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Eric 10-07-2012 19:45

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by maxthecollie (Post 1001452)
That looks more like a bum transplant

I had an ass transplant once .... it rejected me;)

davemac 10-07-2012 19:46

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by susie123 (Post 1002146)
Great selection today Dave, especially the slugs and snails! Oh... and the woodlouse is my favourite!

I would say that is definitely not sweet cicely, that flowers much earlier and will have set seeds by now. Easy to recognise when you do fiind it (I have it in my garden, cook it with rhubarb as a sweetener instead of adding a lot of sugar). The leaves smell of aniseed when crushed, and the seeds are about an inch long and taste of aniseed - good to chew if you have an upset stomach.

Having said all that, not easy to work out what it is, could be wild carrot, fool's parsley, hedge parsley etc. Withe umbellifers a lot depends on leaf shape, flower bracts etc - things that need a close scrutiny.

I did go through the ident website, but got a bit stir crazy with all the similar plant. gave up as time was moving on, and had to post the pictures. It was one of those "I wish moments" about not taking a picture of the leaves. I did look at those suggested and they didn't quit measure up. back in an hour, got to go out.

Margaret Pilkington 10-07-2012 20:40

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by davemac (Post 1002149)
I went out ready for the rain, but it stopped fine the whole way around. It was warm actually. I think there is always the camera between myself and the wickies, and if a slug ran up my leg it would have to get past my bike clips first.

It was me trying abstract, I walked around the tree for a while until I found the right bit, good job there was no one about

My worry is, that although there is the camera between us, my main urge is to drop it and run(that would be disastrous - for the camera)......I'm a hero really, but on the day they built me, they only had cowards legs left :D

davemac 10-07-2012 21:06

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington (Post 1002162)
My worry is, that although there is the camera between us, my main urge is to drop it and run(that would be disastrous - for the camera)......I'm a hero really, but on the day they built me, they only had cowards legs left :D

Start with ladybirds ans slow moving stuff, and work up to scary stuff. For some reason today snails had moved up walls and were in the crevices, you could start there.

Margaret Pilkington 10-07-2012 21:09

Re: Today in pictures
I'm not even keen on ladybirds...they fly......I jump seven feet in the air......heck I could do an Olympic event if one of them was to set off in my direction(and normally I have rusty knees).Nope...not keen on the crawlies.

davemac 10-07-2012 21:09

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by susie123 (Post 1002146)
Great selection today Dave, especially the slugs and snails! Oh... and the woodlouse is my favourite!

I would say that is definitely not sweet cicely, that flowers much earlier and will have set seeds by now. Easy to recognise when you do fiind it (I have it in my garden, cook it with rhubarb as a sweetener instead of adding a lot of sugar). The leaves smell of aniseed when crushed, and the seeds are about an inch long and taste of aniseed - good to chew if you have an upset stomach.

Having said all that, not easy to work out what it is, could be wild carrot, fool's parsley, hedge parsley etc. Withe umbellifers a lot depends on leaf shape, flower bracts etc - things that need a close scrutiny.

I'm going to settle on Cow Parsley, but not 100% on that either.

davemac 10-07-2012 21:13

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington (Post 1002164)
I'm not even keen on ladybirds...they fly......I jump seven feet in the air......heck I could do an Olympic event if one of them was to set off in my direction(and normally I have rusty knees).Nope...not keen on the crawlies.

If ladybirds are a problem then I think insect photos are out, unless you stand back and zoom in, but not ideal

susie123 10-07-2012 21:30

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by davemac (Post 1002165)
I'm going to settle on Cow Parsley, but not 100% on that either.

I would have said the same, but it's getting a bit late for it.

