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davemac 18-04-2014 21:02

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by mobertol (Post 1102866)
Looks like it was a bit of a grey day - nice to see somewhere I used to go past so often -walked home from school along here many a time! Number 9 is my favourite.


Originally Posted by Eric (Post 1102881)
Great pics, bud, esp. the last two. Always fascinated by the cut. That looks like the bridge off which I took a drunken tumble;) Surprising there isn't a plaque or something commemorating the event.:D

Glad they reminded you of the homeland, there are plans to convert the Wharf and Sea Cadets headquarters into offices and build houses on the adjacent land, so Eric they may take the opportunity to install the plaque then.

davemac 18-04-2014 21:06

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington (Post 1102873)
Dianne, your pictures are lovely.....and I really like that you call the beasts 'ladies'.

Dave.....I have a cure for your nombrilism......I will replace your belly button with a press stud. :).
It will only hurt for a minute or so.

Slight drawback to that, where would I put my candle so I can read the Beano in bed.

Eric 18-04-2014 21:07

Re: Today in pictures
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington (Post 1102888)
Eric...I thought you had done with the snow.
For a second there I thought you were going to show me a picture of home made Moose Pie:).

I've lived in Canada for most of my life, and I've seen snow in every month of the year. Anyway, here is the moose ... got any ideas on how to cook it .... no foreign muck please.:D

Margaret Pilkington 18-04-2014 21:23

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by davemac (Post 1102910)
Slight drawback to that, where would I put my candle so I can read the Beano in bed.

Put it the candlestick like a normal person......and are you sure that publication is the Beano?

Margaret Pilkington 18-04-2014 21:25

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by Eric (Post 1102911)
I've lived in Canada for most of my life, and I've seen snow in every month of the year. Anyway, here is the moose ... got any ideas on how to cook it .... no foreign muck please.:D

I'm sure I could cook that Eric.....not sure just how edible it would be though.

davemac 18-04-2014 21:26

Re: Today in pictures
10 Attachment(s)
Today in Pictures, It was busy in the countryside today, the numbers were well into double figures, normally I am more or less on my own.

1. An early start, I came across a mass balloon fest, I counted 6 before I had to move on.
2. There was frost and droplets in abundance, but it was then home time.
3. When the sun had gained a bit of height we were out again.
4. Tramping through Dean Clough.
5. Pendle Hill is always in there somewhere.
6.The gorse is out, the trees are budding, and the sky is blue.
7. Looking in the direction of Burnley.
8. Its pleasant today, but rough in Winter.
9. Pendle again.
10.Down onto Shawcliffe Lane, then Goldacre Lane, and the car.

davemac 18-04-2014 21:29

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington (Post 1102913)
Put it the candlestick like a normal person......and are you sure that publication is the Beano?

it wouldn't fit under the blanket if it was in a candlestick, yes its the Beano, I changed to that when they stopped publishing Titbits.

Eric 18-04-2014 22:39

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington (Post 1102914)
I'm sure I could cook that Eric.....not sure just how edible it would be though.

Think of it as stewing beef with attitude, and go from there.:D

Margaret Pilkington 19-04-2014 04:56

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by davemac (Post 1102916)
it wouldn't fit under the blanket if it was in a candlestick, yes its the Beano, I changed to that when they stopped publishing Titbits.

Just don't let matron catch you.....or you'll be getting a roasting!

Margaret Pilkington 19-04-2014 04:57

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by Eric (Post 1102922)
Think of it as stewing beef with attitude, and go from there.:D

Yes, was thinking along those lines. Probably would be tasty under a suet crust.

Accyexplorer 19-04-2014 05:14

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington (Post 1102939)
Yes, was thinking along those lines. Probably would be tasty under a suet crust.

Don't forget the fine wine to wash it down and herbal ciggie for dessert :eek: :D

mobertol 19-04-2014 09:17

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by Gremlin (Post 1102869)
I was getting a bit excited there Dianne, I thought it was slurry they were spraying.
Brought back a lot of happy memories.

The system will also be used for slurry Russell - not sure it will be sprayed then though probably just run-off from the pipes. Hopefully it will keep the smell down!

mobertol 19-04-2014 09:20

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by Eric (Post 1102911)
I've lived in Canada for most of my life, and I've seen snow in every month of the year. Anyway, here is the moose ... got any ideas on how to cook it .... no foreign muck please.:D

I'm not keen on the stronger gamey kind of meat.

Much prefer the French kind of "moose" made with chocolate -even if it is foreign muck! ;)

mobertol 19-04-2014 09:24

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington (Post 1102873)
Dianne, your pictures are lovely.....and I really like that you call the beasts 'ladies'.

Cows get bad press Margaret - the horse is considered to be "noble" (they are actually often highly-strung, nervy creatures) and cows are generally just thought of as "silly".

On close contact you discover that they have great dignity and I always think of them as ladies!

mobertol 19-04-2014 09:26

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by davemac (Post 1102915)
Today in Pictures, It was busy in the countryside today, the numbers were well into double figures, normally I am more or less on my own.

1. An early start, I came across a mass balloon fest, I counted 6 before I had to move on.
2. There was frost and droplets in abundance, but it was then home time.
3. When the sun had gained a bit of height we were out again.
4. Tramping through Dean Clough.
5. Pendle Hill is always in there somewhere.
6.The gorse is out, the trees are budding, and the sky is blue.
7. Looking in the direction of Burnley.
8. Its pleasant today, but rough in Winter.
9. Pendle again.
10.Down onto Shawcliffe Lane, then Goldacre Lane, and the car.

Lovely selection Dave - number two is very delicate and I love the sheep and lamb. The views re-inforce my determination to get over asap!

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