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davemac 25-07-2012 21:38

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by maxthecollie (Post 1004913)
I've never paid anything

How did you manage that, its a free account until you post 200 pictures then older pictures fall off the screen, unless you divvy up. But your account defo says Pro, is that jammy or what.

davemac 25-07-2012 21:40

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by Retlaw (Post 1004920)
No 1 looks like Rose Bay Willow Herb, I used to call it Bomb weed. When I went to Manchester or Salford it would be growing where jerry bombs had demolished buildings during the blitz's of the 1940's .

Dont think its rose bay, I know the rose bay, and this was growing in the water on the canal side, I am guessing its willow herb only by the flowers.

maxthecollie 25-07-2012 21:46

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by davemac (Post 1004930)
How did you manage that, its a free account until you post 200 pictures then older pictures fall off the screen, unless you divvy up. But your account defo says Pro, is that jammy or what.

I'll have a play with that Dave. I've just posted a video on there.Have a look.

susie123 25-07-2012 21:53

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by davemac (Post 1004931)
Dont think its rose bay, I know the rose bay, and this was growing in the water on the canal side, I am guessing its willow herb only by the flowers.

No definitely not a willow herb, completely different family, it's purple loosestrife, Lythrum salicaria (which means willow-like leaves!). Common garden plant and likes wet places and ponds. I had some in my pond once...

Thought it was that when I saw the pic but had to trail up to the attic room to get my book out to be sure!

Willow herbs/fireweed/bombweed have flowers hanging from the stalks by short stems not right next to the stem like this one.

Flowers of the purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria), taken in July in Devon, England

Rosebay willowherb on Aarhus campus, at Richard's mOblOg

Margaret Pilkington 26-07-2012 07:04

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by davemac (Post 1004911)
You are down as a Pro account (that costs) so get busy and post, post, post.

If Frank has his internet throught BT(which I suspect he does) then a pro account is free unless you move providers....then you have to stump up.

susie123 26-07-2012 08:13

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by maxthecollie (Post 1004934)
I'll have a play with that Dave. I've just posted a video on there.Have a look.

Ha ha notice the untidy mutt doesn't close the drawer after himself!

Reminds me of a pub we used to go to - one of the regulars used to bring his labrador and the person behind the bar would open the door under the bar counter. The dog would go behind the bar and help himself to a bag of crisps from the box on the floor and bring it back out into the room. But he never worked out how to open the crisps and his owner had to do it for him! the dog then proceeded to eat the crisps all over the floor!

mobertol 26-07-2012 10:35

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by susie123 (Post 1004777)
Are you sure Rufus isn't related to the Cheshire Cat in Alice in Wonderland? A real cat - ginger - my favourite kind. We had one once and recently our neighbours here had one - he was always in our garden and one night he turned up in our bedroom about 2 am! sadly he got squashed on a nearby road - he was only young.

Was Chloe related to Rufus? It's rare to see a female with ginger markings.

Have posted the pic below previously - today it's just for you...

I think he may have been a Cheshire cat -he was tuly the loveliest natured and sweetest cat we've ever had -and I've had quite a few over 25 years. He was rescued by my husband as a tiny little thing from stream nearby the farm all tangled in brambles. Shortly after him Misha arrived -almost pure Siamese with gorgeous blue eyes -they were completely in love and crazy about each other -to be seen - but i never took any pics of them together for some reason. We think she got stolen as she disappeared one day without a trace... I had 4 cats in the house for a while then -no trouble though.

Now it's just Milly and Teo -I've said I dont want any others as I get too attached... Chloe was not related to Rufus -came from the cattery -my son brought her when i was upset about Rufus. She brought a nasty virus with her which nearly killed the other two as they weren't vaccinated -Teo went into kidney failure and after 3 days in intensive care we saved her - I learned to put her on an intravenous drip and did it for 2 months till she was out of danger -a year on she's still here and Chloe isn't -she's 17 and made of stern stuff.