Margaret Pilkington 11-07-2012 06:58

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by davemac (Post 1002167)
If ladybirds are a problem then I think insect photos are out, unless you stand back and zoom in, but not ideal

Yes, Dave.....I can't get past their unpredictability...that they move fast and fly off.....that is why my insect pics are few and far between.
I have a picture of a dozy bee on some plants in the Isle of white(it was taken from a good distance with all the zoom on)......and those Mayfly...and I think that's it.
I won't be getting up close and personal woth ants, woodlice or any other six legged crawlies. I'll leave that to you. You do it far better that I ever could.

davemac 11-07-2012 10:24

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington (Post 1002205)
Yes, Dave.....I can't get past their unpredictability...that they move fast and fly off.....that is why my insect pics are few and far between.
I have a picture of a dozy bee on some plants in the Isle of white(it was taken from a good distance with all the zoom on)......and those Mayfly...and I think that's it.
I won't be getting up close and personal woth ants, woodlice or any other six legged crawlies. I'll leave that to you. You do it far better that I ever could.

I understand, if you can't, then you can't, I will look on it as my specialist subject, until I am challenged on the creepy crawly front.

So I suppose I have thrown down the gauntlet for other people to lie on the floor and damp grass to take wickies, but lets be careful out there!

mobertol 11-07-2012 14:36

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington (Post 1001928)
Them thur rings......I had to be shown where they were. I really couldn't see them myself.
Anyway Dave...these are for you. I don't know if I have done them justice(to that picture you have in your mind)...just did my best.

One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them' ;):D

maxthecollie 11-07-2012 14:37

Re: Today in pictures
1 Attachment(s)
Anyone seen my mum?

Attachment 22123

mobertol 11-07-2012 14:44

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington (Post 1002205)
Yes, Dave.....I can't get past their unpredictability...that they move fast and fly off.....that is why my insect pics are few and far between.
I have a picture of a dozy bee on some plants in the Isle of white(it was taken from a good distance with all the zoom on)......and those Mayfly...and I think that's it.
I won't be getting up close and personal woth ants, woodlice or any other six legged crawlies. I'll leave that to you. You do it far better that I ever could.

Totally agree with you the ceepy crawly front Margaret -am not a fan at all. Helped my son to catch butterflies and dragon flies etc for a full collection which he killed and pinned out himself for agriculture college some years back -would rather see them flying about preferably at a distance, especially things that buzz!

Margaret Pilkington 11-07-2012 14:55

Re: Today in pictures
My gran used to clean at a big house on the outskirts of Sheffield (for some posh people)......on their landing upstairs were cases upon cases of pinned moths, butterflies and beetles from all over the world.......I used to go past them as close to the rail as I could, and on my hands and knees. I was proper scared of them...even though they were dead and in glass cases.

susie123 11-07-2012 15:49

Re: Today in pictures
1 Attachment(s)
I'm surprised you managed to take that pic of your bedroom spider the other day Margaret - didn't realise you and Dianne were such wusses! You'd never make a bee keeper then (we had a few hives in our garden when we lived in the country doing our Good Life thing).

Seriously, it's strange how certain things can get people so worked up isn't it. For my part I love the butterflies and moths and I'll never forget how after I dug my pond in my country garden and had literally just finished filling it with water, as I was sitting there a huge dragonfly turned up from out of nowhere. I like seeing the bugs in the veg garden as well, and the caterpillars. The one thing thing I'm not keen on is worms, never liked them as a child when others were playing with them in the mud.

Yes, I've had my brushes with the insect world, had a horsefly bite on my eyelid once, and earlier this year a lovely set of fleabites on my lower legs even though my cat had been dead for several months! The piece de resistance was in Italy a few years ago, we were camping in our motorhome between a freshwater lagoon and the sea and the campsite was over run with mosquitoes. Actually I escaped unscathed but Richard the silly sod refused to put any insect repellent on and I think he lived to regret it... see attached pic which was taken several days later. Once bitten twice shy I hope.

After all that I wouldn't avoid insects, the vast majority will do you no harm at all and in my view are part of Nature red in tooth and claw... And I'm loving Dave's pics - and Frank's cheeky slug above! or is it a snail...

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