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Margaret Pilkington 01-08-2014 12:18

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by Gremlin (Post 1111877)
Looks like he is too well fed to hop far Margaret. Have you been feeding him custard pies or are they only for me?

Fly pie for him...cistart tart for you :D

Margaret Pilkington 01-08-2014 13:28

Re: Today in pictures
1 Attachment(s)
The same picture that has been fiddled with...sorry Russell, I know you are a purist...but I think Dave might appreciate this one as there is some 'wet' in it :D

Margaret Pilkington 01-08-2014 13:30

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington (Post 1111883)
Fly pie for him...cistart tart for you :D

That should read 'custart tart'...and all I have had to drink is tea.:)

Accyexplorer 01-08-2014 14:01

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington (Post 1111891)
That should read 'custart tart'...and all I have had to drink is tea.:)

"Custart tart" you playing with jaysay's keyboard again M? :eek:

Margaret Pilkington 01-08-2014 14:17

Re: Today in pictures
Well Jason, it hasn't had an outing for quite a is good to see it still works alright :D

Margaret Pilkington 01-08-2014 14:20

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by gpick24 (Post 1111882)
Frogs have smooth skin, so i`d say it`s Toby Toad.

I remembered that from school....all those years ago...but was still pleased to have it confirmed:)

Margaret Pilkington 01-08-2014 14:39

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington (Post 1111891)
That should read 'custart tart'...and all I have had to drink is tea.:)

I didn't even get it right in my correction...oh woe is me!
Need to get myself off to Specsavers.

Turtle 01-08-2014 17:07

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by davemac (Post 1111834)
Today in Pictures, Spring Wood, I don't know how many more times I will be able to visit this site as planning permission has been granted to make this a pay and display car park charging £1 a pop.

1. Stumps are fuel for other things, and drive the bio-diversity.
2. Usually they go about the business of fuelling the forest without much notice.
3. Cuckoo Pint shouting its colour tucked down in the long grass.
4. Ivy, trying to look like big trees.
5. Here I found a fork in the left so you can finish the joke.
6. Here are some big trees.
7. And some more big trees.
8. Here is a bench made of you can sit and enjoy the woods.
9. A break in the canopy gives enough light for the taller weeds to made a dash for height, and dominance of the surroundings.
10. Right, time to head back down hill to the car park, wondering will the machines have taken over by my next visit.

Lovely woodland shots. About the charging for parking issue, over here we have Agreement Forests with free parking, and Conservation Areas with an Admittance Fee. It can get expensive ($7 each person or $12 maximum per car load of people if I'm not mistaken) or $129 a year. I tend to go on the off season anyway, when the honour box is working and I pay what I can. Fewer mozzies then too :)

davemac 01-08-2014 21:00

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by Turtle (Post 1111903)
Lovely woodland shots. About the charging for parking issue, over here we have Agreement Forests with free parking, and Conservation Areas with an Admittance Fee. It can get expensive ($7 each person or $12 maximum per car load of people if I'm not mistaken) or $129 a year. I tend to go on the off season anyway, when the honour box is working and I pay what I can. Fewer mozzies then too :)

I just think its the thin edge of a very big wedge, if they can charge me to visit something I already own in a collective fashion, then what follows, charging to go in the library, art galleries, parks, what about walking on the canal tow path, and don't get me started about paying to visit the sick in hospital. Dont roll over and just pay what they say, anyone who can say its only a pound has too much money, Spring Wood which started this subversive tax debate has a donation box for those that wish to support the site, and I bet some of those people that say pay for a ticket never put twopence in the box, deciding instead to keep their hand on their twopence. Right point made, back to business.

Gremlin 01-08-2014 21:21

Re: Today in pictures
I can assure you Dave that when I used to take June to Spring Wood she always insisted I put a quid in the box and buy two ice creams. We usually went at least once a week.
I have never been since she passed away.
Too many memories.

davemac 01-08-2014 21:25

Re: Today in pictures
8 Attachment(s)
Today in Pictures, a wet walk down "t" cut.

1. Cut Lane as it goes over the canal, notice the "hump" that looks like a spoil pile.
2. The direction we are heading.
3. Our journey so far.
4. I'm just sitting watching flowers in the rain, hey...... that would make a good song.
5. A small oasis of habitation set in farmland.
6. Now that's a heavy duty barge.
7. Time to turn around.
8. A long gone railway, all that remains is the bridge that the trains went over and the underpass linking a farmer with his livestock. On a day like today, wet and still, you can hear the distant whistle of the steam train as it leaves our conciousness and heads for the only place it can be observed, photographs, and if you really strain the cerebellum you can still evoke the smells of steam, metal on metal, coal, and warm oil, with the merest hint of a Woodbine.

Turtle 01-08-2014 21:39

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by davemac (Post 1111937)
Today in Pictures, a wet walk down "t" cut.

1. Cut Lane as it goes over the canal, notice the "hump" that looks like a spoil pile.
2. The direction we are heading.
3. Our journey so far.
4. I'm just sitting watching flowers in the rain, hey...... that would make a good song.
5. A small oasis of habitation set in farmland.
6. Now that's a heavy duty barge.
7. Time to turn around.
8. A long gone railway, all that remains is the bridge that the trains went over and the underpass linking a farmer with his livestock. On a day like today, wet and still, you can hear the distant whistle of the steam train as it leaves our conciousness and heads for the only place it can be observed, photographs, and if you really strain the cerebellum you can still evoke the smells of steam, metal on metal, coal, and warm oil, with the merest hint of a Woodbine.

Lovely mood in these shots. Did you see the bird in the last one when shooting?

davemac 01-08-2014 21:42

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by Gremlin (Post 1111936)
I can assure you Dave that when I used to take June to Spring Wood she always insisted I put a quid in the box and buy two ice creams. We usually went at least once a week.
I have never been since she passed away.
Too many memories.

Well you are to be commended then, and if more people undertook to make a donation then we would not be placed in the position where we have to pay and display, a ticket machine takes away the option, you will pay or be fined.

It can be difficult visiting places that have memories attached, eventually when it doesn't hurt as much you may want to visit and smile at times gone bye, or you may never go again, either way is right for you.

Turtle 01-08-2014 21:43

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by davemac (Post 1111932)
I just think its the thin edge of a very big wedge, if they can charge me to visit something I already own in a collective fashion, then what follows, charging to go in the library, art galleries, parks, what about walking on the canal tow path, and don't get me started about paying to visit the sick in hospital. Dont roll over and just pay what they say, anyone who can say its only a pound has too much money, Spring Wood which started this subversive tax debate has a donation box for those that wish to support the site, and I bet some of those people that say pay for a ticket never put twopence in the box, deciding instead to keep their hand on their twopence. Right point made, back to business.

Yes, it is a slippery slope, even over here. Most hospitals have exorbitant parking costs, so we are in effect paying to visit the sick. It's part of their funding formulae. I avoid parking there whenever possible, as we pay enough tax to support them, I think.

davemac 01-08-2014 21:45

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by Turtle (Post 1111940)
Lovely mood in these shots. Did you see the bird in the last one when shooting?

I was aware of a punnet of birds whooshing past, I thought they had passed and only noticed two had made it into the picture when it was uploaded.

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