Sorry for the saga of my cats -they really are like family!:o

Will post a few pics now to keep on thread!

susie123 26-07-2012 10:41

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by mobertol (Post 1005052)
I think he may have been a Cheshire cat -he was tuly the loveliest natured and sweetest cat we've ever had -and I've had quite a few over 25 years. He was rescued by my husband as a tiny little thing from stream nearby the farm all tangled in brambles. Shortly after him Misha arrived -almost pure Siamese with gorgeous blue eyes -they were completely in love and crazy about each other -to be seen - but i never took any pics of them together for some reason. We think she got stolen as she disappeared one day without a trace... I had 4 cats in the house for a while then -no trouble though.

Now it's just Milly and Teo -I've said I dont want any others as I get too attached... Chloe was not related to Rufus -came from the cattery -my son brought her when i was upset about Rufus. She brought a nasty virus with her which nearly killed the other two as they weren't vaccinated -Teo went into kidney failure and after 3 days in intensive care we saved her - I learned to put her on an intravenous drip and did it for 2 months till she was out of danger -a year on she's still here and Chloe isn't -she's 17 and made of stern stuff.

Sorry for the saga of my cats -they really are like family!:o

Will post a few pics now to keep on thread!

No cats here at the moment as we lost the last two at 17. I've learnt to live with it -or rather without one. When we lived in the country we never had our cats vaccinated - but you do run a risk if you introduce another one from outside which we did on a few occasions fortunately without mishap.

mobertol 26-07-2012 10:55

Re: Today in pictures
Some more trees -
1 Poplars in snow behind my house (note crows sheltering!)
2 Same day tree in front of house it's a Gerstroemia (pink flowers in summer)
3 English Oak tree near Pooley Bridge
4 Trees inside the stone circe Long Meg ad her sisters near Lakes(can't remember what they were - possibly Walnut!)
5 Plane tree (I think!) near Bolton Abbey.

mobertol 26-07-2012 11:01

Re: Today in pictures
5 Attachment(s)
Attachments disappeared before!
No.4 probably Sycamore...

susie123 26-07-2012 11:06

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by mobertol (Post 1005061)
2 Same day tree in front of house it's a Gerstroemia (pink flowers in summer)

Presume you mean Lagerstroemia Dianne...

Lagerstroemia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It's a beautiful tree - is it the one the Cheshire Cat was fond of? Coincidentally it's in the same family as the not-willow herb that Dave posted last night!

Pic no 1 is worthy of a postcard or print - amazing.

Margaret Pilkington 26-07-2012 11:15

Re: Today in pictures
I love that first picture....wish I had taken it....I say that so often.
I look at other peoples pics and become envious

katex 26-07-2012 11:17

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by davemac (Post 1004931)
Dont think its rose bay, I know the rose bay, and this was growing in the water on the canal side, I am guessing its willow herb only by the flowers.

According to my 'Usborne Spotter's Guide' ... LOL., this plant is listed as 'Common Mallow'.

mobertol 26-07-2012 11:22

Re: Today in pictures
2 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by susie123 (Post 1005066)
Presume you mean Lagerstroemia Dianne...

Lagerstroemia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It's a beautiful tree - is it the one the Cheshire Cat was fond of? Coincidentally it's in the same family as the not-willow herb that Dave posted last night!

Pic no 1 is worthy of a postcard or print - amazing.

Pic 1 was taken in a snow storm looking out of my dining room window!

Saw the "La" but thought it was a mistake and they hadn't detached the Italian article La -had to look up the spelling! Everyone here calls them Gerstroemia! There are a whole row of them outside the house here -I did have 3 but the resident Tractor driving idiot on the farm killed two of mine the other year when he put neat weedkiller down to kill the weeds in the courtyard in front -half killed the one Rufus loved which is where the Mantis has taken up residence! Note new tables and chairs outside and blue skies -hot again!

Will take a pic of it to show how it's been ruined -makes me cry to see it -criminal!

Margaret Pilkington 26-07-2012 11:23

Re: Today in pictures
1 Attachment(s)
Dianne...I hope you won't be cross with me...look what I have done.
I hope you like it.
Framed with Photoscape.

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