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davemac 08-05-2014 09:08

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington (Post 1105471)
Bluebells have a 'green' smell to them.
We were never allowed to bring them in the house. If we picked them they had to stay on the window ledge outside...usually in a milk bottle(milk bottles of that era had wide necks and cardboard tops).
Ma said they were bad luck in the house.

I found it strange about myself that after a lifetime in the trade I have never sniffed a bluebell, something I will rectify today when I am on short walk duty, so you can imagine the image of me yet again on my hands and knees this time sniffing flowers.

Margaret Pilkington 08-05-2014 09:40

Re: Today in pictures are going to get a name for yourself:).

davemac 08-05-2014 10:08

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington (Post 1105484) are going to get a name for yourself:).

Too late, however if other people have some suggestions please fill in the form.

insert name here.........................

insert name here........................
insert name here.........................

Margaret Pilkington 08-05-2014 11:47

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by davemac (Post 1105485)
Too late, however if other people have some suggestions please fill in the form.

insert name here....Horatio Bumwhistle.....................

insert name here........................
insert name here.........................

How about that one then:D

davemac 08-05-2014 12:26

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington (Post 1105494)
How about that one then:D

Its a good start.

Turtle 08-05-2014 12:51

Re: Today in pictures
Ok ... I'm not very good at this sort of thing, but here goes:

Floribunder Fartsmeller, I mean Smartfeller :eek:

davemac 08-05-2014 12:55

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by Turtle (Post 1105499)
Ok ... I'm not very good at this sort of thing, but here goes:

Floribunder Fartsmeller, I mean Smartfeller :eek:

I am detecting a theme here, and it's round about the nether regions.

Margaret Pilkington 08-05-2014 13:04

Re: Today in pictures
Frederick Fungusset :)

Eric 08-05-2014 15:21

Re: Today in pictures
2 Attachment(s)
Boston is back in the 'hood:alright: I'd almost given up hope.

mobertol 08-05-2014 15:30

Re: Today in pictures
Could have been "Capability" given his gardening connection but I was thinking along the lines of "Agility Tumbleweed" having seen how Dave throws himself into action to capture his favourite subjects! :D

mobertol 08-05-2014 15:32

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by Eric (Post 1105520)
Boston is back in the 'hood:alright: I'd almost given up hope.

He's looking pretty well after such a hard winter - glad he turned up eventually :)

mobertol 08-05-2014 15:41

Re: Today in pictures
10 Attachment(s)
Everything is very green hereabouts - 10 days makes a big difference. Just had a stroll up the lane and shot some of the flowers that are out. The first one must be related to the bean family I think. The rowan are flowering and elder is in full bloom. You can see why the poppy was chosen as a WW1 symbol -fallen petals just like spots of blood in the grass. Some winter wheat has grown up spontaneously in a clump between two maize fields and finally my spruced up garden area. New bright cushions and 2 new miniature roses, yellow and pink, central by the white geranium. My son has done a good job of keeping things watered while I was away. Just about to sit out for my afternoon tea. :)

davemac 08-05-2014 15:45

Re: Today in pictures
10 Attachment(s)
Today in I wet my knickers.

1.Here I am, hands and knees in a graveyard, sniffing flowers.
2. All my brothers and sisters have gone now.
3. Hello daisy.
4. Still sniffing, have to say not much scent with the closed ones, however the open bells have a slight smell, but only slight of Apples, but if I snap a leaf off the sap does have an earthy smell as Mrs P. reported. So if picked I think this is the dominant smell, but if you lie on the floor sniffing them, people stare at you.
5. Mayflower with wickthings.
6. Heading into the Millennium Woods, a view of Pendle.
7. A lush area now, but it has started spitting.
8. That is the area I am going, but it is now raining, and heavily.
9. A bug on a mountain Ash, the flowers look identical to Hawthorn, and early cherry blossom.
10. The last shot before getting in the car, everything is now wet as I didn't expect it to rain so am not in waterproofs.

davemac 08-05-2014 15:50

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by mobertol (Post 1105525)
Everything is very green hereabouts - 10 days makes a big difference. Just had a stroll up the lane and shot some of the flowers that are out. The first one must be related to the bean family I think. The rowan are flowering and elder is in full bloom. You can see why the poppy was chosen as a WW1 symbol -fallen petals just like spots of blood in the grass. Some winter wheat has grown up spontaneously in a clump between two maize fields and finally my spruced up garden area. New bright cushions and 2 new miniature roses, yellow and pink, central by the white geranium. My son has done a good job of keeping things watered while I was away. Just about to sit out for my afternoon tea. :)

Things have moved on a ways since your last postings from home, and it looks warm, but that could just be the wall colour, here, wet is the order of the day

mobertol 08-05-2014 16:00

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by davemac (Post 1105527)
Things have moved on a ways since your last postings from home, and it looks warm, but that could just be the wall colour, here, wet is the order of the day

The wet is your element though - has brought out some great photos. Loved the previous set and the dandelion clock in this last set was worthy of some "chimping" when you captured it I'm sure! ;):D The bee on the Mayflower is really lovely too.
As to the smell of bluebells it is a very delicate scent remeniscent of the hyacinth. Got some great wafts of it especially at Brock Bottom when I was over.

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