-12-2013 22:01

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by gpick24 (Post 1088809)
No, there was no hole, just kept sniffing and digging around that area.

I used to have a collie who put his head down any hole he could find even in a bucket

gpick24 29-12-2013 22:11

Re: Today in pictures
I`ve never seen him like that before, trying to bury his nose in the ground and digging, there was definitely something under there that attracted his attention. He`s sniffed around rabbit holes before but nothing like today. My guess it was the bones of some long gone sheep.

davemac 29-12-2013 22:25

Re: Today in pictures
10 Attachment(s)
Today in Pictures, I went up a footpath I wasn't sure where it went, we ended up at the base of the tower on Pendleton Moor.

1. Parking on Spring Wood car park, we headed up the side of Whalley Golf club.
2. Uphill to the Moor.
3. Would you believe it, Ossy moor is visible from here.
4. I am just following the signs now.
5. Looking back through the style down to Whalley.
6. On the left Whalley Nab, and you can just make out the viaduct to the right.
7. Having reached the high spot it was time to descend, plus it was going dark.
8. No idea, it was dark.
9. Back at the style, I know where I am now.
10. On the outskirts of Whalley Golf Club, I can almost see the car park.

mobertol 29-12-2013 23:39

Re: Today in pictures
10 Attachment(s)
A selection of photos from my walk today...

maxthecollie 30-12-2013 09:44

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by mobertol (Post 1088833)
A selection of photos from my walk today...

Looks all flat around you

Turtle 30-12-2013 13:14

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by shillelagh (Post 1088705)
boxing day stroll ...don't ask ...

Amazing sculptures! Well captured :)

Turtle 30-12-2013 13:17

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by davemac (Post 1088656)
Today in Pictures, a very wet, muddy, slutchy, sloppy, hailstoning experience.

1. Dunkenhalgh land.
2. Heading down to the river, it doesn't look very clever weather wise.
3. A swollen River Hyndburn, the roar is very loud.
4. The water is taking with it a lot of soil.
5. I find the breast stroke is best.
6. Right, where is the best place to put my picnic basket.
7. Heading back up the hill,......slowly.
8. The hill in the distance is "Ossy" moors, home of the turbines.
9. In the Autumn this stump was covered in fungi.
10. Time for home.

Wow - mossy greenery, and in winter too! A lovely sight :)

davemac 30-12-2013 14:27

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by Turtle (Post 1088860)
Wow - mossy greenery, and in winter too! A lovely sight :)

We haven't had much to call wintry weather yet, mostly wind and rain, so apart from soggy underfoot the landscape hasn't changed much.

maxthecollie 30-12-2013 15:15

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by davemac (Post 1088872)
We haven't had much to call wintry weather yet, mostly wind and rain, so apart from soggy underfoot the landscape hasn't changed much.

just got back in with Max too wet to take my camera out.Both of us came in like drowned rats

davemac 30-12-2013 15:24

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by maxthecollie (Post 1088884)
just got back in with Max too wet to take my camera out.Both of us came in like drowned rats

I'v just done the same, the rain was coming straight at us and it was a tad cold, so I said beggar this for a game of soldiers and headed back home.

maxthecollie 31-12-2013 17:30

Re: Today in pictures
10 Attachment(s)
A bit more water than last time we walked round here.
Attachment 36777Attachment 36778Attachment 36779Attachment 36780Attachment 36781Attachment 36782Attachment 36783Attachment 36784Attachment 36785Attachment 36786

gpick24 31-12-2013 18:48

Re: Today in pictures
10 Attachment(s)
Todays walkies was along the canal and up the Coppice.
1. Geese on the canal again.
2 & 3. Running around like a nutter.
4. A horse in the field.
5. Droplets on a branch.
6. Duke needs a haircut.
7-9. Playtime at the top.
10. The sun peeping from behind a cloud.

davemac 31-12-2013 20:58

Re: Today in pictures
9 Attachment(s)
Today in Pictures.........This will be the last time I upload any pictures..............this year.
So I wish for everyone a year that they would like, and to those that had sadness during this year, you have my best wishes for the next.

1. We are in Padiham, on the banks of the Calder, well, we had to finish the year with a wet bit.
2.The walk is going upstream.
3.Crossing over to the other bank.
4. I dont know the name of that hill.
5. There is a bit of a swamp thing going on here.
6. I came over all "arty" for a moment.
7. This is the bridge just far enough, a reverse course from here.
8.The view from under the bridge, Gawthorp Hall is on the right of this picture, its going dark so no time today.
9. The sun is going down, and we are in sight of the car park.

And with that, the walk is over, thank you to all the people who have viewed, and contributed to this thread throughout the year.

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