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Eric 05-06-2015 11:29

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington (Post 1142099)
It is a 'Mouse hound' Frank:).

Oh come on ... she's just a baby. Not quite five months. Just wait till she puts on a few ounces; they're going to need a stronger fence.:D

Turtle 05-06-2015 13:47

Re: Today in pictures
Wonderful scenery!

Turtle 05-06-2015 13:49

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by davemac (Post 1141928)
Today was the first day of Summer, so goodbye to all those moist gussets, an what did I get......... a wet gusset far beyond wet, when I returned and stood in the conservatory we were just dripping over the floor......champion.

1. Hawthorn bushes are dotted around the area covered in blossom, giving them the appearance of a covering of snow. Plus when you get close a very strong "lily of the valley" perfume.
2. Its been a while since I have seen Bistort.
3. If there is a wet bit, I am stood in it.
4. Ransoms are not as spent as at other locations.
5. Plus the Bluebells are still performing here.
6. Red Campion sat above the largest drift of Forget me nots I have seen for some time.
7. Looking the length of the site.
8. There doesn't appear to be another soul around the site.
9. Perhaps I should go as well.
10. The Bracken on the left are just sending up fronds, the next time I return they will have smothered out a lot of other plants.

Well worth getting moist for, I'd say davemac :)
I'm getting 'scent memories' from your photos and descriptions.

Turtle 05-06-2015 13:50

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by Eric (Post 1141935)
Second hand toke.:D

Cats do 'blissed out' so well, don't they? heh heh

Turtle 05-06-2015 13:53

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by shillelagh (Post 1141985)
had a wander down bash lines this afternoon .. it wasn't too muddy .. ok the tedsters owner might not have been to happy we were relegated to going in the back door instead of the front .... he wasn't too clean .. neither was I but still .. anyway im glad I went down .. the heron was visiting the lodges again .. and the babies were on the bank with daddy goose watching carefully ..

Nice capture of the heron :)

Turtle 05-06-2015 13:54

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by maxthecollie (Post 1142015)

Max is looking quite pleased with himself :)

Turtle 05-06-2015 13:55

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by gpick24 (Post 1142044)
A few from an after tea walk in a bit of rare sunshine.

Lovely shots! Number two is priceless :)

Turtle 05-06-2015 13:58

Re: Today in pictures
Some really nice ones there, Frank. Great capture of the cormorant with fish!

Turtle 05-06-2015 14:10

Re: Today in pictures
10 Attachment(s)
I'm just getting caught up with my favourite Accy Web thread... great photos everyone! I've been out and about and taking pictures, yet haven't had the where-withall to do anything with them until today.

Spring over here in southern Ontario has been one of extremes. Late starting, then coming on like gangbusters many of us were fooled into planting our annuals early. Me included! Then came frost, followed by bouts of 30 degree heat, followed by more frost. Then drought, then deluges of rain. Still, the display of blossoms was wonderful, and I managed to immerse myself as much as I could.

Last week I went up to Ottawa (a good six hour drive) with my 89 year old aunt to visit my mother and sister. I meant to get some shots there, but dealing with the 'battling grannies' left me too exhausted :(

I'll post shots over the next couple of days until I'm caught up.

maxthecollie 05-06-2015 20:38

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by Turtle (Post 1142123)
I'm just getting caught up with my favourite Accy Web thread... great photos everyone! I've been out and about and taking pictures, yet haven't had the where-withall to do anything with them until today.

Spring over here in southern Ontario has been one of extremes. Late starting, then coming on like gangbusters many of us were fooled into planting our annuals early. Me included! Then came frost, followed by bouts of 30 degree heat, followed by more frost. Then drought, then deluges of rain. Still, the display of blossoms was wonderful, and I managed to immerse myself as much as I could.

Last week I went up to Ottawa (a good six hour drive) with my 89 year old aunt to visit my mother and sister. I meant to get some shots there, but dealing with the 'battling grannies' left me too exhausted :(

I'll post shots over the next couple of days until I'm caught up.

Great variety

Margaret Pilkington 05-06-2015 21:20

Re: Today in pictures
I agree....they are fave has to be the alpaca's.

maxthecollie 06-06-2015 07:12

Re: Today in pictures
He used to have alpacas at Higher Brox Farm, but they all died.

maxthecollie 06-06-2015 15:23

Re: Today in pictures
7 Attachment(s)
Attachment 49244Attachment 49245Attachment 49246Attachment 49247Attachment 49248Attachment 49250Attachment 49249

Some from Abberfraw

shillelagh 06-06-2015 20:43

Re: Today in pictures
10 Attachment(s)
the pics from today ... :D

1. lurking ..
2. lurking part 2 ...
and the rest the accy food festival ..

davemac 06-06-2015 21:38

Re: Today in pictures
10 Attachment(s)
Today was a return to The Valley of Stone, a walk around the outside of Jamestone and Troy Quarries, starting and finishing at Clough Head car park.

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