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davemac 17-04-2014 22:29

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by mobertol (Post 1102755)
A selection of photos from today's wander.
1 New oak leaves
2 Is this a Campion?
3 Brown and yellow butterfly
4 Rowan sapling coming into leaf
5 A furry friend frollicking friskily - fern fronds unfurling fairly close by ;)
6 More flowers
7 View back to the farm
8 A new thistle
9 This tree doesn't look very alive
10 Elderberry just about to come into flower

You have it with the wild geranium, I would have said the butterfly could be a speckled brown had you been here, but not sure for where you are, and its a rabbit romping in rural realms with rather risky roamings realistically.

Nurse the medicine has worn off, nurse can I have a noggin of night nurse for nocturnal nombrilism....................iv got a headache now.

davemac 17-04-2014 22:32

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by gpick24 (Post 1102762)
A few from today, up to Rowlands Gill, Gateshead (the Red Kites were a bit shy today) then back the hilly way.

Some atmospheric shots there.

davemac 17-04-2014 22:38

Re: Today in pictures
10 Attachment(s)
Today in Pictures, not far from home today, and more or less in the same place, but hopefully with a slightly differing viewpoint.

The Wharf, Leeds Liverpool wet bit.

gpick24 17-04-2014 22:54

Today in pictures

Originally Posted by davemac (Post 1102798)
Some atmospheric shots there.

Shame I couldn't go yesterday, bluer skies and probably more kites, but what can you do?

davemac 17-04-2014 23:50

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by gpick24 (Post 1102800)
Shame I couldn't go yesterday, bluer skies and probably more kites, but what can you do?

You have to work with what you have.

mobertol 18-04-2014 14:54

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by davemac (Post 1102799)
Today in Pictures, not far from home today, and more or less in the same place, but hopefully with a slightly differing viewpoint.

The Wharf, Leeds Liverpool wet bit.

Looks like it was a bit of a grey day - nice to see somewhere I used to go past so often -walked home from school along here many a time! Number 9 is my favourite.

mobertol 18-04-2014 15:05

Re: Today in pictures
10 Attachment(s)
1-4 - photos of the first day the new heifer barn was inaugurated, all shiny and new -the ladies seem to like it!
5-10 - new irrigation system on it's first official try-out yesterday evening - it's all plumbed into an underground-pipe/pumping system, so no tractor's are used to pump the water. Clever stuff and it works.
The man on my bike is Alberto, the farm owner, he usually drives one of his Ferrari's -though you wouldn't know looking at him that he could afford one! :D

Gremlin 18-04-2014 15:15

Re: Today in pictures
I was getting a bit excited there Dianne, I thought it was slurry they were spraying.
Brought back a lot of happy memories.

Margaret Pilkington 18-04-2014 16:15

Re: Today in pictures
Dianne, your pictures are lovely.....and I really like that you call the beasts 'ladies'.

Dave.....I have a cure for your nombrilism......I will replace your belly button with a press stud. :).
It will only hurt for a minute or so.

Eric 18-04-2014 16:32

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington (Post 1102219)
Here are a couple more.
I took the children to West Beach one afternoon...they played on the keep fit equipment. I was tired watching didn't make them sleep longer.
In fact, I think it gave them energy.

The first picture is a sea snail...nothing much of interest in that but the barnacles to the right and above it look like a skull
Oh, can see that I carried on with the good ' stick to your ribs' grub.

#4 sucks;)

Margaret Pilkington 18-04-2014 16:38

Re: Today in pictures
And there I was...Thinking that one would be your favourite Eric.
It was lovely.......and what is more, it was one of those meals I could prepare ahead of time and stick it in the oven while we went and 'played out'.
The top was all crusty and cheesy.
Being out and about meant that everyone had good is the sea air that does it.

Eric 18-04-2014 17:25

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by davemac (Post 1102799)
Today in Pictures, not far from home today, and more or less in the same place, but hopefully with a slightly differing viewpoint.

The Wharf, Leeds Liverpool wet bit.

Great pics, bud, esp. the last two. Always fascinated by the cut. That looks like the bridge off which I took a drunken tumble;) Surprising there isn't a plaque or something commemorating the event.:D

Eric 18-04-2014 17:32

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington (Post 1102876)
it is the sea air that does it.

Yeah ... and we're getting a nice breeze off the Pacific rite now ... it's giving me the munchies, or something is;)

I took a couple of pics the other day ... but I resisted the urge to show them. They were pics of ... wait for it .... :theband: SNOW:eek: But I thought that you had had enough of those.:D

Margaret Pilkington 18-04-2014 17:49

Re: Today in pictures
Eric...I thought you had done with the snow.
For a second there I thought you were going to show me a picture of home made Moose Pie:).

maxthecollie 18-04-2014 18:07

Re: Today in pictures
10 Attachment(s)
Attachment 39744Attachment 39745Attachment 39746Attachment 39747Attachment 39748Attachment 39749Attachment 39750Attachment 39751Attachment 39752Attachment 39753

Today's selection from our walkies

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